Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Septemiber 15, 1993 - ý3 Celebrates 2nd Birthday EthanSainsbury, son of Diane and Bill Sainsbur y recently celebrated lis 2nd birtliday. Proud grandparents are Eleanor and John Shetier of Orono and George and Nancy Sainsbury of Bowmanville. At Memorial Hospital A significant donation, of medical books warth almost $ 1,000 was donated by the ONA, Local 160, ta, the Dr. Keitli W. Sleman Health Sciences Library ai Bowmanville's Memorial Hospital. Pictured from lefIta riglit are: Susan Magill, representing the nursing division;, Carol Bromell, president of ONA, Local 160; and Louise Toveil, Hospital Volunteer. Last September, the Dr. Keilli W. Sle mon Heall Services Library apened in Bowmanvil le's Memarial Hospital. The intention of the Library is ta offer a well- developed, efficient internai library service ta provide significant cast savings while contributing ta quality health care. Since ils apening, the library lias been establishing a core collection of texts and streamlining services ta the Hospital staff. Last Thursday, the Ontario Nursing Association, Local 160 made a donation ta the library wortli approximately $1,000. The money was raised Ilirougli ticket sales fromn a draw a couple of years ago. The money was placed in a OIC and the books were purchased with thie interest. The books lIai were purchased witli this money will be for use by thie nurses in the variaus wards. The Dr. Keith W. Slemon Health Sciences Library lias be-en sel up along specific guidelines in order ta meet the "Library Services" standards of tlie Caniadian Council on Healili Care Facilities Accreditation. The daily aperatians are managed by volunteer library assistants and a library co-ordinalor, under the guidance of dhe 0011 librarian. Somne of the resources offered ai tle library are services contracted from the Osliawa General Hospital Medical Library. These services include computer access ta the OGH library catalogue, literature searches, inter-library book boans and journal article photo-côpying. Offers to house exotic animais (Continued from page 1') Application be den ied by thie Region.. _Council has also passed in their recommendation that the By-law Enforcement Officer proceed immediately to lay charges as related to those current uses which are flot in conformity to the Zoning by-law which does affect the keeping, of the exotic animais on the property. Mr. Michael Hackenberger of the Bowmanville Zoo also addressed counicil stating that he was willing ta provide accommodationl for the animais and that he did have the accommodation to do so. He alsa congratulated council in the manner which tliey dealt with the issue. Durham Central Fali fair (Continued from page 1) Moffat, president of the fair, lie said lie was pleased with tlie calibre of the fair for 1993 but there was disappointment wiîh the gate allendance thaî has dropped some 17 percent this year., In mentioning new features this year Mr. Moffat included the Antique Tractor display and competitions that made ils first appearance and will likely become an annual event at tlie fair. He also mentioned the attendance of the Claringto'n Concert Band which played Tliursday evening and was again on stage for a short period Saturday. The program on Saturday was cut short due to thie interference with tlie horse show. Mr. Moffat said the band will be back next year during a period it can pravide its programa of music. Mr. Moffat also staîed iliat lie lad received a lot of favourable comments as ta the improvements that liad been made ai the fair over the past five ta six years. There was considerable interest in the return of the modified lawn and garden tractor pull Ihis year along with a Teen dance and a number, of rock and roll bands in competition. Paid attendance at the fair came in this' year aI 9877 comparing with 11,792 in 1992. Revenue from gate receipîs totalled $41,401 comparing witli $50,127 in 1992. There is little doubt that the threat of ramn had some effect an attendance as well as the state of the economy. The threat of ramn was on for Tliursday, Friday and Saturday with rain falling Sunday ta a slight degree. As Mr. Moffat staîed it didn't stop the harness racing and times on a number of races was a fiat two minutes with close finishes. The directors of the-Society wilfna doubt review the fair this The musical Dermaptera We are not sure thal a Dermaptera is really musical but circumslances would lead us ta believe that il just might be the case. The question would neyer have arisen if we hadn't sîarted sîaring aur trumpet at the office and practicing whle tlie printing press is operating especially on thie longer prinling jobs: We used ta spend this time smoking but now it is the trumpet. The musical instrument is generally sîored i its case afler its use -but at ailier times it cauld lay on top of the case for a number of days open ta the elements. On thie day the Dermaptera appeared Chris and I were -having cof fee ai the back of the office and the subject of conversation was about music. For some reason I did reach over, picked-up the homn and tried la blow a note or two. 1Nothing came oui of the iorn, il just wouldn't play. Looked the instrument over, tested the valve action and tried again. It did make a sound but not a true trumpet sound. t was somewhat baffiing. It was baffling until we saw a ittle back liead appear out of the mouili piece of the instrument and the Dermaptera appeared. A Dermaptera is a small elongate insect of tlie order Dermaptera with a pair of termintal appendages in the shape of forceps. Il was these forceps that had Cliris say "Look thie bug lias ils front paws over its ears. Is your playing that bad". This elongate insecl is more commonly known as an Earwig and this year have been masi plentiful. In telling James Lowery the story lie said that the earwigs liad been the cause of sliutting off the flow of fuel ta lis tractor. "They gel in everywhere", lie said. James found the earwigs in the sediment cup in the carburelor of the tractor's gas line. He said it was a puzzle ta understand jusl how they could goI there. It was found, with some investigation, Ihat the earwigs were assembling in the nozzle of the gas hose at the gas pump. When thie hose was used ta fil the tank on the traclar the earwigs wenl ia the tank with the gasoline. No doubt they didn't live too long but passed along the gas line ta Ithe carburetor where Iliey finally sîopped the flow of gas ta the engine. It's 298 Bill Bunting reports lie is one step closer ta the 300 mark in lis bird identification. 11It was a trip ta the Port Perry lagoons on Monday witli lis daugliter, Suzanne, visiting from B.C. The bird, a guil, a Sabine, nests in the farthest northem strip of the Northi American continent but is often a visitor alang the eastern coast and inland in the early fali and late spring. t is mosî similar ta the Bonaparte GulI whicli spends the summer ai Port Perry in the lagoons. The Sabine was in amongsl Ilie Bonaparles wlien it was sighted. Bill stales thal a number of birds w ere at thie lagoons for the express purpose of sighting this bird. QUde * D& iutch ~ Carpentry CUSTOM HOME BUILDING RENOVATIONS "Small Jobs and Large l'il Take Charge" 1 -705-277-2397 JOE H. LEYSTRA From A round ...* HOME Memorial nurses contribute to Dr, Keith Siemon Health Library The CLARKE CONNECTION MORE THAN A STORE *A UNIQUE EXPERIENCE ONE 0F A KINVD-HAND MADE CANADIAN CRA4FTS POTTERY - WOOD - SILKS - TO YS ANI) MUCH MUCH MORE MAIN STRE2ET, ORONO '983-9314 TES. -FRI. 1to 6 SAT. 9to 5