S 1-O-oWekyTiiss ý-,Je-ý,S-eptember 1l5, 1993 I Deadline for Service Directory T ~ T ' ' ~ \T~ I Friday Noon SJR J jDic -"4TýeIu pç Tel. 983-5301, The Shop APPLE BLOSSOM "We Doni Just5pecda#ze" We Make Every Order Sp)ecaP" Main Street, Orono 983-9155 We Deiver Newtonville, Pontypool, Oshawa and Places I-Between "Hair With Fail' For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orou oElectric Mt. ELECTRItCAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs - HI Fis Sales and Service HotpeDint -R.C.A- WVhite Westinghouse Frgida e- Whirrpool Woa, Freezers MaqýeC,'ef IHoover U3-51 08 Barn na f Home Check -Vacation-Home Checking -Let us make your home look lved in *Wedding Day Services *Reliable References INSU RED Barb Shetler - lna Cox NE WTON VILLE (416) 786-2996 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTU RE TH ERAPY C LINIC 5 George Street, Bowmanviîle, Ontario 623-4473 FLOWERS PLUS FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 46 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Berry Lyceti 983-5908 Wilda Mddieton L.8:3-9819 G RU NDY S Country Upholstery Quality Work In Upholstery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874 L Bryon Grundy ORONO - 2 bedroom apartment, fridge, stove, large yard. Close to park $585./mo., heat included,,hydro extra. Phone 728-3885. 15,ac 4 bedroom, 2 bathroomt home with garage, on small acreage. Phone (514) 444-8380. i 5,22,ac MacGregor Auctions ANTIQUES, COLL.ECTABLES, ART & BOAT SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH 11:00 a.m. (10:00 viewing) Agriculture Building Orono Fairgrounds This Sunday's auction features a varied selection of antique furnishîngs, rare & unique collectables, misc. household articles and 14' aluminum boat & trailer; partial list includes oak ice box (re f.); oak washstand; blanket boxes; satin walnut highboy dresser; misec. dressers & chests of drawers; oak buffet; grain Order Vour Firewood NOW *Building Supplies and Hardware Barn Steel -Sîkkens Stain *Hemlock for Fences 1 and Stalîs -A Centre lix A#! our Building Needs- (705) 277-3381 or (416) 434-6665 (evenings> ON HWY. 35,2 MILES NORTH OFI-IWY. 115 MacGREGOR Auction Service ESTATES, CONSIGINMENTS, HOUSEHOLDS BANKRUPTCIES, FARMS Soldat your location or a tours STORAGE & TRUCKING Caîl for a Free Confidential Consultation M. MacGregor 416-987-5402 Junior West 416-983-5556 scales; misc. chairs & rockers including set 6 pressbacks; old boxes; crocks; graniteware; selection of art including originals, Limited Edition & Decorative prints, al.so a large, quality selection of older glass and china, old coins & computer system. This is only a small portion of the many articles featured in titis quality sale of articles from the past to the present. Caîl for ail your auction needs. MacGREGOR AUCTIONS Mike MacGregor 416-987-5402 Junior ýWest 416-983-5556 15,ac Use the Classified Section 983-5301 GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE Newtonville FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH 6:30 p.m. Selling a good selection of furniture from a Cobourg home and Oshawa, home including numerous interesting antiques, fridge; stove; bedroom suite; bed; china cabinet; sideboard; Royal' Albert china set; glassware; dishes; crystal; odd chairs; occasional walnut tables; Singer Sewing machine; chesterfield suite; Finlay oval cookstove; chest freezer; Orcana chord organ; Seranader upright radio; books; bikes; air compressor (small); wo od ext. ladder; and a variety of other articles. Plan to Attend. TERMS: Cash or Good'Choque wîth .D. AUCTIONEER Frank Stapleton - 786-2244 15,ac ORONO 1,BECKERS STUTS PHARMACY DULEES NEWTONVILLEm NEWTON VILLE CONVENIENCE PLUS NEWCASTLE VILLAGE BECKERS GUARDIAN DRUGS MIKE'S PLACE GRUFFIES CROSS CANADA. MARKETPLACE IFS FAST - ITS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Schooî of Auctianeering. Next Class: November 20-26. