- mýý YOUR VOT*-E lis YOUR SAY CANADA The' izo-partisýaii gc'nc-Yresponsihil' Jbr the condiîct o f fixhral clections: You'Il be wa on October 25 Dont count r4' yourselfout!l ý_ ADVANCE POLLS OR BY SPECIAL BALLOT. On Election Day, Monday, October 25, 1993, the Polling Stations "w Will be open between 9 A.M. and 8 P.M. ,J1ýý _7To exercise your right to vote, present yourself at the address indicated on your Federal Voters List Revision Card or Elector Information Card (if you reside in Quebec). If you cannot vote on that day, don't count yourself out! You can vote early at the Advance Polis. ~' ~.The Advance Poils will be open from ,noon to 8 P.M. on Saturday, October 16, and m Monday and Tuesday, October 18 a~nd 19. The address is on your card. The Special Ballot: for people wh o cannot vote on the above dates if you are unable to vote on the above dates, youi can now vote by Special Ballot, and you may do so either by mail or in person. However, you must miake a request at an Elections Canada office as soon as possible. You can find the location foriyur riding on your Card fromn Elections Canada. Please note the following: *If you don't know where to go because you have imisplaced yu Card (Rvsino Information), contact the Elections Canada office in your riing. To finid onit the, location or phone number, cal1 the toIl-free number shown be]ow. *If you already have a Special Ballot, you must retuirn it to the address, shown on the return envelope before 4 P.M. on October 22, otherwise it won't beNvailid. I f your name is not registered on the voters list, hurry and have it added on! The revision period ends on October 20. Some important dates to remember, -------- . . . . . .Advance Polis: October 16, 18 and 19 - Election Day: October 25 For additional information, cal1 the Elections Canada office in your riding, or cail out tol free line: 1 0027-VOTE(8683) *Ail Polling Stations, with few exceptions, provide level access. If yours does not, the following symbol will appear on your Revision or Information Card. - Notice to ail cable subscribers: Elections Canada voter information is broadcast daily on the Parliamientary ChanneL. * I yo knw aperon ho as iffculy rading, please inform themn of the content of this advertiscmen t, or give them the abox e telephone number.