c McLaughlin Bay WildlWfe Reserve OrnnoeeklyTimes, Wednesday, October 13, 1,993 - 3) It was "World Bird Watch '93" at McLaughlin Bay Wildlife Reserve on Sunday and as above those visiting the Reserve an this special day were greeted by Jim Richards, Orono, left, who bas planned the development of the reserve for GM Canada on lands at their head office in east Oshawa at the lakefront. Three Viewing Stations operated at the reserve for this special occasions. Viewing Stations were also manned at Cranberry Marsh in south WVhitby where it is reported two Sandhill Cranes flew in for an astounding visit which delighted birdwatchers there at the time of amval. Q4ueen's Park Report from Gord Mfills, MPWP Durham East Last week, at Queen's Park, in addition ta my daily duties in the Legisiature, I attended three important meetings having a direct impact on ail of us in the riding. My first meeting, took place on Monday evening and continued until aimost il p.m. This meeting was ta consid er the Reform of Social Assistance. This plan is compiex and wiil require conisîderabie "burning of the midnight ail" prior ta presentation in the Legislature for lst Reading. The presenit system isn't working, and this reform in my opinion, has got to be done right - or else! The,.second meeting, took up mast of Wednesday morning, and concerned the ýDurham Officiai Plan. This is the plan designed ta identify the grawth areas in the region, the commercial areas, the green spaces, agricultural lands, and the population growth we can expect in Durham over the next thirty years. The Durham Officiai Plan is a mammoth undertaking, crafted by the Regional Council and staff, and presented ta the Ontario Governmnent for approvai. '- The plan is important far us al since it sets the tane for the type of enviromnent we, and aur chiidren wili live in mnany years down. the road. Tuesday morning gave all five MPPs who represent the Region of Durham, an apportunity ta comment an the amendmrents, proposed by the govemment. 1 was pleased ta have been giv-n the opportunity to take part in the discussion of this important step ini ail of aur futures. The third major meeting of the week took up most of Thursday morning, and concerned the Durham Regionai Acute Care Review. This Regional Acute Care Study was appraved by the Mvinister of Health in Novembher 1992. The economic realities we fare facing in Ontario make it essential that we spend aur health care dollars wisely, ta get the best possible value for the money we have available. The study focus is primarily on adute care services but where strategic issues related ta both community-based and long termn care services are relevant, these wiil be identified as well. I look forward ta reading the final repart at the end of October, befare attendinga November meeting ta discuss theý recommendations put forward. This study is of vital importance ta ail of us, 'as it will address primary, secondary and tertiary case services required by Durham Residents, baoth no-w and in the years ahead. The majar meetings of the past week, alang with regular-House & Cammittee duties, caupled'with mee tings more of a minor nature involving my work with the Salicitor General, added ta aur caucus weekly Tuesday marning meeting withý the Premier, and a dash up ta Port Perry on Wednesday night ta take in the Al Candidates Debate, are ail good for loosing, weight - it leaves very littie Lime ta eat! My last paragraph leads nicely into "Waste Reductian Week," and the oppartunity ta inform yau that the Minister of Environment & Energy bas provided the Durham Region Roman Cathalie Seýparate Sehool Board, with $205,775 ta arganize a systemn wide multi- material recydling program. At the same time, the Minister of Enviranment & Energy provided a grant of $ -1,790,240 ta provide a Mvunicipal Recyciing Support Programn grant ta the Regional Municipality, of Durham. This program wiil make a significant, cantribution ta aur next goal of at Mr, Richards notes a number of hawks flying through at McLaughlin Bay and was pleased ta report a Peregrine Falcon sighting. In commenting on the Sandhill Cranes Mr. Richard said only haif a dozen such sighting have ever been made in this area. least 50% waste. diversion by the year 200. I was also pleased ta see aur government act on the proposed federal government