,'Dknn flOTARIO. WEflMEflAY. SPTEMBER R8,1993 Watt Stcipleton flipgs hamburgers Seeks rezoning for Monestary and exotic animal sanctuaryv Waiter Stapleton of Orono was at du=e hundred guestsa auending The event was held in the a busy man last Wednesday the annual Ross Stevenson Blackstock fair grounds. evening flipping hamburgers for barbecue. "Intentijon to eliminate the federal deficit in 5 years", Perrin Beattyq The Ross Stevenson annual barbecue beld at the Blackstock fairgrounds on Wednesday certainly was a fam-ily event ail- be-it with a conservative flaveur. The evening was Ilong on food, hamburgs, hot degs and stearning corn on the cob as well as on entertainmient with two musical groups, dixieland and country and western. The politicai aspect was low- key but the message was there threugh short speeches by Mr. Stevenson, Our local M.P. at Ottawa fer the past five years and Perrin Beatty, Minister of State for Externai Affairs. In addressing those present Mr. Stevenson said it seems apparent that the lection wOuld be caiied shortly bY the Prime Minister and it was his speculation that date of the election wouid be October 25th. Nr. Stevenson stated that the party was fortunate having Kim Campbell as their leader and Prime Minister. He said said she had brought hope and enthusiasm. The M.P. said the party bas now more volunteers than ever before ai-i that aiong with the turnout te thebarbe-cue showed a good mood iu the conservative ranks. The Hon. Perrin Beatty in addressing the gathering spoke Of the leadership being given by Kim Campbell and toid the audience of the outstanding representatiVe they had in Ross Stevenson. "He is valued in Ottawa, is part of the teamn, and is typicai of the Conservative candidates running across the country", said Happenngs.. TNTRODUCTORY TALKS AT CRYSTAL PAGES On Tuesday, Septembe>-r 14th at 7:30 p.m. Crystai Pages, Orono wil be presenting Astrologer Shirley Berbee with her topic on "Se you don't believe in astroiogy?" Aise, Fleurette wiil discuss 'Native Spirituality'. Admission $8.00. Refreshments. KID'S PET SHOW O-RONO FAIR -Me Ciarington Big Brothers are holding their annuai Pet Show at the Orono Fair this Sunday afternoen commencing at 1 p.m. Dress up your pet, whatever, and enter the event at the fair. One more way te enjoy the local fair, Beatty said it was net the intent of the Tories te pass the bill of debt ente the next, generation as wouid the liberais. He said the rmies were same as in your own home, in yeur farma or business, "you can't spend more than you bring in". WC will run the government as you would mun your home finances". In speakdng of Kilm Camnpbell the speciai guest said it was bier intention aiong with the Tories te eliminate the debt in five years. He said along with Campbell they had a leader, a teamn player and a vision. Beatty said hie was proud te stand with Campbell and noted that she had brought in the- smallest cabinet since John Diefenbaker. "We are cutting the size of the gevernment". Beatty aise took a shot at John Chretien, libe-rai leader, stating that the Conservatives always ,eiected star'candidates which bas not aiways been the case with the liberals where Chretien has appointed star candidates Beatty said-the election wouid be soon and the chalenDge was te elect a team of Censervatives iead by Kim- Campbell se that Canada could be ready for the 2lst Century. "I ask your supportý for Ross andthe future, of Canada', said Perrin Beatty. The Municipality of Clarington held a public meeting on Tuesday evening at which time a report was received from the planning department as te a rezoning application affecting lands ef Bela and Ilona Panta at 4272 Lakeshore Road midway between Morgans Road and Newtonville Road in the former Township of Clarke. The application affects lands south of Lakeshore Road te the lakefront invoiving 57 acres. 1it was pointed out in the report that although the lands are owned by the Pantas the group interested in obtaining approvals is the Missionary Church of St. Francis of Assisi, a reiigious group based in Scarborough. According te the report the group wish te deveiop a monestary, reiigious retreat and animai sanctuary within the exsigbuildings now on the property. The report further states that internai aiterations wil have te be mnade te the 6000 square ft residential building te accoýmmodate the chapel and provide - appropriate accommodation for the monks. The proposed monastery is intended te provide for training and education of the church's mnonks. The menasteryis te provide accommodation for ten people on a continueus basis. The retreat wouid allow members based in the city te enjoy the country for short periods of time. The Town report also states that th e existing barn has been retrofitted to accommodate the animal farm sanctuary. On a visit to the farm by town staff the renovated farm building now houses exotic animais such as lions, tigers, cougarS-, jaguars, leopards, primates, birds, reptiles and smaller mammais. TMe Town report states that the larger animais are housed on the main floor of the ban whiie the smaller animais are housed in the second floor of the building. The applicants for the rezoning have also submit-ted an application for an amendment to the Regionai Official Plan te allow the prioposed use of the lands and buildings. 1T'e Town report states that some eniquires have been mrade as te the rezoning amendmnent. Two inidividuals have compl1ained as te possible sa-fety% with the housing of eXotic animaiks on the propetLy. The planning notes that the report was te satisfy the requiremrents of the Planning Act -Withrepet te a public meting and recommends that the re-port be referred back te staff for further processing and report. (As this article was written prier te thIe public meeting it is net known what action was taken by council as Lü the recommendation of referral). Pine Ridge Park asks changes in zoning The Municipaiity of Clarington aliowing single detacbed'units. held a public meeting Tuesday The company is aise asking that evening when the planning some changes be made aiilowing departmnent presented a report reduction in lot size for mobile concerning changes requested as homes as weli as changes te set- te zone of somne lands at Wilmot back lines. Creek. The request for ainendinent has Ridge Pine Park Imc. has asked been referred back te the planning that zoning be amended on certain staff for a further report after al lands that now aliow Residentiai commenting agencies have Mobile Homes and,.have been reported on the application. zoned environmental te a zone C ouncil the same period in 1992. The majerity of residential Briefsdeveiopment is happening in The value of construction in Bowmanville for,1993 as was the Clarington for the first eigbt case in the previeus two years. months of the year has reached--------------- $34,766,500.' This amount cern- The Generai Purpose pares with $55,680,050 for the committee bas approved an saine period in 1992. expenditure of $295,004.35 fer a During the montb of August 60 new 1050 IGPM Fire Pumper. The residentiai building permits were tender goes te Almote Fire Tmuck issued bringing the total se fa this Ltd., Carleton Place, Ontario, yea te 279 comparing with 554 in ----------------- Orono Fair Another Great Adventure, Sept. 9 to 12 45e 0r14)eek[ 'Times SrlgOrono, Newcastle, Newtonvilllo, Kendal, Starkvflle Vol. 57, No. 33 umur-4u, ur-4 1 mrilv, %#-[ cý La- 1.)13 1