Orono Weekiy Tinteg, Wedmesd ay, Septemiber 15, 1993- 9 First and second in class Mo re Ann Cowman of Courtice nightgown, featuré-d French displays ber first prize entry in Heirloom sewing as did a the 'Needlecraft division to Mrs. Christening Gown which placed Glenda Sherwin. The entry, a second in its class. First prize in G lads lst place plant and flower Gladioli" by Betty Blacker of special winner - "A Basket of Newcastle. Councl Briefs Council bas re-affirmed a previous decision of denial to close and convey an unopened road alowance between lots 2 and 3, concession 8 in the former Township of Clarke. The closure was being sought by Mario Veltri wbo owns other adjacent property. The municipality received a letter from, Murray Taylor, chairman of the Orono Business, Association in wbich the organization noted concernis as to a great deal of activity in front of the Town Hall. Coundil was asked to bring the matter to the attention of Regional Police. Councilor Ann Dreslinskci said the problem had been addressed and that the Downtown association bas had communications with the Regional Police and that as a matter of fact a member of Regional Police does meet with the Association at their regular meetings. A request from the Royal Black Preceptory, No. 398 (Devitts) to hold a parade in Orono on August 13th, 1994 was referred to Public Works and Social Services for a report. by Helen MacDonald Last weekend my mother organized a special family gathering for my dad's 65th Birthday. It was like having 'Christmnas in September . .. lots of good food, laughter,. and wonderful memories of our long- ago'childhoods while Dad drank in the ricbness of bis good fortune .. . six healthy grown children and even more grandchildren. He was in his element! Conversation was warm, sometimes bluntly honest, and funny. In long-standing family tradition, we played a very competitive and noisy round of Rummoli. Mom and Dad taught us to play Rummoli/Poker before the nuns at school redirected our minds and talents to the more serious aspects of leaming: mathemnaties, spelling and obedience to religious dogma. Poker was not on the curriculum! It stili isn't, so, the next generation of 'Bajoreks' sat upon their parents' knees learning the fine art of Poker . . . and, as my niece Sarah discovered when she'd get excited about the great hands 1 held, the even finer skill of keeping a Poker face! Another interesting aspect about our education is that it has flot ended for any of us. Five'of the six of us are currently attending halls of higher learning. Ranging in age from 22 to 34, we have ail discovered that Our future' is flot what it used to be . . .'it is flot guaranteed, jobs are flot guaranteed. The organization asks that the street be closed for a period of time from 1:45 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., The parade would start at the Orono Fair Grounds and leave via Park Street, to north on Church, west of Dickson, soutb on Mill to Main and then south to the soutb of the Village and east on Somerville, to Station Street, east on Station to Main and then east on Centre back to the fairgrounds. The Preceptory held a parade in Orono in the summer of 1992. Victoria Equipmnent Ltd. wbo have been, providing busing services to school boards and is centred in Courtice seeks a meeting witb the Municipality of Clarington to consider a proposed plan of provîding busing services within the municipality. The company now operates 4 72-passenger buses, 8 busettes, 2 station wagons and 2 Ford vans. The main focus of the com- pany has been the transportation of chîldren to and from scbool, busing for the -handicapped along with school bus charter services. Council is seeking to have the Town of Newcastle signs changed on Highway 401 to that of Clarington and that the signs be erected prior to the end of the year. Dad worked in General Motors for 30 years. He was a mechanic. One of the reasons he took early retirement was because he was becoming a dinosaur in his trade. Technology has changed everything faster tha n any of us can keep up. Today, there is no guarantee that the skills we develop in our earlier years in school will 'do' over a lifetime. There is no guarantee of a lifetime job. For many post-secondary graduates, there isn't even a guarantee of finding a job, eitber in their chosen profession, or otherwise. 1Baby sister Peg will graduate from Teacher's College next spring . . . already, we know there are few jobs. Two of my brothers are retraining . .. one switching from an unhappy career, the other upgrading'. And, for me and another sister . *.we are simply 'homemnakers' considering the future. Our partners' jobs are not secure (whose are?), we want something to.fill our days as our children grow older, and our previous careers' have gone the way of the technological dinosaur. Besides, neither ever paid well enough to support a famiily, and the way Children's, Shouider Pads CCM B-SP90 Boys Toro's Red-TaCkIa Pants Officiais Equipment Bag Children's Skates CCM Jr. 15.2 Tack Children's Skates Bauer 30 Charger Boy's Toro's Red CCM Supra Pants Boy's Aluminum Stick Bauer Jr. Boy's Practice Jerseys Athietic Knit Children's Pants Cooper HP1 I things are gong ... who knows. . we might find ourselves in the position of heing primary earners . . while our partners might have to consider retraining. After ail, no amount of political promise can guarantee jobs. Finding one that lasts more than a few years is now considered as much good fortune as striking gold. ,In spite of the uncertainty of our future, and the future of our children, it was a happy occasion for my father, who travelled a very long journey from Siberia to Canada more than fifty years ago. His limited formai education served him and our family well. His 'life' education formed the foundation of commitment to family, friends and community. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD! miscIenzîe nwmum. QuwrFn Mortgage securities or GICs? Y'ou compare. Iutii Mogage Sukies Fund CURRENT ASSET MIX 46.2%/ NHA Mrtgage Backed Securities 10.0% Government of Canada Bonds 21.6% Canadian Equities 22.2% Governmenit of Canada T. Bills 100% Invested for consistently competitive Income 21u1 growth. Ail figures shown are for the period ending Juiy 30, 1993. Ibortuné KEN RICHARDS FiNANGIAI C-OUPINC. 983-8263s Reg. 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