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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Oct 1993, p. 6

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6 - Orono Weekly Times, Wedlnesday, October 13, 1993.7 UniedWay camnpaign- CIlrington CLG Update with BBQg and draws Employees of the Municipality of Clarington kicked off their United Way Fundraising Campaign at the Municipal Administrative Office in Bowmanville on Friday. The event, which îookplace from noon tlii wo încluded a BBQ and draws held in the Hall square. Ail proceeds will go to the United Way. Draws were held for a birdfeeder, composter, and wreath. A grand prize draw is to'be held at the end of the month for a new barbecue donated by Consumer's Gas.p Maureen Reid, who employees, and Mayor Hamre put together the United Way draw for the winners of the prizes campaign for the Municipality shown here. Lînda Vanc e and Nancy O'Flaherty, emrployees of the Municipality of Clarington, show off the prizes available to be won at the United Way Fundraiser kiekoff. BjowmanviMle Business& Professi*onal Several ncw members helped to start off an exciling new season for flic Bowmanville Business and Professional Women's Club at their September meeting. Guest speaker, Nancy Bass, District Di)rcctor of' the club and -long sýtanding mnember of the North loronto Club, addressed a (oîîtroversial issue "Feminism in thc 90's." Ms. Bass began her lecture with a definition of feminism - "A person maie or female, Who believes and supports the concept of equality." She assured the members that il is flot men who arc standing in women's way and the concept thal feminis 'tsare maie bashers is a mylh. She staîed that alîhough it may be handy to blame me, we have 10 Club news take collective responsibiliîy for equality. Women have a rcsponsibility as parents and employers 10 set an example. Ms. Bass advised ite members of the neccssiîy to exhibit a zero toîcrance to violence and abuse. Ms. Bass quoted statisties stating 90% of women in jails have been bused before the age of twelve. She also stated that there is much denial about being feminists. Feminism, like racism, has gone underground and aithough the laws in Ontario are the envy of other countries, statisîics show just as many problems in Ontario as anywhere else. Members were quoted some useful suggestions for success The Clarington Community Liaison Group has been working for some lime now on the question "how do, we remove the radioactive material presently located in the Port Granby low level radioactive waste"l? I order to resoive that question, we have had "Scoping Meetings" in the various communities within the town to find Out the concemns ilat people had. These were documented and a study was made of those concerfis as far as we couid go for the lime being. The next step was 10 do a more formai survey of the concerns and titis was done by asking about 60 people throughout the Town of Clarington various questions to get more detaiied answers 10 the questions that were raised in the first set Of Meetings that we heid. The answers were ail documented and this survey was donc by third parties, s0 as flot 10 influence the work of the Community Liaison Group. A report was prepared of the findings and that report is now availabie for you upon your request. It has the officia i tte of 'Public Needs Assessment"' and provide us with tools in deaiing with the questions that need to be addressed. The next step was to step us a subcommiîîee 10 look at the type of 'wastes we have 10 deal with. This committee is called the Clean-up Criteria commiutee and nineteen additionai holes 10 be drilied at the Port Granby site 10 find out how much material is there, how much the materiai had moved down as well as sideways. The resu its of these studies are available upon your request in the CLG office, The dlean-up criteria commitee has also recommended certain standards of dlean-up. This is a very complicated and involved procedure which bas taken many months. However, we are now satisfied that the levels that we propose will bc safe for ail future uses of the site. There wiil be' unrestricted use to the land when the material bas been removed. It can be used-as a parkland. It can even bc used as a residential site, although of course, due to the erosion and, that will flot be a viable option. However, it wili be dlean enough for a famiiy 10 acîually live on the site shouid that become the case some lime in the fu tu re. Ihis dlean-up standard report expiaining how we got to that recommendalion, is availabie in the office, ils yours for the asking. We have also asked a number of residenîs for their opinion on the dlean-up criteria and we have been in touch our local Town Council 10 have their input into the mix. We are now working on the last of the sludy groups. -This is cailed the decommissioning or remedial action plan. This group looks at the type of equipmenî tobcb used, lime of the year action that should be taking place, the containers that wili need to be used, the cleaning up of equipmenî and people and many, many more questions that you have raised and the regulations you except us 10 look at. This sîudy wiIi continue for about a year, and at that lime we wili prescrnt our final report and will be ready for the decommissionîng of the Port Granby site. Much work needs 10 be done, many questions need to be answered. You have raised numerous questions and we appreciate those questions. If you have further information, or if you have concerns, do flot hesitate to cali us. If you are interested finding out how far we have corne along and what we have done and what we are recommending, please do flot hesitate to cali us. We will be glad to talk to your group, t0 you individually or t0 your farnily. We hope to continue with this effort of makirig the Port Granby Low-level Nuclear Waste Site a safe place for the future. On October 25th Authorized by Tfed Rytwinski, Official Agent for Alex Shepherd The Clarington Community Liaison Group invites youi to a PUBLIC MEETING Clarington CLG Meetings of the "bhia Business Meeting Working Group to be held at on Cle-an-up Criteria~ 37 King Street W., Tuesday, October 19 Vil'llage of Newcastle 5:00 p.m. Hope Township M'unicipal OfFice 7:30 p.m Thesday, October 26 Monday, October 18 6:30 Hope Township Municipal Office For formation contact Dana Kerr of the Clarington Community Liaison Group a! 987-7786. The Topic: The Port Granby Low Level Nuclear Waste Site YOUR PARTICIPATION IS VITALLY IMPORTANT. YOU CAN BECOME PART 0F THE SOLUTION TO LOW LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE IN THE MUNICIPALITY 0F CLARINGTON

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