4 - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Septemnber 15, 1993- Orono Girls 2 win second place in "B"e group Despite coid weather and fierce competition the Hornets proved that they are capable to win -when they really want 10. The flrst gaine of the tournament against Courtice's Roy's Enterprise was won by one. run in the bottom of the last inning. This was by far the best gamne of the season. Not only was the pitcbing by Mary Higgins and Ashlee Hendry unbeatabie but the rest of the team, played a strong defensive game with numerous infieid outs'and a couple of outfield flies caught by the girls. Offensively the Hornets bit consistentiy, winning 17 to 16., The second game was piayed against the Blue Jays with Meiissa, Hubling, Marie Bumstead and Patty Thomas pitching the first, second and tbird innings respectiveiy. The second inning was a personal best for Marie with three up and tbree down. Patty Thomas pitched for the first time this season and showed a lot of promise and I'm sure that we are going to see a lot more of her on the mound nextî year. Unfortunately the Blue Jays bats were more active than our own and we lost tbe gaine by 4 runs. Havingý won the semi-final against Roy's Enterprise, the Hornets advanced to the B division championship gamne. The Blue Jays pitching proved to bc too strong for the girls, striking out tbree out of the first four batters in tbe first two innings. In the third we managed to score 3 runs with seven baters up to the plate but that would bc the end of the runs, for tbe bats froin that time on were idie. The Blue Jays proved that they were the better teain of the day by defeating tbe Homnets by a score of il to 3. Having coacbed this team of ginls wbo except for one or two of tbem had neyer played softbal before, I am very proud of tbem for having won'second place in their division. Especialiy coming int this toumnament in iast place in the 6 tearn league. Tbanks to ail the players, parents and tbose that voiunteered in umpiring and coacbing, our girls we were able to have a great bail season. Pictured above: Front row (i-r) Becky Reid;, Sbeia Angi; Lesiie Kirby; Alica Boardinan; Patty Thomas; miiddle row (i-r) Melissa Hublîng; Tammy Moor~e; Marie Bumstead; Mary Higgins; Ashiee Hendry; Meiissa McQuillan; Amanda Gustar; back row coaches Bruce and Catherine Hubling., Absent Adrian Demeter; Yvonne Marchand and Rose Higgins. Oirono Novice No. 1 ends bail season August 30th endcd the girls season to put tbem in third place of their Division. Great efforts were put into this first year team, with results being 10 wins, 4 losses, 1 unpiayed gaine. The game on the 30th was played against the first place tearo, the Cardinals, who won 14-7. 'Me girls stayed in the game until the final inning when the Cardinals took over. Saturday, September I lth the girls finished off their season at Courtice in a round-robin play-off. The first gaine was played at 10:30 and was full of excîtement, after four complete innings and the time limit up the gaine was tied 8-8. It took two more innings and a homerun by Ashley Bickeii to end the game with a 9-8 wiln over Roger's Cable T.V., Within five minutes the next game was started against the Cardinals. Orono # 1 came out swinging and scored two runs in the first inning but that was it. The bats went fiat and so was the defense. I think the hunger pains took over. Needless to say the girls season was over Some happy,. some sad but overali it was a good year. Many thanks from ail the parents to, coaches Raye West and Bob ONeill. Hope to sec the girls and parents out next season. Weekend Stats Amy Walton Katie ONeill Ashley Dwyer Melonie Ailin Terina West Michelle Henderson Jennifer Henderson Ashley Bickell Heather Bangay Melissa Barchard Crystal Haiik W S D T HR 2 i Ganaraska Wolves VolIeyball Tryouts Become a part of Ontarios fastest growing sport! Come to Clarke High School (Hwy. 115, Newcastle) on the foliowing dates for tryouts: Bantam Boys & Girls - (Pines Sr. Public School)- September 23 & 28, from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Midget Girls - September 20, 22, 23, froin 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Juvenile Girls - Sept. 20, 22, 23, froin 8 p.m. - 10 p.m. Juvenile Boys - September 27, 30, October 4, from 8 p.uî. - 10 p.m. Junior Boys to be announced. Please bring your heaith card and $5.00 to the tryout. If you have any questions please cail, 983-5554. Orono Twins 4-Pitch Another successful basebal season bas corne and gone. 1 Ic team "hisyear consisted, of boys and girls who al leamed the spirit of tearn work and ëô- operation. Wc had a wonderful Iearning season. SecYOD next Tbat mrbewfromtrow (I4) Joshua Glynn; Lee Morris; Ryan Campney; Kyle Johnston; Chris Buttonsbaw. Back row (1-r) Colin Maitland; Doug Garlick; asst. coach Annette Carnpney; Justin, Corvers; Justin Carvana; Brent Vanstone; Sara Taylor; coach Steven Campne y; and Matthew Baxe. Revîe 1W from Crystal Pages Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters & Seymnour, an Introduction by J.D. Saiinger -MTe first storyrevoives around a wedding whicb did not take place, (with ahl the expected rages and diatribes of the invited guests). It's a very funny story. The groom, a sornetime genius, failed to arrive at the wedding because be 'didnt want to talk to ail the people.' His brother, the narrator, a stranger to all, is as you can imagine, privy to sto rms of invective regarding tbe insensitivity and 'sheer bastardliness' of the groom. Most of the story takes place in a New York taxicab stuck in the middle of a parade. Seymnour is an epistle about an elder brother, dead by suicide, written in enchanting semi- dialogue fortu. 1'hs is a beautiful, painflul, exhausting account of a loved family member; surely the gsmatest trbute one could make. -Rocycled 1 i I TWO GREA TSA WSA T SUPER FALL SA VINGS Mode! 45-1511 44cc of compact power Save $9f0 Mode! 61-18 Il <îlustratedj Big enougi, to tackle the toughe st jobs Save$15au ony 49 9 WHILE SUPPLIES LAST LOMBES BAR LENOTSA VAILABLE. CHECK WITH YOUR DEALER FOR DETA ILS. AHusqvarna O ROLPH HARDWARE. MAIN ST., ORONO 983-5207. Orono Badminton Club will meet every Tuesday night starting Tuesday, September 2lst from 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. MEMBERSHIP OR NIGHTLY FEE at Clarke Higli School, Hwy. 35/115 For more information cali Joyce 983-5373