October ~ 1993 -MII- Wedding Queen's Park ]Report from Gord Mills, MPP Durham East MITCHELL -JOHNSON On July 3, 1993, in Orono United Church, the Reverend 'Mervin Russell united in marriage, Judith Louise, daughter of Milce and Carol Johnson, and Steven George, son of Tony and Joan Mitchell. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a formai gown of white satin which featured a pleated sweet heart neckline with long sleeve and peari buttons. A fitted bodice and dropped waist adorned with lace, pearîs and clear sequins, with scattered appliques around hemline, sleeve, and train. The bride wore a floral wreath headpiece of smail white flowers and pearis, a sîde satin bow and rosebuds with hanging pearl sprays. The back was ruffled with scattered pearîs and a two tiered veil. The bride's bouquet was of October lOth for Bird Watching Birdlife International has coordinated the planning of "Worid Bird Watch '93". It is the joinù of some 163 organizations and is being heid in atieast 90 countries around the worid. It is afirst. But it ail happens this Sunday, October lOth when local organizations and groups will be taking part. Many events have been planned along the the lakefront of Lake Ontario which would be availabie for those interested in this area and where travel would not be that far. According to Jim Richards, manager of McLaughlin Bay Wiidiife Reserve for General Motors the day is to be a fun day. IlWe just want to heighten the peoples' awareness of nature ini a passive way, he states. For locals there will be opportunities to take part at McLaughlin Bay at the viewing decks where assistance will be available in identification. Other opportunities for bird view ing will be at Lynde Shore Conservation area and especially the viewing pflatforms just west pink sweetheart roses, white camellias and baby's breath. The matron of honour was the bride's sister, Mrs. Kellie Lane, of Orono. The bridesmaids were Mrs. Audrey Mercer, friend of the bride, of Milibrook, and Miss Nancy Dowson, cousin of the bride, of Windsor, who wore floral strapless gowns. 1Best man was the groom's friend, Todd Mercer, of Miilbrook The ushers were Mike Mitchell, brother of the groom, of Brampton, Greg Johnson, brother of the bride, of Newcastle, the ring bearer was Matthew Mercer, godson of the bride and groom, o f Miilbrook. They wore black tuxedos with-tails, uchsia bow ties and fuchsia cummerbunds. The uncle of the groom, Mr. Peter Flood, was the Master of Ceremonies at the reception held at the Orono Community Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell are now residing in Bowmanville. on Hali's road where some oddities may be found at this time of year. Winter Bird Feeding With the nip in the morning and evening air, it sure must be time to once more consider plans for feeding the birds this winter. There are a number of birds, many seed caters, who do and can survive our winters. 0f course some of these brds are aiready looking over the landscape te fmd a source of food for the winter - a reliable sourte. Through setting up that source at, the present time wil likely keep many of the birds around for the long haul. Your part of the bargain has to be a consistent supply of food, some grit and suet for ail of the winter. There are many forms of feeders availabie and in this you take your choice. For some reason we like the tube style feeders and we contend that the best feed for feeders is thue smail black sunflo wer seed. this will attract most of the birds that will come te perch on the feedei. For the ground-feeding sparrows and mourning doves crack corn, millet and possibly some wheat can be scattered on the ground. ýWith only sunflower seeds in The Ontario Legisiature resumed on Monday and it seemed 1 haâd neyer left. The rhetoric from the opposition was much the same, full of ail the old cliches. We-have a preiiminary list of 17 pieces of legisiation the government intends to deal with during the fail sitting of the legisiature. I hope the opposition parties do flot resort to the stali tactics they have repeatedly used in previous sessions. We need good debate on substantiai issues but we do have to be productive as well. ,While 1 was in Ottawa a couple of weeks ago, 1 had the opportunity to meet with Dr. Jim Forster, Professor & Chair, Dept. of Family Medicine, University of Ottawa, to chat about some of the shortcomings in health-care. One- of the suggestions made to combat heaith-card fraud was a proposai that would require ail Ontario residents to regîster wîth a family physician. The physician would be responsible for the provision of services to a patient population and would be empowered to put in place programs of prevention and early diagnosis for that population. The individual patient would access other services through the family doctor who would be accountabie to a local, authority, possibly established through the auspices of a District Health Council made up of goverfiment, physician, and client representatives. 