(2 8 - Orono Weekly limes, Wednesday, October 6, 199e Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corp hods~ officiai openings "Ageof Concern"' Cohtmn for Seniors by your "Senior" at Queen's Park Gord Mils MP. Durham Region Non-profit was the first for Non-Profit Housing Corporation heid their Housing in Bowmanviiie. Each officiai opening of two projecis in complex provides in the order of Bowmanviile on Friday of iast 66 units with ail units now being week rented. The projects, Bowmanviile Heights, Freeland Avenue in the northend of the Town and Mearns Meadows at Mearns and Concessions street have been under construction for the past year and are now occupied. .The officiai opening on Friday Both the Bowmanvile Heights and Mearn Meadows features a community building which may The Officiai opening gave those in attendance the opportunity to visit units of 1 te 4 bedrooms, along with a smaii percentage of handicapped units. "Me units are fuly-equipped with appliances. he used by the residents in the complex. Sehool board holding off on charging lot levees The Public Schooi Board at their recent meetingput a hold on passinga by-iaw that 'wouid have enabled the board to 'set and coliect fees for building, with the jurisdictîon of the board. t has been the intention of the Stress Management (NC)-Individuals differ in theïr reaction to stress but we ail have a limit beyond which stress becomies, overwhelming. Chronie stress cani have long-terrn effects on health, such as emnotional problerns, cardiac disease and ulcers. There are many ways [o reduce, stress, ineluding stress mnanagemnent workshops, relaxation techniques and proper fitness. Seek pro- fessional help il you can't bring your stress under control. SSt. John Ambulance local board te pass the by-law in that the fee charge wouid have taken affect near the end of this year. The fee to developers were to have been $2,162 for a residentiai unit in Northumberland and $3,931i in the Municipaiity of Clarington. These fees would have come on top of fees aiready being charged developers for local, m unicipal, regional and, in some cases, hydre purposes. A provincial law passed in 1989 would aliow te setting and charging of die fee. However the iaw has run afoul of the courts which have ruled the law unconstitutional. The 'Home Builders' Association have been opposed te another fee being charged on new homes. The local Bo ard of Education is now to await what may be the final outeome of t he provincial law before committîng themseives to the collection of the fée. The majority of the units are rented at market value while twenty percent are rented geared- to-income or subsidized. A few handicapped units have been inciuded in both complexes in Bowmanvile. Funding is provided through the federal government, the provincial government and the Non-Profit Corporation. The Non-Profit Corporation operates the complexes and has on-site maintenance staff at al their operations throughout the Region. The organization is operated on a Non-Profit basis. Those taking part in the officiai opening in Bowmanviile were: Linda Dionne, President of the Corporation, Mayor Diane Hamre of Ciarington, Gord ls, M.P.P. Durham East, Councilior Ann Dresiinski, member of the Corporation. Working out gliches in new busngsystem It has flot ail been clear sailing for the new bussing prograni that has been incorporated in some of the areas of the Northumberland and Ciarington Schooi system. 'The change that has been brought into the eastern area, mainiy, does not affect those schoois in the Clarke system of schools. Under the new system brought into play this year, the schooi day begins and ends at different times at different schools. This has ailowed the board te make use of fewer buses and those buses in use could serve more than one school as ini the past. The change was brought in as a means of making some saving in the transportation costs to the systeru. Some parents are complaining that their children are spending more time on buses that in the past. It is also reported that more than one bus may be involved in the transportation of the students to and from school. The board and schoois are endeavouring to work out the problems that the new systemn has caused for some of the students and their parents. One of the hardest jobs a senior can face is caring for a spouse or another senior who has memory loss and confusion. There are. many problems, but among the most difficuit is when the confused person is restless at night and tie caregiver is unable to get needed sleep. There are some simple things that you can do which may help, plan some sort of exercise, walk, car ride, or other activity to heip keep themn awake during the day. Naps should be short and early in the day. Also use the bed only for sleeping. The confused person must learn by routine that going to bed means going to sleep. Beware of alcohol and caffeine late in the afternoon. They can cause anxiety. And remember caffeine is flot oniy found in coffee, it is found in chocolate, Newcastle Village Morning Get Away program for parents A co-operative program which gives parents/care givers an opportunity to participate in an aduit program of arts and crafts while the children participate in a structured play ptogram wiil take some teas, and soft drinks. You shouid ask your doctor to determine if any medications, such as diuretics, cause the sleepig disturbance. A confused person can become quite contrary and some things may trigger unexpected response. For example, taking a bath orputting on pyjamas may upset the person. Then you need to change the schedule or even let the person sieep in regular ciothimg. There are no easy answers. As some confused elderly get worse, the caregiver must find a way to get needed rest so that the caregiver's health does not suffer. If you can't manage - ask for heip. Until next week - Caiamity is the test of integrity!!! place in Newcastle Village starting October 7th. The program is being offered by the Newcastle Family Connection. It is based in the Newcastle Community Hall and will operate fromn October 7th to May. Memberships is $25 plus $1.50 per child, over the age of 12 months per visit. To receive more information or register phone Kathleen 987-4830 or cail 987-7767. GOING ON A TRIP??? GE1TING MARRIED???1 Planning a Special Evening on the Town for Dinner, the Theatre or the Big Gaine??? I HOURGLASS Limousine Service wili get you there and back in safety, com fort and style. CALL TO RESERVE EARLY The -CLARKE CONNECTION MORE THAN A STORE *A UNIQUE EXPERIENCE r ONE 0F A K11VD-HAND MADE CANADIAN CRAPTS POTTERY - WOOD - SILKS - TOYS AND MUCH MUCH MORE N L TU 9 to 5 MAIN STREEL; ORONO 983-9314 JES. - FJJ 1tQ6 SAT