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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Sep 1993, p. 8

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G - Orono W..kly rimes, Wednesday, September 8,1993 Mo re ieflectons by Helen MacDonald FALL. Leaves faîl. Ramn falîs. Faîl fairs. The morning air is cooler, crisper, cleaner. Big, yellow buses travel our country roads iaking our cbildren iD scbool wbere they wiil fil their minds witb new ideas. Ibis, part of the routine breaking those long, bazy days of summer, along witb bot lunch days . .. brownies.. cubs ... piano lessons ... Tbe ritual of replacing basebali gloves and bats wiîb skates and hockey sticks bas begun. Tbis is, after ail, rural Canada wbere many lile people dream of a future with ibe National Hockey League. Local NHL bopefuls have registered for tbe '93/ '94 hockey season. Tbey have expectations. Parents have expectations. 1 would like to share the following: 'A P arent's Wish' Dear Coach. Tomorrow my cbild staris hockey.- He/she is going to step oui on the lice and tbe greai adventure. ibat will probabl-y include joys and disappoiniments. begins. So I wisb. you -would'take biru/ber by is/her young band and teacb bim/ber the ibings be/she will bave to know., Teacbhlm/ber to respect the referee and that bis judgement is final. Teacb him/her not to baie bis competîtors, but to admire ibeir skill. Teacb bim/ber it is jusi as important to be a playmaker and gel an assisi as it is to score a goal. Teacbhlm/ber to play as a teani and neyer to be selfisb. Teacb bim/ber neyer 10 blame bis goaltender wben a goal is scored againsi bim/ber, because five mistakes were made before the puck got to the goalie. Teacb bim/ber thai winning is not everytbing, but trying 10 win is. Teacb bimi/ber that is far more honourable to lose than it is to cheat. Teacb bim /ber to be a competitor. Teach bim/ber ta close bis/ber ears to the bowling mob and 10 stand up for bimself if be/she tbinks be/she is rigbi. Teach bini/her gently, but dont coddie bim/ber only because the teat of fire makes fine steel This is a big order, Coacb, and 1 place my cbild in your bands. &e= wbaî you can do for bim/ber. He/she is such a nice itile person. A parent >Best of Luck this season toa al our lile athletes... and bave fun. Bats arec amrong the most mnisunmderstood animais. Contrary to populIar belief, they (do flot "crry th rabies virus and they are flot blinid. -\Il)tigli they looký like fly'inginice, bats aren't ro- dents. in fact, sorne of them miiay be r elated to primates. They are the only mamimals that have wings and actually fly. There are nearly 1,000 species of bats, and they live on every continent except Antarctica. The two most common Canadian species are the littie brown bat, whichi lives in hot, dark places like attics, church beifries, and barni roofs during the summiier, and the big brown bat, which prefers cooler, more ventilated Io- cations such as caves, rock crevices, and tree hollows.1 Since bats eat a lot of insects, including rnosquitoes, flics, moths, and beetles, they are great to have around your garden, cottage, or camp-site. in fact, sontie bats can gobble up to 600 mosquitoes in an hour! So, if you want to get rid of annoying insects, try a coin- pletely natural form of pest control- attract bats to your area by building a bat house. And if you do, here are sorne tips to keep in mind: " Make your bat bouse out of softwood and gîve it a narrow opening. " Put yourf bat house where there are lots of insects. The best places are wood lots, the edges of forests, meadows, valleys, marshesres, and ponds. " Instail thie bat biouse four to five metres from the ground in a sunny yet well protected place. *Keep the bat bouse in the samne location for two seasons. if it remains unioccupied, try moving it. *Put up several bat houses in the samne area to increase your chances of attracting occupants. For more information on bats or instructions on how to build a bat bouse, contact Cadian Wldîife Federation Communications Depcartment 2740 Queensview Drive Ottawa,,, Ontaria K2B IA2 Tel.: 1-800-563-9453 721-0245 (Ottawa area) Places to Go YWCA Fail Program registration The YWCA in Bowmanviile bas many exciîing new Fal programs for everyone. Tbe wide varîety of programs being offered- are Pre-Scbool Programs for cbildren ages 12-36 montbs; Yoiuth Prograras for ages 10-'J4 years old:, Girls Drop-In; Baskeîbail; Volleyball; Babysîuter Training Course and Teen Line Dancing. Various Aerobic Workouts ai vaious levels; -Aduli Workshops for Menopausal Years; Osteoporosis, and Nutrition; aiso offering Cbildren's Dance, Programs. Registratiofi begins today, September 8th. Contact the Bowmanvile YWCA ai 623-9922 or drop in ait 133 Cburch Street. Join in on ihe fun ai the YWCA! Newcastle Mini-Blades Registration Registration and Information will be -available ai ibte Bowmanville Mail on Thursday, September 9 and Friday, September 10 fromn 7 - 9 p.m. For furtber information contact Nan Spencer 623-6757 or Garry Thompson 623-2765. Annual Arts & Crafts Show & Sale The Bowmanvilie Museum, ai 37 Silver Street, wili be holding their Annual Arts & Crafts Show & Sale on Saîurday, September i1 th from 10:30 a.m.' b 3:00 p.m. For more information contact the Museum Office ai 623-2734. Support Group Meetings' 1Support Group meetings will be held Wednesday, September 15th beginning ai 7:30 p.m. ai 459 Bond St. E., -Oshawa. Bring y our family and friends, everyone> weicome! Survivors Group meet on the main floor. Family and Caregivers Group meeting upsiairs. If you need assistance witb' transportation, caîl ithe office ai 723-2732. Oshawa Ladies Hockey Registration Registration and information for Ladies House League and Competitive Hockey wiil available uur u.i TH URSDAY HORSE PULL EM BASSADOR 0F THE FAIR PAGEANT HOLSTEIN SHOW FARMERS' O LVM PICS FRIDAY CHILDREN'S DAY POULTRY JUDGING 4-H DAIRY CLUB DAY SOHOOL PARADE SOHOOL TALENT CONTEST M IDWAY CAKE, AUCTION DEMOLITION DERBY FIDDLERS CONTEST YEARS SATURDAY REMOTE CONTROL CARS-- PULLS 5TH ANNUAL CAR SHOW HORSESHOE TOURNAMENT DURHAM DAIRY PRINCESS COM PETITION MUNDELL FAMILY MINI TRACTOR PULL DANCE FEATURING THE TRADESMEN SUNDAY HUNTER SHOW R.C. CARS - RACES GOSPEL SING PET SHOW HARNESS RACING COUNTRY & WESTERN JAMBOREE at Harman park Mrena, Saturday, September 18, from 1 - 4 p.m. Competitive Team try-outs are September 13, 15 & 16 at 10:00 p.m. Harman Park Mrena. For furtber information cail the OLHA Hot Line at 723-2758. Epilepsy Durham monthly meeting Epiiepsy Durham Region wil hoid its monthly meeting Tuesday, September 14, 7:30 p.m. ai the ,Kinsmen Centre, 109 Coiborne Street West, Oshawa. SRequested topic wili be on behaviour which includes ail ages Speaker is from Faniily E-ducation Resource Centre. Ail are welcome to join in on ibis beneficial discussion. For furtber information cail 666-9926. Waterfowl viewing day. Less daylighî and cooler temperatures are îwo indications that fail is jusi around the corner. Another sure sign is the stant of the annual migration of birds to the sunny soutb. To say farewell to ibese feaîhered travellers CLOCA is holding uts annual Waterfowl (Continued page 9) 9"

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