t -" t, Woekly Tlmos, Wednesday, October 6,~ 1993 Amibl arem et (y oces Ther is itd obt tha MgRt te arinustr andOthe Amihabe m oateya agreement o e n tbough Ford Canada and the union have yet to go tbrough the process. The end resuit of the Ford contract will likely follow the course of hat with Chrysier and General Motors. From the outside it certainly appears that the process bas been one of straigbt forward bargaining with littie rhetoric being bantered around by either party. This is somewhat of a change from a few years ago and is a good sign that perhaps botb. labour and industry are ready to bargain in a reasonable manner and in good faitb. It appears to this corner that Buzz Cosgrove ,president of the CAW, takes a ternpered stand in bis positions, and keeps an even tongue whicb bas flot always been the case by leaders and members in the past. T'he members of the Union certainly appear to be well satisfled witb the agreement and we would wonder "why not". An increase in salary, better pensions, more paid time off and some assurance of steady employment. The agreement is also great for the area as it will bring some confidence to tbe area as well as stability over the next three years. Everybody wins in sucb an agreement tbiat bas been reached for the workers of General Motors and Chrysier. Time to look beyond Blue Box This week October 4tb througb to tbe 10tbh is set as Waste Reduction Week. It is an opportunity to once more consider what else we migbt do in our own lives to help reduce the volume and disposai of waste. Many, a great number indeed, bave been active in their own lives and in tbeir communities as to waste reduction and tbe Blue Box use is but example. It seems, in a way, that we do slide over some of the issues as to waste reduction that could well be added to our daily way of life. 1One tbing we can easily target is packaging, the most obvious element of a product's waste. It is noted that package makes up 50 percent of our solid waste garbage. This packaging becomes costly at the manufacturing level and welI as as the disposai level. This is but one more reason to reject overpackaging. Lets give waste reduction one more push over this week and beyond. The Recyling Council of Ontario offers a variety of information, including tips on composting and waste reduction. Cail 960-0938 in the Toronto area- for their free information., Kendal Colum--n by Phyllis Lowery WeIl here we arc into the month of October and fait weather certainly provcs it, after a lovely warmn sunny summer thc sudden changes of temperaitire lias causcd many colds anîd we licar of lots of cases of flu. The colour is definitely showing in the trees on the huis surrounding Kendal, Thanksgiving weekend should show a rainbow of colours. On Sunday we were pleased to wclcome Ian Savage, as student associate, who will bc taking part in the chufch services along side Rev. David Black- Ian, as pa rt of his studies will be working at al three churches in the Newtonville Pastoral Charge. Iant is well known to the Kendal congregation having attended services there with his sons, and hie has been active with the Sunday School as well. We wish bum weil in bis new role. The service opened with the hymn, "In Christ There is No East or West." Ian led in the Invitation of Worship and the Prayer of Approach. The Hymn "Great is Th ey Faithfulness' was sung. Rev. Black called the children forward and spoke to them about it being nice to be able to corne here and hear the stories about Jesus,, sometimes we forget that Jesus was a littie child like they are, hie aSked them when Jesus celebrated his birthday, they answered Christmas Day. Rev. Black told them that Jesus enjoyed holidays and parties with bis family, the saine as they did. Jesus liked to be witb themn for family meals. Today we are going to be doing the saine thing, as Christians ail over the world, we will be celebrating World Communion Sunday, by having Communion in1 our church. The children's hymn was "Bigger Than Ail My Problems." 1The Scripture Readings were from Genesis 3: 1-20, Luke 15:11 - 24. The Sermon was titled, "Clothing Handcrafted By God.' These last three sermons have been focusing on the first three chapters of Genesis. The main theme of all these chapters is that God cares. The ancient Jews belîeved there, was a definite meaning and purpose to history. They believed there was a loving being wbo created tbem. Whîle others believed it was a matter of the world going on from day to day and that there was no i purpose to what happened to them. i t was the ancient Jews who told i the story of the world being,1 created in seven days and they set 1 aside the seventh day for rest and getting to know God. 