1Dr. Forster estimated savings of hundreds of millions of dollars annually in duplication of services now occurring. Much of the saving will be achieved by preventing duplication of services, investigations, and prescriptions. I am impressed by the proposed reform of the Primary Care System in Ontario by Dr. Forster, and will pass along the proposai to every doctor in the riding for their information and perhaps comments. I don't know if they will agree with it, nevertheiess, as a politician 1 believe I do have a responsibility to broaden discussion in the quest to save precious health-care dollars. Stili on health, last week I had the chance to read the discussion paper by The Premiers Council on Health, Well-being and Social Justice, "Why not User Charges?" It seems frons reading tie paper, that user charges will generate revenue, and make more money availabie to health care providers. the feeder and the sprinkle'of corn, millet and wheat on the ground there is much less waste. Try to place the feeder or feeders close to some bushes or trees which provide some protection from the bird's of iprey, especially Sharped Shinned Hawks. Making sure you keep the feeder full now sit back te enjoy the birds. At the present time bird feeders are a busy activity centre with a great, assortment of birds. Some wiil continue on through to the south but other will stay for the winter. Those who represent docters or hospitals know this, and it is why dlaims of underfunding and proposais for user charges frequen tly comne froin themn. At the same time, however, user charges will aimost certainiy increase, not decrease, the total cost of the health care systemn. Charges will also redlistribute the benefits and cosns of health care in Canada. The benefits wiil increasingly go to those who are able and willing to pay for their care. The costs will increasingly faîl on those who need and use care. Relatively well off Canadians know this and are honest enough in stating that user charges represent a better deai for their group. The final analysis, the answer te "W/hy flot User Charges" will flot go away. One way or another, and sooner or later, they will have te be deait with. Like the pink Energizer rabbit with the sunglasses and the drum, the debate about user charges in our health care system wiil keep going ... and going ... and going. I read in the media last week, that local Clarington Councillor David Scott, warned fellow Clarington counciiiors at their weekly meeting to, "prepare our residents for the worse news that KK2 in Newtonville may be the site of the Durham Mega Dump." I still refuse to accept that notion. I have said ail along that, I do flot believe that KK2 will be the choice. Soon, I wiii either be proven wrong or hailed as a prophet. Only tinie will tell. 1 ama pleased to report to ail the farmers in the riding that the 1993 Faim Tax Rebate Prograra will be maintained at the 1992 level of $159.2 million. The battle to retain this level of funding, despite government-wide expenditure controls, was won by the members of the government caucus who represent substantial rural ridings, In this instance our coilective "barks" to'Cabinet paid dividends. If you are a tenant in the riding, the good news is the 3.2% rent increase aliowed for 1994 is the smallest increase in the history of Ontario. It wasn't aIl that long ago when some tenants faced increases of over 60% in a year. As government we have aiso improved -the effectiveness of the Rent Registry. Al land lords with more than 3 rentai units are now required te file legai rents with the registry. As a resuit, more than $3 iljlion in illegal rents have been returned te tenants. My Tuesday evening dinner meeting with the Minister of Heaith went weii. We taikeil about many issues that concern the people of the riding, I wiii write about this next week Ruth did tel me, that contrary te what you may read or have been teld, the Cabinet hasn't made any decision as yet about any charges for drugs under the 0DB plan. Until next week - Will Rodgers said everything is funny just as long it is happening to some one else. How true!!l O(de CUSTOM HOME BUILDING RENOVATIONS "SmaiI Jobs and Large l'il Take Charge" 1-705-277-2397 JOE H. LEYSTRA Mackenzie Mortgage securities or GICs? You compare. ' ntdlMotgage Surities FundJ CURRENT ASSET MIX 46.2% NHA Mortgage Backed Securities 10.0% Govmment of Canada Bonds 21.6% Canadien Equies 22.2%/ Gomerment of Canada T. Bis 100%. Invested for consistentiy compeftitive Income pl growth. Ail figuras shown are for the period torune KEN RICHARDS 983-8263 .............