Omno WeeIcIyTIms, Wedneeday, October 6>1993-7 W. Frank moves out of Port Hope After twenty-five of Walter Frank Real Estates of being on Walton Street in Port Hope the office is te bc moved eut and amalgamated with the Cobourg office. The move is to come November lst. Al eight sales representatives from the Port Hope office will move ta Cobourg along with some staff. The Port Hope office was one of nine Walter Frank offices in the district which employees close te' 80 people. The head office is located in Oshawa and-W-alter Frank Real Estate is an independent family business which was founded 33 years ago by Walter R. Frank, then of Bowmanville. Deans celebrate There bas been plenty of activity around the Bill and Lena Deans home in Garden Hill ýthis year. Bill celebrated bis 8th, the couple celebrated their 5th and the hili east of their home bas been efficiallY established as Dean' Hill. Bill Dean was well known in the area baving been a United Counties Road employee al bis life until bis retirement. The County Road from Kirby tbreugb te Bewdley was Bill's beat for ail tbese years. Asks for school no-frill passes 1The Oshawa Transit systemn is te look at'a suggested "no-frilîs" bus pass for students, wbose parents must now pay transportation costs te scbool. The Board of Education bas pbased eut passes fer the students this year and a weekly pass is costing parents $35 a montb. 1Parents are asking that the transit system censider a n-frils' pass which would cost $20 a month but only bc good Monday te Friday and only for certain heurs of the day. Ed Broadbent hospitalized Former NDP leader Ed Broadbent bas undergone tests for a suspected ailergy reaction after he became ilI in a restaurant. Bmoadbent was baving lunch lnaa Vancouver restaurant at the time. 1After leaving politics Broadbent bas become president of the International Centre for Human Rigbts and Democratic Development, a Montreal based agency funded by the federal government. Scams thousands Durham Police and the RCMP state an Oshawa teen master minded a huge computer scam that bas gouged Cantel telephone for more than $600,000. The teen was arrested last week when computer equipment Fwas seized. It is suspected the teen used bis >system te setup a third-party billing scheme. Board of Education shuts down driver education The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education trustees have voted te close eut driver education as part ef the board's educational pregram next Fyear. 1 The board is beping it wil bc a means of savîng some money. How mucb money they will save is at the time unknown. Considering that the studens pay for their own course the only cosus te the board is the setting up of 'the program and some ether administrative cons. Seme members did question-the move te close eut the pregram. Bob Willsher, Ward Three Trustee, did peint eut that a number of private firms do previde driver educatien pregrams for students. Consider Arson Three suspicious cottage tires are being cens idered acts of vandalism. Witbin a couple of heurs thrce calîs were answered twe on Cow Island and one on Long Island beth in Rice Lake. On small cottage was totally destroyed, another suffered miner damage wbile the third year-round home suffered considerable damage te the third floor Top nmusicians show interest The Capital Theatre that is 1new owned by a foundatien and is expected ta be renovated ta many uses in the community bas gained the interest ef some noted musicians. A Mr. Cberney, artistic director of the well-known chamber music festival called Music at Sharon bas visited the Capital Theatre with other musical artists of note and have made recordings in the theatre and were pleased with the resuits. Other interests from the entertainmient field have also been looking over the buildings since its purpose bas now become clear. Consulting with the public The Dlort Hope and District 'Hospital plans to meet wih local groups this fali to talk about its future in the community. The executive director states they want'to keep 'in contact with those in the community. Local groups may also cal upon the hospital to provide speakers for their meetings. Legion making major cuts SThe Port Hope Legion is about to make somne major cuts in their operation to the community and to their membership. The Legion was founded in 1927 and finally located at its present two storey building on Toronto Road in 1972. After sixteen years of. catering and other projects the Legion paid off the mortgage of $150,000 on the buil ding. But of late there bas been a drop in the use of the banquet facilities by fifty percent and a sizeable deficit bas arisen. As a result noon lunches for the gene ral public are being discontinued, kitchen help being reduced, some office staff being reduced. There is also to be a reduction in the number of hours that the building will remain open duning the week. Expect increase in housing, The Canada and Mortgage Housing Corporation is expecting more new housing to be built in Oshawa, Whitby and Clarington in 1994 than took place in 1993. The increase will, only bc mnarginal., Ho using starts in the area dropped te an eight year low in March of this year but bave since increased somne. The average cost of a new home is expected to aIse, increase slightly te $ 145,000. A decade of Co-op living The residents *in Ormond Woods Housing Co-operative threw a party last week in celebration of their tenth'anniversary of the co- op housing project. It was a party for ail ages with two new fiags being presented for the complex by the provincial and federal governmnents. College tops 4000 in enrolment For,-the first time Durham College bas surpassed the 4000 mark in full-time student enrolment.. 'he total of 4008 includes al fuli-time students registered in approved post secondary programs and the full time equivalent in part-tune students. Durham is Ontario's fastest growing College over the past two years. Enrolment had reached 3636 last year whicb compares with the 4008 figure this year. Chargea with welfare fraud An Oshawa woman bas been charged by Regional Police with scamming $48,000 from social services over the last six years. Police have'not revealed how that alleged fraud had been undertaken. Settlement reached in the US. The United Auto Workers union and Chrysler Corporation have reached a new three year contract which affects 56,000 workers in the U.S. Also Ford and the UAW have reached an agreement in which workers wil receive three percent increase in the first yearand bonuses of three percent in the second and third year. It sounds miost familiar The Region of Durham is not the only municipality thatbas an issue with landfill site selection. A story eut of Victoria County could have been out of the Region of Durham from some of the comments as te the site selection criteria that bas been used. The consultant for"a proposed Emily site gave bis report based on the facts of the site and by using the Data Range Report supplied by an engineering firm. He said Emily should be classified as 23 eut of the 24 sites. He further stated that if the, reworked tables were used for the ail the other sites it was doubtful that any of the sites would qualify as a land fil site. On- October 25th VOTE Authorized by Ted! Rytwinski, Off icaI Agent for Alex Shepherd SAVE UP TO 25% ON HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE New Home, Non-Smokers, Claims Free, Alarms FOR DETAILS OR A FREE OTE, CALL ~ 623-0331 PINE RIDGE INSURANCE 3 Silver Street, Bowmanville Oshawa - 436-6239 " Enjoy getting out once or twice a month. Have a genuine interest in their community and itsbetterment. " Are happy beihg who they are, but would welcome the opportunity for personal growth and development. " Would enjoy meeting others who share these qualities. Have we got agroup for you! The Kinette Club -of The Great Pine Ridge is currently seeking new members. No experience or particular talent is necessary, only a desire to improve life for those who need it, and have f un a9759while doing iti Let us treat you to dinner and tell you more about the Association we are very proud to beong te. Please cail Anne yat 987-5491 or Bey at 983-9540. NTED If yoli have rniot received a persorially-addressed card fromi Electioni. Caniada cconrf-timirig ycotr registratic)r cnoi the-vcnters list, cail riow at 1800267-VOTrE,(8683).b ELECTIONS CANADA Tlhe nonl-partisan agency responsîble f r the condact offederal elections WA . FWO&M7EJPV WHO: