B - Orono Woekly Times, Wodnosday, October ~7, 1993 Environmental Citizenship Certifica tes Newtonville Church Anniversary Service Newtonville United Church wîll celebrate the, 126th Anniversary of its founding with a special celebration of worship this Sunday, October 31, 1993. Guest Preacher will be Mr. Denzil Dale, a long time frienti of Uic congregation. Special Music wil bc supplied by Uice choir. The service will begin at 9:45 a.m ., Uic regular bour of worship. t will be followcti by a time of fellowship wiUi a light luncheon for al who attend. The Sunday School wil operate as normal andi babysitting will be provideti. Denzil Dale is wel-known to many as a lay preacher wiUi Uic Gideon Bible society for 35 years. WiUi a Baptist background, be considers himsclf transtienominational having workcd with a witie varicty of churches and-denominational stances down Urougb Uic years. Hc is now actively involved in the Chaplaincy programn at Osbawa Gencral Hospital. We Wclcome bim back to our pulpit anti wait with anticipation for bis message this week. The congregations of Kendal United Churcb anti Shüob United Churcb will1 join with the members and frientis of Newtonville United Church for Uis special occasion. Everyonc is inviteti. Pictureti above at tbe presentation of Environmcntal Citizensbip Certificates in Oshawa last are John Veldhuis, Hampton, Niva Rowan, Kendal, MacDonald, Newtonville anti Mike Breaugb, Oshawa M.P., Jim Councillor David Scott, Richards, Orono, nominator of N4ewtonville. Uic Clarington recipients, Helen Local residents receive Orono Fair Enmvironmental award Four residents of the Municipality of Clarington bave been rccognized for their efforts andi commitrnints to raise public awarcncss as te Uic protection of thc local environruent., The four, David Scott, Neya Rowen, Helen MacDonald anti John Veltihuis,, along with cigbt otesfrom theRegion of Durham, were bonoureti witb Uic presentation of Environmental Citizcnsbip Certificates. The, Certificates were prcsented at Uic Oshawa Council Chambers by Mike Brcaugb, M.P. Oshawa, on bebalf of Environment Canada. The four fromn Claringten hati been nominated by Jim Richards, of Orono, who bimself bas been a recipient of the award. He is manager of Uic McLaughlin Bay Wildlife aiea. Davidi Scott, Newtonvillc R.R., is committeti 10 reducing lantifill expansions anti bas worked bard to raise public awareness on sucb issues as private lantifill expansion, radio. active waste, unsustainable development, Uic disappearance of agricultural lantis wbicb is an economic force in the Munici- pality of Claringten. He is also concerneti with forest preservation anti water resources. He ativocates strength- ening Uic tax base by attracting dlean îndustry anti small business ventures wbicb he sces as possibly more concerneti with Uic environment tban larger corporations. John Veltibuis, Hampton, bas been environmental activist for the past 20 years. Hie bas been fountier anti chairman of SEAF (Save the Environment from Atomic Pollution), the Port Granby Monitoring Committee anti GOOD (Garbage of Ontario Diminisheti). He bas anti is chairman of the local Liason group seeking a resolve of the Port Granby dump. He bas written school texts for grade 7 to 10 students anti bas always been available for speaking engage- ments as to concerns for tbc cnvironment. This yeai he took time 10 travel to Haiti to plant trees. Niva Rowan, Kendal R.R., has been a dedicated environ- mentalist all hier adult ycars. It runs. from composting to organic gardcning in bier backyard to teaching cnvironmental awareness to school childrcn for 27 ycars. Her concerns run very deep. She bas been a mnember of the Port Granby Monitoring Group and is a founding member and an executive members o f SAGA (Save the Ganaraska Again) committee. She is also co- chair of the Education Committee anti a founding member of STORM (Save the Oak Ridges) which bas led to ber being a delegate for Uic Tcchnical Working Committee which is guiding the provincials governmcnt Planning Study for Uic Oak Ridgcs Moraine. SHelen MacDonald, Newton- ville R.R., Is a founding member of Citizens for a Safe Envîronmcnt which bas concerns for Uic siting of low-lcvcl waste management facilities. She bas organized volunteers to visit al public schools to-make students aware of Uic significance of Uic environment. She.has also co- ordinateti the successful Environment Fair, Community Exchange days and networks with other environmental organiz-. ations. She also writes exten- sively on