'Me story of Adam and Eve, the serpent and the apple, is a story of people who made their own decision. Although they were told by God not to eat or touch the forbidden fruit, the serpent. didn't make Eve pick the apple. Eve did not make Adam eat it. They made their own decisions, yet thîs is a c story that shows that God did not give up on them. The whole Story is that, because of buman choice made at the beginning of history, life is flot as it was meant to be. When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit tbey saw that they were naked and tried to cover their nakedness with fig 1leaves. They bid from God but when God-bade them leave the Garden of Eden God made them clothes of warm well made animal skins. Doesn't this remînd you of die mote h packed the suitcase carefully for the little child that said he was going to mun away, or the adult that was a drop out from school that in later'years realized that hie nee-ded to return to school and get more education if hle wished to succeed. Thoiet that make wrong choices are not abandoned by God. t was outside the Garden, of Eden that Eve gave, birth to ber sons, it was be a homeless wanderer, Cain urged that this was too barsb a sentence, that people would harm him, so God put a mark on Cain, this was a mark of protection. God di'd this in the hope that Cain would repent. The story of the Prodigal Son, shows that God loves bis people, when the father saw bis- son from afar and saw that he was returning home, the father ran and embraced the son. For a Jew to mun is a loss of dignity, the return of his son was more important to him than bis dignity in the community. The significance of the story of Adam and Eve and the clothing -made by God is, the significance of the Love of God for ail His people whatever their choîces ini life. The hymn, "Thank 0 God, for Boundless Mercy" was followed by the Prayer of Thankfulness and the gathering of the Offering. The Invitation to the Lord's, Table was given, tie first part of the hymn, "Here, O My Lord" was sung followed by the Prayer of Seif-Examination and the Words of Assurance, Communion was served, and tbe Service ended. with the singing of the hast part of the hymn. Don't forget that on Sunday, October 17 th Kendal wilI be celebrating the Anniversary oftUic Church. On Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. Shiloh held their Anniversary Service. The church was filhed, taking part in, the service were Rev. Black, Ian Savage and Frank Stapleton was thc guest speaker. We ail know Frank as a spehîbînding auctioneer, he, keeps the crowd totally interested, as a speaker, he is just the sanie. Frank speaks and you know that he is speaking from bis heart, he taiketi of memories of what had happened to him at Shiloh and of the impact it had on him butthe main thrust of bis talk was that we must worshîp together, we must practice our Christian Faith together, include others, bring a friend or neighbour out to church this is witnessing. It is alrîght to worsbip alone but it feels better when you are with others, enjoying it. The Wilmot Chorus provide special music and that small cburch resounded with their voices. What a wonderful thing it would be if every church had a choir and a congregation like there was at this celebration. Their combined voices of the choir and the congregation brought the hymns to life. Following the service, the ladies of the church served a lovely lunch. Shiloh, may you celebrate another one hundred and thirty-one year ... Definitions. . . Pessimist: Someone who can look at a li of milk and honey and see ý_ï calories, and cholesterol. St. Saviour's Angelican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Interin MinLster: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVIcE, SUNDAY SCHIOOL nid YOUIB GROUF 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL M*ister 41 Mervyn Russeil Malene ~. 4~ Risebrough, Secretary 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 SUNDAY, OCTOBER lOTH Thanksgivlng Sunday Kirby United Church 9:30,a.m. Orono United Church 11:00 a.m. This Sunday, the children will stay ini church and participate ini an intergenerational service. EXPLORERS Wednesday, October 6th Kirby United Church 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. This year both boys and girls are rnvited to join. BIBLE STUDY Wednesday, October 6th 8:00 p.m. Kirby United Church (basement) Thursday, October 7th, 10:00 arn. Orono United Church A.A. mens every Thursday 7:-30'p.m. LORONO, ONTARIO 9350 1 983-5009 1