2- Orono WoekIy Tlm8, Wednesday, Septembor 15, 1993w Pubksfhwng47 IIýAào uUy at the Officé of PRbklation F>1 0 Mai t,, ttOmo, Ortarlo LOU 1 Mo ToWphtone415635O What the fair is ail about Wc often hear thecomment that the Orono Fair distributes the saine old thing year after year and "I cari sec ali hat is to be seen within a haif hour. It ail depends on how you look at i. You can sce a little or you cari sec a lot. Yes many of the saine events do appear year after year, the chicken show, the cattie shows, the horse shows. But such events are there for a purpose as an agricultural fair. The events are flot just for spectators. For the exhibitors it is a judgement of their product as to type and quaiity. It is also a learning experience for the breeder, the grower and supplier. It cari have financial benefits other than thc prize to be won for a champion. It is a development of a naine for quality. To b fair there has been considerable change at thc fair over thc past few years> t now reaches a greater number of people who exhibit or take part in a number of endeavours. Certainly there has been a drop in the exhibits of fruits and vegetables. This is disappointing as possibly it is for home baking. But there are other avenues that have opened up and over thc past couple of years there has been an increase in exhibits in wood crafts and quality has advanced to a point as shown this year and especially in thc work of Don Evans. The Remote Car events have gaineti an audience and even horseshoe pitching is attracting competitors. These are flot ail of interest to everyone but they do bring a greater expanse of interest in Uic fair. One could also add Uic Pet Show over the past two years and what it has added to Uiose kitis with pets and want to show what Uiey have and in incidents on how their pets are trained. It showed in Uic faces of those exhibiting antique farm equipment and especially tractor what a great time Uiey were having amongst others who-have Uic saine interest. The fair is a great meeting place for Uiose of siinilar interests. Look at Uic Hunter and Jumper show where there is in many case family participation which was also evident with Uic modified lawn and garden tractor pulls where the man andi wife andi kids, if there were any, travelleti distances as far away as Niagara Falls to compete at Orono. This could go on but with limited space attention must be brought to Uic social aspect of Uic fair. This can't be enjoyed in just a half hour nor does it depenti on how rnany carrots are in competition. t is a matter of being relaxeti, open to conversation and if you may just sitting around. The Orono Fair is one of Uic best it dors require tiine to enjoy. Happenings e o .e. .e.(cont'd) HOLISTIC HEALING TALKS AT CRYSTAL PAGES On Tuesday, September 21 at 7:30 p.m. Crystal Pages will be presenting Dr. J. Hawrylak, homeopathic, naturopathic andi chiropractic physician who will discûss various colti conditions. Letter to the Editor: Dear Sir, Wîth reference: Letter to the Editor - Lorraine Lover In last week's Orono Times, Ms. Lorraine Lover saw fit to write to me via your newspaper. 1 must say that I founti this to be a strange way of communicating with me when my home address is in the telephone book and I don't resort in:hiding behindt any unlisteti telephone number cither. Hardest to swallow was the fact that Ms. Lover didn't extend the common courtesyof sending me a copy of the letter she wrotc. Had 1 not been a subscriber to thc Orono Tirnes I wouldn't have known about the letter. Anti, if, my memory serves me correct, this unmannerly conduct cames from one who once sought to represent us through political office! Pcrhaps wc should al count our blessings in thc failure. To set Uic record straight, my column "Age of Concern" is designeti to keep Seniors inforxned about many issues. One of Uiose issues that I Uiought to be of interest was the "Bill of Rights for. people living in Ontario Nursing Homes." Judging by the responscs 'v e already receivedtheUi column has been well reccived flot only by those living in nursing homes, but by chiltiren who have the responsibility of caring for their parents. I must also comment about Uic statement made by Ms. Lover re: "Gutlcss Bob Rae" and his tax grab that shoulti have left the Seniors alone and tieducteti 32% from wclfare payments. The fact is more money than ever before is already being spent to meet pressing neetis in long-terni care. By 1996, the goverfiment will spenti $647.6 million per year on long-terni care in addition to Uic $2.2 billion currently bcing spent. People who live in a nursing home or home for Uic aged, arc responsible for Uic cost of room and board, (these costs exist if you live in your own home). Even that chargewill beadjustcd according to the ability to pay. No one is ëbarged for nursing, personal support andi quality-of- life services. By 2010, thc number of people in Ontario ageti 65 and oltier is expecteti to increase by 45%. The number of people in Ontario over 85 will increase an estimateti 125%. 