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctianeering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. OPEN YOUR OWN TAX PRACTICE: Earn Certificate in Incarne Tax Preparation. Manual/computer applications. Free brochure. Cail 1-800-563-EARN ; Fax (204)254-6172;, Write: Jacks. Institute,, 902 - 167 Lombard Ave. , Winnipeg R3B OW1. BE AN INTERIOR DECORATOR.ý... with aur great home-studycourse. Cail for a FREE BOCK. 1 -800-267-1829. The Sheffield- Sohool, 905-38 McArthur Ave., Ottawa ON Kl L 6R2. BE A SUCCESSEUL WRITER ... with aur great home-study course. Caîl for a FREE BOCK. 1-800-267-1829 The Writing School, 1985-38 McArthur Ave., Ottawa ON Ki L 6R2-. .STEEL BUILDINGS A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INO. Farm, starage, Commercial, industrial. New types, steel!wood, quonset, cladding. For true valua, action & answers - Wally (416) 626-1794. FREE brochures. Clip-save. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwal Type - nat quanset - 32x54'$7,744; 40x72 $11,690; 50x90 $16,622; 60xl26 $25,375 - other'sizes available - Final Summer clearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263- 8499. ONTARIO MANUFACTURER bas imited number of pre-sized ail steel buildings for sale at exceptianally REDUCED prices - first came, first serve. No middleman. Pioneer 1- 800-668-5422. HARVEST SPECIAL on ail steel buildings: Cuonsets, S-Models & Conventionais. Many sizes ta, choose f rom. For quality, service and integrity cali FUTURE STEEL 1-800-668- 8653. VACATIO NITR AVE L MYRTLE BEACH RESCRT Vacation Rentais - Fully furnished condos. Pools, tennis and mare! Golf packages! winter rentais available. Fail rates tram $327/week. FREE BROCHURE: 1-800-448-5653. HEALTH I MEDICAL NATIONAL AUTO LEAGUE - 38 years in Business provides HEALTH PAO for any trips up ta 180 DAYS. SINGLE & FAMILY RATES under age 73. $1 million coverage - DIRECT CLAIM PAYMENT tram $49 ta $1440. CALL 1-80-65-65.... SALES AGENTS IN YOUR AREA NEEDED. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DRESS FOR SUCCESS' Fashion Network is coming ta your area seeking Consultants and Managers, exciting career earning substantial incame on your own sehedlule.- Low investment. Cali 1-800-461-1552. Full or Part time Income Opportunity. High Demand Unique Household Produot. Excellent Fund Raising Program. Write Dixon-Reid 4532 Danegal, Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5M 4G9. EXTRA INCOME! Grow baitworms in your basement or garage. Odorless aperation. Low investment. Market guaranteed! Free information. Earîy Bird Ecoîogy, R.R.#1, Smith'ville, Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416) 643-4252. BUSINESS AGENTS ta sali Gifts, Jewellery and Handcrafts from 'Around The World". $10 ta view 215 page catalogue (refundable). Marna-Lees, Box 258, Beachville, Ontario NOJ 1A0. (519)423-6784. HELP WA NTED WANTED experience d agents or memorial- dealers ta sali memorials from Wholesale Factqry Outlet. Ph. Bernard (204)338-3938; Fax: (204)338-1049 Winnipeg, MB. YOUNG'S MEMORIALS & STONEWORKS. PERSONAL MEET SOMEONE NiCE - now! Town and Country introductions for friendship, dating, marriage. The system really works! 26 successful years. Confidential. Mr. Gardon, 6021 Yange St. #802, Toronto, M2M 3W2. ADOPTION Our lives wili neyer feel complote without the priviîedge of raising and loving a child._ Pregnant? Adoption may be the answer for us bath. Please caîl collect (416)737' -6573. FLEA MARKET CALABOGIE FLEAMARKET Open Sundays 10-5. Something for 'everyone. Free Vending, Fries, Ice-cream, Butchershop, Bakery, Bird Feeding, Park, Buckhorn Roadhouse Restaurant, Beergarden, Live Entertainment. Weekends (613)752-2468. Vour ad could appear in community newspapers in Ontario, or right across Canada, or any individual province. Space is Limited, so Cai This Newspaper Today! JON STORY * SCOTTSTORY 'S E R Vl1 C EIS416-983-51491 L AN D SCA P 1N G INTAL LTION - GROUNDS MAINTENANCE' SEEDING \ SODDING CONSULTING (Authorized Weall & Culieh Contractors) .. ......... TAFFO 23 --5 S a M Y LE ...SÈRVING ÂËL '5À.R.. EFERENCEeýAV N R -0 FtMEiý VAILABL 1 il