mmOi#iiAeeIroWeMý,ekly Tirnes, Wedne,day, October r.,-1993 Happy Birthday to'Ben Madili Ben Madill, formerly of Orono, company of family and friends. celebrated bis 80th birthday on Happy Birthday and many Sunday, September 26th in the more. Ariother Countryside Adventure Travel to top of Ski Hill for week-end colour viewing It wasn't that long ago that The Chairlift at the ski club people weretravelling around does provide a good wîde view of Clarke Township experiencing the countryside and the colour. what was bilied as the Great The Cbairlift is open froin il Ganaraska Countryside Adven- a.m. til 4 p.m. on both Saturday turc. and Sunday. SAGA has some It was an event that was much tempting dishes and luncheon enjoyed by many people. Nor items on both days. was it a matter of only travelling There are no scarecrows this the country side but the time but everyone and anyone opportunity existed to visit and of can take part in the pumpkin course take part ini the scarecrow carving contest. The pumpkins competition creating and will have to be placed at the judging. chalet whcre visitors will cast Much the saine happens again their votes. Prizes $100, $50 and tbis Saturday and Sunday as the $25., ,SAGA group sponsor their And wbile out in the Kendal second annual, cbairîift rides, at area you may find some great the Oshawa Ski Club. colour by driving nortb from The feature this week-end wil Kendal for one concession and be the autumn colours and it does viewing west. It bas for years appear that it sbould break out for always provided one of the best the week-end in this particular colour arrays at this time of year. area. Another great Adventure. Letter to the Editor: (Letter addressed to Mr. Gord Mils, MPP. Durham East, dated September 21, 1993) Dear Gord: Thank you for your letter dated August 20, 1993, regarding improved bus links and other transportation improvements in your area. Although the recession and level of revenues certainly have limited our ability to proceed quickly wîtb many desirable transportation improvements, we are, as you point out in the survey questionnaire, undertaking a number of initiatives in the Regional Municipality of' Durham. These include the GO Transit services wbich you have noted, planning studies for the easterly portion of Higbway 407 and the Highway 407/401 Links, as well as ongoing construction activities on Highway 401 to improve transportation services "ietween Durbamn Region and Metropolitan Toronto. A number of provinciaily funded. projects on municipal road facilities will also improve mobility for your constituents. With respect to other transportation improvements, both road and public transit, the Regional Municipality of Durhamn is currently undertaking a regional transportation study w-ith our financial assist ance. This initiative should help in defining requirements. for such services as appropriate bus links to the GO rail facilities. I have therefore taken the liberty of forwarding your survey resuits to Durham Region and GO Transit. 1 comùmend you on your efforts to your constituents on this matter and will instruct my staff to incorporate their concems in further deliberations on transportation improvements in your area. Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention. Sincerely, Gilles Pouliot -Minister The Pines Report September bas been a very busy, month at The Pines! The first week was filled witb welcomes ýto new and old students and staff. Students were kept busy learning new timetables, discovering the layout of tie scbooi, renewing old friendships and maling new ones. A warmn Pines welcome is given to our new vice-principal Mrs. Zelda Armstrong who comes to us from Centrai Public Scbool in Bowmanville. She has had a wonderful introduction to The Pînes and is impressed by the friendliness demonstrated by everyone. At the end of the first week, staff and students prepared for the annual scbooi participation at the Orono Fair. Each of the four houses, into which the student body is divided, practised marcbing and cheering for the big parade. McLaugblin House was again chosen as the master marchers! The Pines staff then organized the various gaines and races for ail of the schoois participating. Great fun was had by everyone! Congratulations are extended to the following students for their prize-winning entries in both the art display and in the talent show: Adam Colville, Alecia S tapies, Andrea Etmnanskie, Diane Jenkins, and John Hendry. Talent show:. Melissa McQuiiian, Ryan Muizelaar, Megban Crooksbank. A very successful Open House was held on September 21 at The Pines. Parents were able to meet thçý teachers and view the students' work. Presentations were made concerning dhe Grade seven trip to Ottawa and the Grade eigbt trip to Camp Tawingo, both scheduled for this May. Tbanks are extended to ail parents who took the tiine to attend and to sign up as volunteers. The Pines Panther continues to prowl victoriously in sports! The Grade eight boys' team won the goid medal at the tournament played on September 29. Altbough the Grade eigbt girls' teara did not fare as well, both tearns are to be congratulated for their bard work and fine sportsmanship. Coaches Mr. McKelvey and Mr. Massie were very proud of the dedication displayed by both teams. The teara members are as follows: Lindsay Holmes, Tanya Goral, Corinne Teal, Claire Kelly, Kelly Vance, Merissa Dolman, Tiana Knox, Meghan Reid, Andrea Etmnanskie, Kim Birkett, Stephanie Birkett, Diana Borremans, Tara Arnott, April McGuire, Laura Wood, Brianne Snell, and Laura Spencer. Ryan Muizelaar, Jonathan Armishaw, Colin MacDonald, Stephen Barber, Jamie Allun, Adam Colville, Vincent Norton, Dan MacDonald, Chris Peldiak, Adam Goyne, Neil Thornton, Jason Knox, Lucas Leskiw, Adamn Aitchison, Jeremy Weeks, John Giese and Jainie Ricbter. The Grade seven soccer tournament was beld on September 30. Botb the-boys' and girls' teains displayed their expertise and fine spirit tbrougbout the day. Coaches Ms. Caiey and Mr. Hansen were very proud of the efforts made by their teains: Shawna Snell, Megban Crookshank, Megan Carter, Lianne Trotter, Jaime Wright, Adele Jenkins, Natasha His, Nicole Norton, Amanda Storks-, Lori Giies, Asbley West, Lindsay Pingie, Lisa Morrison, Lyndsey Tollett, Kiley Bedard and Crystal Crimi. Mike Harper, David Ellis, Jessey Thompson, Andrew Reid, Casey Taylor, Aaron Burnes, Mike Patrick, Dustin Stapieton, Jeif Lee, Jeremy Dureen, Anthony DiBartoiomeo, Gerrit Van Dyke, Jeff Touw, Les Dagger, Colin Allin, Jonas Bonnetta, and Jeff Sparrow. The Harrier teams are busy practising in ail kinds of weather for their upcoming competition' under the guidance of coacb Mr. Windsor. Good iuck in the future. Watch for their resuits bere! The Habitat "blossomed" over the summer. Last spring, generous donations of trees and perennials made it possible for the students to create a naturai habitat with walkways for both humans and Mratures to enjoy. Although the ragweed tended to take over during the summer months, ail the plants tbrived and with some vigorous "cultivating" the Habitat is again being opened, up to students and creatures alike! At the last count, the Habitat is now home to two toads, a family of mice, one grass snake and numerous birds for which feeders will bc erected for wmnter feeding. Thank you to ail staff and students wbo have worked so hard at reclaiming the Habitat and making it into sucb a success. Watch this coiumn for further news about happenings at The Pines! Province gets B-rating The Province of Ontario is showing marginai improvements in protecting its Wilderness, the World WilIdlife Fund declared lately., The province has received a B rating. The federai government aiso received a B-rating. The Clarington Community Liaison Group invites you to a PUBLIC MEEING The Topic: The Port Granby Low Level Nuclear Waste Site YOUR PARTICIPATION 15 VITALLY IMPORTANT. YOU CAN BECOME PART 0F THE SOLUTION TO LOW LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE IN THE MUNICIPALITY 0F CLARINGTON ............ Y