~~j.~~ T 1 jÇ;yà ltbe-ri, 193-1 SALLY STAPýLES associate broker 623-6000, 24 hour pager _REIMAX CORNERSTONEREALTY LTDU, REALTOR *3 bodroom brick bungalow, new vinyl windows lhrougho ut. * Largo roc room wlith cozy stono-sot woodstove. * One and a hait attac hed garage - 237 deep, fencod loti * 2100 sq. ft., tour bodroom, Victorian Reproduction home. * Greonhouse kitotion, family room with walk-out to deck., * Pronudum court lot, backing onto groonbelt. 2.3 acre village lot, fruit troos, woods and stroam. *Spacious ttroe bedroom.bungalow, double dotachod garage. *Family room wilh sliding glass walk- out to dock! * 15 x 200' very privato, treed lot, backing onto fields. *3+1 bedroom brick bungalow - roc room with stone firoplace. *Eat-in kitchon with walk-out Io raised dock, ovorlooking yard! " Channing four bedroom, red brick Century home. " New kitchen, new bath, now1y decorated throughoutl' " Privato, beautitufly landscaped, .44 acre country lot. Tales Told Twice August 19 67 The Orono Band are again considering holding summer classes for beginning bandsmen,, both girls and boys. Anyone wishing to join the summer class are now asked to contact ither Messrs. Carman Cornisb, Roy Forrester or William Allin. The teacbing staff of the Orono Public SchooL, along witli their husbands and wives celebrated the end of the school terni widi a barbecue at the ho me of Mr. and'Ms. Marvin Lunn on Thursday evening, June 29t1i. Orono District Credit Union announces the appointment of Mrs. Percy Werry as Treasurer Manager,, effective, July 1, 1967. Office bours, Wednesday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. and Friday 7 p.m. - 9 p.m., at her residence, Chuch St. S., Orono. Oddfellows, Rebekahs and their families are invited tO a picnic at Orono Park, Sunday, July l6th commencing at 2:00 o'clock. The Orono Tennis Club on Tuesdayevenmng beld a gaine and social nigbt at the Tennis Court with over twenty members in attendance. The Orono Juveniles played the Peterborough Juvenile "A" team in Peterborough on Sunday evening with Peterborough taking a 3-2 Win over the local club. Shareholders of the, Community Telephone Co., Dunnville, which includes the system at Orono, have approved a bid for the company's shares from Continental Telephone Corp. of st. Louis, Mo. August 1977 1Michael Bal has been chosen 'Cub of the Year' for the Orono Pack, 1976-77. The choice was made by the leaders of the group with Michael excelling in attendance, behaviour, earning nine badges and being a meniber of the pack for the past tbree years. The trophy was donated by the Heather Rebekah Lodge of Orono. .The Town of Newcastle is to mnake final arrangements to hire at least tbrce persans ta selI dog licences in the Town of Newcastle. Shirley Allin, Newcastle who is looking alter the Oirono playground programn and assistant Rod Dewcll are looking for yaungstcrs to take part ini the program. The Town of Newcastle Day will bc held in Orono again this year. Wednesday, August l7th is the big day. They are serving prime barbecued beef, baked potataes, buns, baked bean s, western style coffee, donuts and relishes between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. A petition to council opposing commerci al developments in thec Orono Estates was referred to Monday night at Newcastle council when a resident of the Estates further pointed out that residents of the area were opposed ta such development. A sum of $376.45 has been aIIotted by council for the repair of the Orono FireHall roof.- Council bas approved the cleaning and painting of the Hall up ta the arsounit set aside in the budget. Blain Ronald Moffat, son -of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Moffat, Orono, received bis Bachelor of Science degree in Microbiology with honours at the Convocation ceremonies of the University of, Guelph, May 26th,'1977. As a new promotion for the Durham Central Fair in Orono this year the society has arranged for a Sunday afternoon Country Music Jamboree to be held September 11 th. Bowmanville Apple Fest 1- by Carol-Ann Oster There are many special facets of Autumn. The colour of the- leaves. The sweet smell on the crisp breeze. The harv est. Corn, pears, apples, apples, and more apples. Apple crisp. Apple pie. Apple fritters. And of corse. .-. Bowmanville's Annual Apple Fest. Apple Fest was held this past weekend and despite the less than inspiring weekend weather, it was once again a tremendous success. Tents were set up along Temperance Street and upon entering each tent a new temptation presented itself. Homemade crafts for sale reminded us that Christmas was just around the corner. Most tents, however, made us live for the moment and make the most of'this year's apple barvest. Crisp, juicy apples were available for sale as were fresh app le pies, apple crisps and a hast of other baked goods. The beavenly smell wafting along the streets of Bowmanville came from the fresh apple fritters being baked. To wash them down, fresh pressed apple cider from the Tyrone Mill was available for sale. With such enticements as these, it's no wonder Apple Fest was a smash bit again tbis year. MichaeL Spooner and Sheila Stephens Spooner ROSE, ARBOR -ANTIQUES EARLY CANADIAN PINE * IL LAMPS - PRMTVES OPENAPRIL TO DECEMBER HOURS: Saturday, Sunday and Holidays - 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ALSO BY APPOINIMENT OR BY CHANCE (905) 983-9091 6179 Andrews Rd. 4.8 kp. east of Hwy. 115135 R.R. 1, Kendal, Ont LOA IEO on Clarke 6th Conc. r 'AASK LEATHERCRAFT AUTHORIZED DEALER> -OR- Tandy Crafte The Leather Factory unisisol Lethers 401 Phone ahead or by chance 3847 Wllcox Rd., Orono LS I MO (905) 983-9540 <~ THE CATERING CONNECTION SOCIAL CATERERS -~ Our Speciallty Famiy Style Roast Beef Dinner.,TO Weddimgs -Axiniversaries- Business Funictions Hockey- Basebal Bowling Banquets HOT - COU) - BUFFETS FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont. LOB iMO 983-9679 GOING ON A TRIP??? GE1TING MARRIED??? Planning a Special Evening on the Town for Dinner, the Theatre or the Big Gaine??? HOURGLASS Z Limousine Service wii get you there and back in safety, com fort and style. L CALL TO RESERVE EARI.V z Ca# ime to buy, or seli... Orono and area's real estate rep. Krystyna Jones Re olty -Net ASSOCIATES 3(DURHAM)lnc. 1060 SILECOE ST N. 103- OSMAWA TEL(416)721-2112 oe JUST LISTE .. . CALîFORRiA OREAMIN-1 AU. IIAROWOOD FLOOUS, DECIC WITI4 HrOTTuIS, BEAIJTIFUL DECOR, CENTRAL AIR & MOBEI $137,500.