.Oýrono Weekly Tines, Wednesday, September 8, 1993 - il It was a kid's affair too The Ross Stevenson barbecue but the kids found the play area was flot jusi for the grown-ups in the fairgroùnd an attraction to Tales Told Twice (Continued from page 2) General John Mac-Bethi confirmed Thursday, Mark Sargent, of the Orono Cub pack, proudly displayed the trophies he won in thc distict finals of the Pinewood De rby, held in the Town Hall1, Orono last Saturday. Mark took first place wvith bis efforts in design. Thraugh a by-law the Town of Newcastle bas initiated a Local Architectural Advisory Committe e with the following appointments ta the cammittee: Marie Hubbard, Jack Gordon, Newcastle, Bill Bagnell, Helen Schmid, Orono, Forrest Dilling, Patricia Reid, Pat MacKay, Mayor Rickard and Counc. Bruce Taylor. -1 The Great Pine Ridge Kinsmen Club held their Skate-A- -Thon on December 26th in the Newcastle Arena. The total arnount raised through the Skate- A-Thon. amounted ta almast $3,000. of which $1,800. bas already been paid ta the Kinsmen Club. A Saturday 4fternoon fire left Uic farm buildings an Uic farma of Mr. M. Pedwell in a heap of rubble. The farm is located west of Highway 115 on Uic Uird line of Clarke. Total loss is expected ta run at least $60,000. for the buildings and content. Some 100 cattle were rescued and are now housed throughout the area in neighbouring farms. The Town of Newcastle Council an Monday evening gave approval in principal ta, the reconstruction of Uie Orono arena on the present site. The town is ta informa the Committee af Adjustment that they have no objection of the replacement of the arena onits present site or in close proxiniity. Getting your littie ones started reading (Continued from page 10) *Set up a special place for your child's books which she can organize as she wishes, with the.big books al in one place, the comics in another, the fairy tales together and so on. Teach her to take good care of her books, to treasure them, and handle them carefully, * Set up a personal reading space for your young person with a good light and a comfortable chair or a cushion that can go on the floor. * Take your child to the public library 'for story time or just to browse. When he's ready, teach him where to find books he wants and how to sign themn out. * If you have decided on a French immersion program for your child, introduce him to picture books with French words, and take him to story hour in French if there is one in your neighborhood. If not, you cao intro- duce him to the new language thiough songs and stories on tape and video. 1Canadian Parents for French (CPF) is a national network of primarily English-speaking parents with a deep interest in excellence in education and in the literacy ni their children. CPF believes that a good Canadian education includes opportunities for students to acquire communication skills ini bth Eîîglish and French. For more information, caIl Jane at (613) 235-1481. NC liking. -jBi11 Bramah's 0Ontal StratiÈoy is a-tidy town on 10 thousandj west of London. It hias an niteresting miain slreet. Ogilvie Flour MÏl1 is at dic to of it. Th-cyý, mili grains growýn by farmecrs in the suriounding countryside., There ýre both old and new buildins as you drive down the street, ànd a variety of shops. Among them is Pogue Jewellers. Frorn the outside, Pogue's appears tri be the usual sort of jewellery business, and blends in with the other attractive store .fronts. But people in the know know that Pogues is no ordinary jewellery store. It's Strathroy's main tourist attraction. That's because of its dlocks. Pogues have- the largest selection of dlocks in Ontario, possibly in the whole country! Thcre are bi g cdocks, miniature dlocks, dlocks with Europe and Asia. Over 600 of them! t's not a dlock shop, as such'. It has a big stock of rings and other jewellery, but as you walk down the aisie past everything else you corne upon the dlocks. They're everywhcre! There are hand-carved cuckoo dlocks from Germnany, Italy and China. And for variation, a selection of music boxes, as wfll as a player piano which enthralls children.. But the most impressive display of ail is on the second floor of the store. Its packed with grandfather dlocks. At least a hundred of them! They stand there grandly. Dignified. Stately. Their chimes play softly from time to time giving a feeling of peace and serenity. Jim Pogue, who started the business 30 years ago showed me sorne of bis favorites. As we walked down row after row 1 said, "Ji.m, Viim sure thiattourists like to roam around and look at these expensive beauties, but dIo many people buy themT "You'd be surprised,' he rcplied. I hadone customer who bought one for each of bis five children when they got m arried." He paused, then smiled and addcd, "At th e time 1 wishcd he had 10 children," 1 spent a few hours at Pogues but there are still- more to see. It takes tîme to sec the whole selection, and the tick-tocks of the hundreds of dlocks continue to draw visitors chime after chime. Visit our booth at the DURHAM CENTRAL FAIR! September 9 -12 NOTHING RIJNS LIKE A DEERE* See the'latest and the best in John.Deere farm- and garden equipment. Ail available at our store. SFARM &GARDEN LTD. JOH.IN DEERf2 SALEJS & SERVICE. Taunton Road, West of Orono. 983-9119 TENDER, SEALED TENDERS, for the oontract specified below, submitted to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clari nglon, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, Li C 3A6, are invited and will be received by the Clerk until the specified closing time and date. TENDER NW93-37 CLOSING TIME & DATE: Sidney B. Rutherford Woods/Walk Park, Orono S;upply and Installation of Pedestrian Bridge 2:00i p.m. (Local Time) Wednesday, September 22, 1993 The work for the Corporation of the Municipality of Claringtoni under the direction of the Director of Public Works, involves the clearing and preparation of the site, construci footings, abutments, steel pedlestrian bridge complete with pressure treated wood decking and construction of pedestrian approach embankments. Plans, specifications and tender forms can be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address for a $2500 including G.S.T.> non-refundable fee payable ta the Municipality of Claringto'n. An Agreement to Bond and a bid deposit in the amount specified in the tender documents must accompany each bid submitted. An Information Meeting for prospective tenders to be held on Friday, September 10, 1993, at 10:00 A.M. on Main Street ai the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building. The lowest or aniy tender not necessarily accepted. Date of Publication: Wednesday, September 8, 1993 Mrs. Lou Anni Birkett, A.M.C.T.(A) Purchasing & Supply Agent Telephone: (416) 623-3379 Ext. 268 G.M. Semnas and Associates Ltd. 110 Scotia Court, Unit 41 Whitby, Ontario LIN 8Y7 P.O. 2987 ORONO *FAIR *SALE We payGST & PýST on ail GRANDFATHER CLOCKS Free set-up anld delivery. HOOPERS JEWELLERS LTD. 39 King St. W., Bowman ville 623-5747- Your Family Jewellers Sînce 1 945"