sale of 5,000 acres of land known as the Pi ckering Airport Land. This proposed sale is short-sighited, environmentally insensitive and flies in the face of our commitment of over 8,000 hectares of provincially-owned land ta create'a viable farming community in the same area. If the federal gavemnment doesn't change their mind, the Mînister of, Municipal Affairs will impose a Minister's Zoning Order ta restrict the land use ta agricultural activities. On a safety note, and in response ta local concerns in the area, The Minister of Transport is seeking a resolution from The Municipality of Clarington ta, reduce the speed limit from 80 km/h ta 60 knm/h an Highway 2 in Newcastle Village from just west of Massey Drive ta just west of Rundie Raad. As the areaMPP I arn pleased ta lend my support ta this change in speed now that a sub-division located on the south side of Highway 2 is complete and fully accupied. Turning ta aur pets and their health. The 1993 subsidized Rahies Clinic is scheduled ta take place on Saturday, October 16, 1993, at veterinary- clinics thraughout Metro Toronto, Durham, Halton, Peel and York. Visit the clinic nearest yau, with your pet(s) and demonstrate yaur concern for the safety of the people wha live in- your community. The clinics will be open ta provide this service between the hours of 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. James Garfield once said, "If wrinles must bc written upon aur brows, let not them be written upon the heart." Until next week - take care. Letter to Editor Treason! That is the long and the short of it. Thie Bloc Quebecais bas as its fundamental aim the break up of the Dominion Of Canada. If they have their way, we wiii no longer be "one country from sea ta shining sea." My opinion is that the Bloc, were it ta gain a majarity of scats in the upcaming election wauld and shouid secede. In fact, were the Bloc ta run candidates in some Parts Of the cauntry ather than, Quebec, they might surface a few winners. 1 wish it were flot sa. Nowhere else in the warld do we see the cultural tapestry af the Canada- we know taday. It is ta be haped that, since flot ah aof the French richness of thought is lodged in Quebec, we shail continueta survive as a thinking, feeling cultural mix. Audrey McLaughlin, during the recent debates, had the guts ta eall Lucien Bouchard a traita'r taO his face, though flot in those exact words. And I think 'she's absoiutely right. I can't for the life of me get my mind around the concept of a successful at the poîls' Bloc leader being alaowed ta sit in aur parliament in Ottawa whiie he plans thie seccessian of Quebec. Does he hope, in the tradition of democracy, to have, a rising note of fond farewell from the other participants? Is his aim to take with -him loaded pockets and supportive promises as he makes his retreat? 1 wauid like to try to understand the needs of the Quebec people, and wish them well if separate they must. 1 intend ta continue loving and visiting their province as I always have. I also think that the new Prime Minister of Canada should disaliow entry to OUR parliament of any party whose major ain is the breakup of Canada as we know it. O CANADA! Respectfully submitted, Pat Irwin Lycett, Orono a-ckeinze The Indi5bM GQaMpfPmInds How to break the GIC habit. Industrial Morigage Securities Fund 3.%J 13.6%J10.9%113.0% 113.9% CURRENT ASSET MIX 4c,.2%/ NHA Morgage Backed Securifies 10.0%/ Government of Canada Bonds 21 .6% Canadian Equiies 22.2% Government of Canada T. Bils 1 00% fnvested for consistentlY competitive Incomne QL2growth. Ail figures shown are for the period ending JuIy 30,1993. Cali: Fortune KEN RICHARDS 983-8263 , TO CREATE NE W JOBS *Let s gîve business the help it needs ta establ ish and grow so that thousands of jobs can be Lrcated in Durham. *Let's encourage the banking system ta act responsîbiy with resp)ect ta srnall business and the public generally. *Let's brîng business and education together for a new approach ta training that mieets the skill requirements for new and chalienging careers. Alex discussing smali business problemns with Herb Duvali. Alex Shepherd bas ideas that fit the times and programs that will work to bring jobs back to Durham. PHONE FOR MORE INFORMATION 721-7570 OR 985-1600 Auihorized by Ted Ryin ski, Officiai Agent for Alex Shepherd.