40%/ of the health care budget is currently spent on the 12% of the population 65 and over. Anti the cost per capita is increasing. The current economic climate and future economic prospects mean the need for more and better services must be reconcileti with scarce fiscal resources. The NDP government has made a strong commitment to health care and social services. 51% of the total budget goes to health services - in spite of Uic federal government's steatiy withdrawal from its legislated responsibility to fund health and social services. Since 1982, Ontario has lost more than $ 12.3 billion in Established Programs Financîng. Ms. Lover woulti have been better advised to pursue health funding, and Uic lack of it, wîth the local Federal Member rather Uian taking a cheap shot at me. Cash transfers niay disappear entirely shoult iGKm Campbell be successful iic federal election. But her plans for Uic deficit wil only be matie clear after the election, if she wins! In conclusion, I arn alarmeti by Ms. Lover saying that I'm not a "Senior" but rather a cruel anti thoughtless politician, when she has certainly neyer met me or doesn't even know me or anything about me personally, or else she would know that I do have Uic card from Ottawa that tells ail who have to sec it that I arn in receipt of a benefit under the Old Age Security Act, anti she would also know that Uic last thing I could be described as being would be cruel and Uioughtless. Anti furUier along in her realin of bashing me, 1 would, like to inform ber that I too liveti Urough Uicetiepression, if Uiat is seen as some kind of credit one must have for acceptance as a Senior in Ms. Lover's worlti. In those days I mostly ate peas pudding along with Uic only meat MY parents could afford , boiîed udder, anti my shoes and boots were repaired wiUi rubber fromn discardeti car tires picked up at Uic dump at Uic end of Uic street, where I lived in public housing. I too, worked long hours tiuring Uic 2nd World War and nights as wcll, standing on roof tops to shovcl off fire bombs Uiat would have otherwise destroyeti our homes and workplace. All of which begs the question - Do I have sufficient credits now in order to qualify for you to bc proud of me too Ms. Lover? I too, have neyer receiveti any goverfiment handouts, U.I.C. or wclfare - but for the grace of God. And yes, unlike Ms. Lover, I do flot holti those that have claimed benefits in contempt, nor do 1 think Uiat those on welfarc, 70% of Uic recipients being those who can't work anti childrcn, shoulti have their benefits cut by 32%, just because Ms. Lover thinks Seniors are old and can't spcak for Uiemselves. of Cabinet at a meeting with thc Executive of Uic United Senior Citizens of Ontario, to discuss their concerns, which included their concern that prîvately owned nursing homes which are for profit have a pot ential for corruption, exploitation and inadequate care for the chronically iii and aged, didn't ring with ic allegation matie by Ms. Lover that Seniors are too olti to speak for themselves. At the same meeting, USCO also demandeti of the NDP government that ail for profit nursing homes become non-profit facilities. Finally, to you Ms. Lover - take care, you may neyer know just when you might have to cali on the social net to help you Urough Uic night. Sincerely, Gord. Milîs Letter to the Editor: Dear Sir: The members of FOCUS, a womnen's issues group in the Municipality of Clarington, would like to invite your readers to bc among our guests at a Dedication Ceremony to bce held on Friday, September 17Ui, 2:00 p.m. at Uic Visual Arts Centre, 143 Simpson Ave., Soper Creek Park, Bowmanville. The intent of the Dedication C eremony is to remember the fourteen women who were murdered in the Montreal Massacre as well as ail other fernale victims of violence 'in Durham Region. We will dedicate a plaque donated by a local companyin their memory. There will bc a reception with light refreshments following the ceremony. The plaque project has been almost rine months in Uic making anti a number. of people throughout the Durham Region have donated time, money anti effort to this worthwhile project. We hope your readers can join us fortitis Dedication. Sincerely, Evylin Strouti anti Francine Nicholas on behalf of FOCUS ORONO, ONTARIO Classified Ads Work Phone 983-5301 St. Saviour's j Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Douglas Hall 987-4745 SUNDAY SERVICE an d SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL .s. CHARGE Minister -. Rev. Dr. *Mervyn Russeil ', Marlene Risebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH Sunday, School Classes Begin at Regular Services Kirby United Church 9:30 ar. Orono United Church 11:00 a.m. Kirby Anniversary Service Sunday, September 26th 9:30 ar. Guest Speaker Rev. Marcus Lise EXPLORERS Wednesday, September l5th This year both boys and girls ages 8- il are invitedto join at Kirby United Church 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. BIBLE STUDY Wednesday, September 29th 8:00 p.m. Kirby United Church (basemnent) (A daytirne Bible Study group will be starting i Orono at 10:00 arn. on Thursdays beginning Oct. 7th) A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. 983-5009