environmcrital issues and is involveti in such organizations as the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, Waste Caucus of the En- vironment Network and is a founding member of ic Durhamn Environmental Network. Following Uic presentation last week Helen MacDonald saiti protecting Uic environment is not just the responsibility of a few individuals but it is Uic work of many people. New federal farm program The Federal Agricultural Ministry bas setup a new programa called 'The Canadian Rural Opportunity Initiative. It is designed to make it casier for Qulit winner wins at'district The Grand Championý Quit from'Durbam Central Fair - Orono *as the first place winner at the district level last Thursday in Lindsay. There were eleven champion quilts from the local fairs at District 4 in the comrpetition. This quilt titled "Englisb Garden" was hand made by Donna Gunter, Oshawa. Donna is thc daughter-in-law of Margaret and Clare Gunter, Orono.ý The quilt will now be entered in the provincial competition to be held during the Agriculture Fair Convention at the Royal York in February. The winning quilt at the convention wilI become part of the Ontario Agriculture Museum Quiît Collection in Milton. This was formerly Uic Canada Packers Quilt Competition., by Donna Scott MTO office scaled down The Ministry of Transportation has down-sized its Port Hope office anti recently moved irito new quarters that have been developed ithrough renovations of a portion of the garbage back of the former office building that is now vacant. The new home base now serves accommodation for a staff of some thirty. Cutbacks were announceti carlier Uis year wben it was announced Uiat 32 unionized workcrs and office managers were e xpected to lose Uieir jobs at Port Hope by the end of thc year. About 22 have founti employment in other ministry offices since getting their pink slips. Nineteen others are awaiting offers. The Port Hope office was establisheti some 75 years ago. farmers, to train for other jobs. t is also designed to keep farmers running Uic fais while working off the farm. t is Friday aftcrnoon, 1:23 p.m. At the time this is being typed, Urec days remain before Uic votes arc cast in the next Federal Election. By the time you read this, the clec tion will be over, as will most of the pomp and circumstance. i would have prcferrcd te have writtcn about my view on Uic final outcome. Despairingly, Uiougb, wiUi a press timne of four o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, 1 am left with insufficient time to do so. Sorry! Dcatiline, don'tcbalaiow! So, mny plan is te file away My opinions on that particular portion of tbe subject until next Fritiay aftemnoon. Besides, if I printed my predictions, and I turned out te be way off in. orbit, that would only leave readers with a bandful of incriminating evidence, proving that sometimes I just really don't have a dlue. Instead, I have a few comments to make regarding Uic bebaviour of Uic candidates. Jean Chretien, it woulti appear, turneti out te take Uic brunt of Uic abuse. From Lucien Boucbard's less than favourable remarks, to the unfair personal attacks from Uic Tories. Monsieur Chretien, I Rick Jones Newtonville believe handîcti the abuse in a diplomatic way, and did not resort to any dirty stunts of bis own. M. Cbrctien's campaign was well run, with dignity, gracc, and with fairness. My compliments te Uic campaign team. With bighcst regards also to Audrey McLaugblin. The NDP bave flot fared well through the last few months. Ms. McLaughlin, also pullcd off a dlean campaign. Despite, Uic parties low standings, Uic leader playeti fair, and kept ber chin up Urough Uic worst. Congratulations tb Uic NDP for being one of the few parties to go int Uis canipaign with something concrete te offer te Canadians, anti for being one of iose rare parties' that bati an actual answcr 10 a question. As for tbc Bloc Quebecois. There is littie te say, in my opinion for a iparty that is in actuality, noUing more than one big special interest group. The Reform Party. Give credit te Uic party for being able te make the other parties sweat it out. Tbey also deserve our heartfelt appreciation for taking away so many of ic Tory votes. If there (Continueti page 9) 905-786-2793 MASARU KARATE CLUB SHORIN-RYU Classes for Chîldren -end Aduits LEATHERCRAFT' À TRRIZED DEALER FR Tandy Crafi e-The Leather F actury :k: risto1 Leathers S Phone ahead or by chýance 3847 Wilcox Rd., Orono LOB 1 MO (905) 983-9540 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27