............... me's':WedmesdayN' W eekly Tti $ ............ ............. ....... . ....... Receive Optimist Club's Youth Awards Optimists recognize leadership/service work by Carol-Ann Oster Twenty local youth were presented with the Optimist Clubs Youth Awards, last Thursday night at a presentation held at Newcastle Village Community Hall. The awards are handed out ta youth who have contributed greatly ta the community in leadership and community service work. SYouths are chosen from the variaus local organizations and each area school is allowed ta choose a boy and girl who are deserving of this award. Recipient Jennifer Patrick receivcd a dual award, having been recognized by bath her school and thc Guides., The awards night ends the Optimist Club's Youth Appreciation Week. Tbroughout thc week a number of events were held, including a Much Music dance on Friday, movies on Saturday, and free bowling and skating on Sunday. The -following are the recipients of the Optimist Club's Youth Awards: Front L-R: Janelle Andrews, Guides; Jacqueline Hurvid, Newtonville Public; Cara Murray, Guides; Ashley Hand, Guides; LeeAnn Cannon, Guides; Jennifer Bennett, Guides; Marisha Caswell, Guides. Middle L-R: Terence Porter, St. Francis of Assisi; Jason Book 1Rev ie w from Crystal Pages THE FRENCH LIEUTENANT'S WOMEN by John Fowles - Over ten months on tce New York Times Bestseller List! Mr. Fowlcs bas been spoken of as 'the only writer in English who bas the power, range, knowlcdgc and wisdom of a Tolstoy or a James. Ibis book is a splendid work of art in which the descriptive language leaves anc breathlessly aware of being in the company of an intelligence all-pervading. He understands so much! Victorian England, rcpressed sexuality and the stifling mores of the time, are the grist of this particular mill. The damage donc ta thc victims of this repression ini terms 'of the psychological battering they were subjected ta, destroyed, in many cases, their very lives. Mr. Fowles, in thc writing of this powerful love triangle, comments on a whole era in time . *.and you neyer want it ta end. A Signet Novel - Recycled Pontypool firemen receive medals Two Pontypool firefighters are to receive medals for their outstanding bravery. Russelîl Snudden and Jason Sriglcy of the Manvers Township Volunteer Fire Department in Bethany suffered facial and body burns wheni they searched a burning house on April 24th to make sure no one was trapped inside They have received the Ontario Medal for Firefighters bravery from Lt. Gov. Hal Jack- man at the Ontario legislature. Fleetwood, Newtonville Public; Ben Koslik, Newcastle Public Tiffany Wilson, Guides; Charlene School; Melissa Kwaschen, Pfanzelt, Guides; Jennifer Pathfinders; Sherr Blacklaw, St. Patrick, Guides/ Newcastle Francis of Assisi; Holly Swaga, Public. Guides; Marcus Werheid, Scouts. Back L-R: Laura Wood, Pines Absent are:Stacey Trotter, Senior Public; Melanie Puk, Sara Castellano, and Kiley C larke High School; Dan Bedard of Uic Guides, and Aaron MacDonald, Pines Senior Public; Staples, of Clarke High Sehool. 4 Months, 14 days for illegal smokes 1A Hope Township man bas, been sentenced ta a four month, fourteen day jail sentence after police found a total of 198 cartons of ilegal cigarettes and a number of litres of liquor in bis possession. The man is on a federal disability pension and it was pointed out ta him by the judgc that it is through taxes on these items that the federal goverament is able ta pay himn a pension. The judge pointed out thc accused had evaded $3,300 in excise tax on Uic items he had possessed. BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPOUNTMENTS The Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clanington will be considering appointments to various Boards and Committees. The folowing is a list of the Boards and Committees and pertinent information relative to forthcoming vacancies. COMMITTEE/ BOARDl Proparty Standards Committee Livestock Valuers Fence Viewers Pound Keepers Game Commission Orono Arena Community and Centre Board Clarke Pioneer Cemetery Board Darlington Cametery Baard Bowmanville Mamorial Hospital Board, DESCORIPTION To review matters relative ta the prescribed standards for maintenance and occupancy of property within the Municipality of Clarington. To evaluata livestock damage caused by dogs and wolves. To arbitrate and settie fence disputes. To provide a f acilityç on appropriately zonad land ta house livestock until claimed by the awner. To buy and release pheasants and sali hunting licences for dasignated areas. To operate a community centre in Orono on behaîf of the Municipality of Clarington. To care for abandonad cemateries in the former Township of Clarke on behalf of the Municipality of Ciarington. To care for abandoned cemeteries in the former Township of Darlingtan on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington. Board of, Directors (Appoîntments ta be made in Juna, 1994> TERM 5 positions 1 year term 2 positions 1 year term 4 positions 1 year tarm 4 positions 1 year tarm 6 positions 1 year term 2 positions Appl icants f rom the former Township of Clarke 5 positions 1 year term 5 positions 1 yeartermn 2 positions 1 year term June - June FREQUENCY 0F MEETINGS As required As requirad As required As required As required Minimum 4 times per year As required As requirad Monthly REMUNERATION $28.26 per meeting $14.13 per inspection $29.51 per evaluation $26.96 per viewing Nono Nana Nana Nono Nana Nono If you wish to be considered for appointment ta one of the above Boards or Committees, application forms for appointment are available at the Municipal Administrative Centra, Clarks Department, 40 Temparance Street,, Bowmanville, Ontaria. If you are interested in sarvîng on mare than ana Board or Committea, please list thasa in your ordar of priority. Completed application forms must be racaived by the undersigned by 4:30 p.m., Friday, Decembar 3, 1993. Marie P. Knight, A.M.C.T., CMM Deputy Clerk Telephone: 623-3379 ONTARIO Dates of Publication: Wednesday, November 10, 17 24, 1993 P.O. 36991 1 .. l 93%jmrlLj 13%olle - --- -- -- - ---- 1 9