Orono Weekly TImes~ Wednesday, October 13, 1993 -7 Fvire Prevention Week Sparky, the Fire Department's Koenen of Bowmanville. Sparky special guest for Fire Prevention reminded bis visitors to "Get Out - Week, with his new pal Jessica Stay Out." There will aiso be credit deserved in this area! For the relaxed, easy feel. The dedication to keep the grass, the trees, the flowers, the birds, tbe animais, and the people, in their rightful and deserved spot. The way that the area moves with the times, yet keeps a proud tab on its heritage. There is sornething refreshing about spending your days here. Is il the sound of crickets and peepers in the night, replacing the long, loud wail of the siren. Is it the warm smilies people share as they pass on the street, instead of the low murmurs and curses of people that have slept for too long on the coid, sidewalk. Despite being only a quick zip down the highway frorn Toronto, the difference in pace is ligbtyears away.. Consîder the difference '~between dewy grass under bare toes, or hard, uneven concrete slapping against your shoe. The difference between fresb air tainted only withi the slight arorna of cow, cornpared to the stench of beiching buses, and factories purnping toxic, noxious fumes. There is sornething that is iacking in this area though. A certain "je ne sais quoi". It is flot something that one can put a finger on. It is not a single element, rather a combination of things tbat create an energy. It couid be simple physics, or maybe even a chemistry, but the point is moot as 1 arn a dud in both subjects., When you enter city limits, there is a whoie different feeling. A new mood. 1 imagine like entering an alternate parallel universe. The city throbs with energy. The country can sometimes feel as though tirne as stood stiil. Tbe is a certain intrigue that cornes from the simple equation of adding ail elements of life together, finding the surn and then cubing it for the end resuit. The end resuit is a blend of ethnic cultures, classes, religions, etc, etc, ail iending themselves to one celebration of life at -ils rost energetic. The rush of people, the musicians on the corners, vendors, entertainers, srnells of different foods wafting into the stree t, the calîs of the man wîth no marbies mixing with that of the reiigious fanatie. Yeah, throw it al together, and you have a pretty good tbing happening. The next day, you swing in your harnrock under the maple branch and the Indian summer sky and you think, "but l'rn not sure 1 could iive there." Fire Cails from Orono, Fire calis for Clarington Fire Departinent, Station # 3, Orono for the weeks September 23 10 October 4 were: October 3 at 10:19 p.m., called to a chimney fire at 52 Cburcb St-, no dollar loss. 1October 4 at 5:44 p.m., called' to 5367 Main St., Apt. 10, equipment malfunction, no dollar loss.- Book Review from Crystal Pages ADULT CHILDREN 0F ALCOHOLICS (Expanded Edition) New York Times Bestseller by Janet Gerginger Woititz Ed. D. - The subject of the healing of aicoholics and their families has been a long time gaining acceptance in the general population. "The child of an alcoholic has no age. The saine things hold true if you are five or 55." When making this statement during a lecture, the author felt that she bad finally 'bit home', and froin that moment on people started listening differently. They were able to say to ber "You are describing me and my life." "At long last I feel validated." "I am not crazy." And so, some of the enormous resistance to her book, first pubiished in 1983, began to dissipate as affected people learned that sbaring is healing, and tbey were flot alone. It appears tbat mucb of what is true for the children of alcohoiics is also true for many dysfunctional families. This understanding can help reduce the isolation of countless persons who feel 'different' because of their life experience. There was a time when tbe admission of belonging to such a faniily was a shameful offering. More and more, il is the case that most families see themnselves as dysfunctional to some degree. So, the climate of opinion is in a state of change. The chapter on Recovery states; "Alcobolism is a disease. People recovering from alcobolism are recovering frorn a disease. Being the cbild of an aicoholic is not a disease. It is a fact of your history. The object of ACOA recovery is to overcome those aspects of your history that cause you difficuity today and to learn a better way." - NEW - Health Communications Inc., Florida 0f two Views in Newtonvillie Earlier this summer the Municipality of Clarington received notice of objection to noise created in an undeveloped Village area which has been used for diri bikin g and other recreational vehicular use. 1In the agenda titis week a further petition has been received in which twenty-two signors are objecting to the former c omplaint of noise from the particular area and state that they do flot object to the noise nor do they feel that the use of the area is creating a disruption. A numnber of delegations from Newtonville were on the agenda to speak at counicil on Tuesday eveningy. Professionai and Business Women (Continued frorn page 6) such as being positive, having goals and joining a women's group (outside your own* profession). In conclusion Ms. Bass said she feels strongly about B.P.W. Club because of the positive attitude and sisterhood of the organization . By being a member of B.P.W. Club you can combine strengths and abilities and work for equal opportunities and better understanding between women. The primary focus of the club is education, employrnent and econornic status of women. You have a chance to broaden your vision with the dîversity of ages and occupations. On October 2ist Mayor Diane Hamre will address the club about "What's New 'In Clarington." The meeting will begin with a social time at 6:00 p.rn. followed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. Guests are weicome to make dinner reservations by cailing Helen Devitt at.623-3915 by Monday, October l8th. Dinner tickets are $20.00. Tickets include a buffet and guest lecture at the Port Darlington Marina Hotel. As well this montb, we al should take advantage of our democratie rigbt 10 vote and learn as miuch as possible about our local candidates' views and ideas before October 25th. One question that couid be put forth for the candidates might be: What is your stand on a person being eligible for unescorted day passes after serving just 2 years of a 12 year prison sentence for three serious crimes? This is in regard to Francine Nicholas, (the local wornen who was shot 5 times) whose husband rnight be eligible, in January 1994, for day passes. Another date to mark on your calendar is Thursday, November 4th when the YWCA is, hosting The l2th Annual Women of Distinction Awards and Funid- Raising Dinner. Guest speaker wil be Sunera Thobani, President of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women. Contact the YWCA at 576-8880 for more information. Carol Aider Carpentïy CUSTOM HOME BUILDING RENOVATIONS "SmaIl Jobs and Large l'il Take Charge" 1-705-277-2397 JOE H. LEYSTRA WOR KIN G FOR VOUR FUTURE VOUR STRONG VOICE FOR DURHAM Your Progressive Conservative Federal Member ai Parliament for Durham Riding Authanized by: Daug Berry, Officiai Agent for Ross Steeson