............... lac . ...... . . . ..... .............. ............ . . ........ ................. - .............................. Lakeshore Road reopens along lakefront - Bondhead The Municipality bas completed work on the Lakeshore Road, that has been closed for the most part of the year while under new construction. The road was closed earlier this year as unsafe for traffic due to continuous wasbing away along the lakeshore of Lake Ontario. The Letter to the Editor: Dear Sir or Madam: 1 would very much like the b opportunity to respond to0 your columnist's report "Council Takes a-Step Backward in Hiring of EDO". 1 have heard it said many times, there are always two sides to every story and 1 have found this to be quite an accurate reflection of any issue. Far from being a step backward, Councils' support of my resolution is a pro-active step forward.' The jobs of both Chief Administrative officer and Economie Development Officer are very critical to alI of us for this Municipality. Why review some previous applications submitted? 1 cannot go mbt details on a Confidenjial Matter, however, 1 can say what the person selected wants is well bcy<>nd the scope ofwhat was set hy Council. As'pointed out by the Staff Writer, Council interviewed three candidates out of 176 aJ)pl icatl<)ns. Wouid it flot be more wisc for CounLil to review some of these prior applicants than spend major dollars icoine back- mb othe market 1place again? In so far as cosîs a e concerned the motion did flot advocate.spending $L.OO. a) [i asked that we revicw somne of the previous applicants. h) ' iaLt we define the Ch lef Admniirator's job which now Larrics Iconomic Develop ment (hcforc w hire someone we had butecr kriow what bis or hier rcsp)isiilities are going to be). c) That we review a Iist of Professional Search firms as to Prices and Background for Council's considelation andi Council's decision pertaining to IJh..Chief Administrative Offîcer. In the motion we asked that a meeting of Councîl be called forthith ad tha meas as qiuickly as possile to eL w section of road is located at the lakefront on the east side of Bondhead, Newcastle Village. TheMunicipality was able to complete purchases of land in order that tie road could be moved further north and with lake-filling with armour stone the road surface has been completed. The road is t1esë matters, Obvîously the Majority of Counicil agreed that the motion was pro-active and far from being a Backward Step. Yours lruly, Larry Hannah Regional Councillor Ward 1 from Crystal Pages PRESCRIPTION FOR NUTRITIONAL HEALING - A complete and Up-to-date Self-help Guide by James F. Balch, M.D. and Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C. - Too many of us do not have the slightest idea of how to maintain good health. When illness strikes we rely on our doctors to cure us. What we fail to realize is that th~e c ure "comes from within. Nature has provided us with a wondrous immune systemt, and ail we have to do is take proper care of this inncr healing force." Because our modemn life styles have gotten us off the right track with fast foods, alcohol abuse, drug dependencies, a polluted environmcnt and high-tech stress, we've forgouten what our bodies nccd to funictio)n properly. We then become out of balance and susceptible to ail sorts of ilinesses. .Everyone, sick and well, can benefit from tbis book, as we learn to design our own personal nutrition program. Part 1 lists herbs, suppléments and nutrients found in health food and drug stores. Part 2 lists common disorders and correction through dietary and supplementation programs. Part 3 offers traditional therapies and conventional treatments that cari be used ini conjunction with a nutritional programt. In addition, there is a glossary which -makes comfortable reading of this wonderful book. 11 NEW - Avery Publishing Group lac. now open for traflie. in speaking with Walter Evans, director of Public'Works he said the project cost close to $500,000. He said the province and the Municipality sharcd in the cost of theproject. The roadway bad been eroding for years until somebhing had w be donc this year as to the unsafe condition of the road. Rodeo a sel -out (Continued from page 1) Rodeos classic event is Saddle Brone Riding. Tbis event evolves from the days when cowboys broke their own horses. The cowboy must keep his feet in the stirrups -while instinctively sensing the borse's next movement. Bull Riding is the most popular rodeo riding event. t bas also been voted the "Most D angerous Sport in the World". This statement is easy enougb 10 believe especially after catching a glimpse of "Sledgehammer", the largest and most dangerous bull fearured at this weekend's rodeo. There were a number of other events among these, including ladies' barrel racing and breakaway, junior steer riding. The cutest and probably most comical event was the brave, group of four year olds that rode (bareback) on wild sheep. The three day event enjoyed capacity crowds, proving there is life outside the Calgary Stampede. For 47 years, millions of Canadians have relied on Canada Savings Bonds to help build their dreams. (.ainada Savmngs Bonds are/1'id/y guaranteed by the Covernment of Canada. I heyre a sa/e, .sesure in vestment At i'erjfil/s in value. You can cash your C ainadIa Sa,'Inýs Bonds at any tim-e, s0 your money is n'z'er locked in. (.2nada Savings Bonds a/sa o/bè-r a conipetitive rate of return. Thisyear's i nterest rate and purchase limit uwil he announced in mid-October. l'he sales period is/*to;n Monda y, ()ctober 18 ta Monday, November 1 . You fnay date your payment Novem ber 1, the dayyour new bonds start earning interest. But remember, the - bonds may be. withdrawn Sfrom sale at any 4tî .me, 50 don't wait until the last minute. Build Your (e D reams Wîth CAADA SAIVINGS BONDS 'o mplete details are avala b/e wherever Canada Savznýgs Bonds are sold Canadà 'Valnstone Mili get tentative go-ahead (Continued fromf page 1) Town staff bas recommended tentative approval and both the Conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources have approved plans for handling the vall'eyland portion of the property. Bob Stevenson of Bowmanville spoke out in objection to 'the proposai noting a noise factor from the railway, the use of the valleylands that had been a pond bottom, entrance to the property and a poor site for a residential development. Counc. Hlooper voted against the proposai with similar .objections. Other counicillors did have concerres as to building near the water course and as to the noise level from the railway as well as entrance to the property. They did give their approval due to the fact the final decision will be made through a site plan agreement. Counc. David Scott who along with Counc. Ann Dreslinski called for tentative approval said the approval would allow the development in downtown Bowmanvîlle to proceed rather than remain dormant.