Imes, Wednesday, November 17~ 1003 ) Sweet victory at the Stapletonfarm Orono Major Plumbing complete busy week With the fields of the Gord Milis, Mayor Diane Harare, news that the faily farm was not Stapleton farm hin the background, and Regional Counillor Ann on the new short list of preferred the Stapleton family, with MPP Dreslinski, smile after hearing the dump sites. UWA places dump in Pickering (Continued from page 1) long list of prcterrcd sites in June of 1992. The Stapletons unwittingly were placcd on the short list of preferred sites in November, 1992. Friday morning. the family, Uic community, and Uic Municipality werc happy 10 realize the battle had fmnally drawn 10 a close. The reason that the site even cnded up on Uic short list at ail is still a mystery toi most. Marvin Stapîcton speculates that Uic site was merely added 10 Uic list as a scapegoat. Gord Mils figures Uiat Uic si te-could have been added te "provide a balance". Whatever Uic reason, Uic family and the surrounding community were flot ahout 10 sit back quietly and accept Uis decision. A planncd protest was held in the autumn of 1992, after the introduction of the long list of sites. It was held on the 401 overpass in Newtonville. Many residents came to the protest 10 show Uieir anger at Uic decision. ht was this protest that Mr. Milîs found to be the most traumatic part of the ordeal. Mayor Diane Hamre asserts that through it ail the community ".carried their heads better" than any of the other concerned communities, citing Pickering as an example, where il was at times necessary 10 have police escorts. 1"We have been through as many fights but we have neyer resorted 10 any type of violent actions, adds Hamre. 'Me fight coninued last winter with a planncd meeting between the community and its many concerned groups and citizens, and the IWA." "hat night at Town Hall was a night welI spent", says Marvin Stapicton, who was responsible for a very moving speech to Walter Pitman, hcad of the IWA. "Wc got a lot back from Mr. Pitiman that night, and hie seemed like a straightforward guy', he fin ishes. ht is possible that the respectable bchaviour of the community and the meeting at Town Hall were turning points. The important part is that the site was not chosen. "This better end it all", says Glenn Stapleton. "If it isnt good enough for the government, it shouldn't bc good cnough for anyone', he adds. Gord Mils, bearer of Uic good news, adds "il neyer made sense 10 put il here anyways." Mayor Hamre admits Uiat she is "very happy for Uic Stapletons and Uic Municipality, but feels badly for Pickering". "We say Uiat we have put up with enough garbage, but s0 have they," says Mavc'r Hamre. Bud Lodge, of Uic IWA, was te come 10 the Stapleton Farm on Thursday 10 Itel UicStapletons of the decision. He failed t0 materialize by Friday. It was with pleasure that Mr. Milîs dclivered Uic good ncws to Glenn Stapleton and his assembled family. The simple message was, "This is Uie end of il. Youcan get on with your lives and cnjoy your retirement". The family wishes 10 sincerely thank the Commitîce of Clarke Constituents for their time, talent and efforts. "For the IWA, this was a full-time job. For the committce it was volunteering hours after a day of work", says Marvin. Adds his wife Cathy, %they have given a lot of their time and talent." Mayor Hamre adds that "the winning of Uis fight is due 10 the dedication of the Committce of Clarke Constituents." She also feels that Mr. Gord Mills deserves a great deal of credit, as well, sayingthat he is the first MPP in Durham East to really help out." With the end of the batlle the family is ready to resumne everyday life. They are finally able to rest assured that the home,, farim and family traditions are secure. Currently, there are three families of Stapletons living on Uic lands. What would have happened had the Stapleton farm been chosen as Uic preferred dumpsitc? "The family likcly would have broken up and gone their separate ways, says Marvin. "It's as grandfathcr always said", thinks Marvin, "the right Uing wiil always prevail." Orono, OMHA novice hockey team started a busy week Monday night in Ops for their firstmeeting of the season. with that tcam. Orono started slowly, allowing tliree goals in Uic first two and one haif minutes of Uic game. To their credit, Orono refused 10 give up and answercd Uic one goal of their own before Uic period ended by MatCaruana who had been sent in alone on a pa ss from Nathan Adegeest. Curtis Robinson brought Orono a litle dloser whcn hc scored te complete a nice Urce way passing play from D.J. Boardman and Jesse Gimblett. Jamie Rowe was sent in alone on a pass from Lee Allun 10 tic the game and less Uian a minute later Malt Caruana scored unassisted to give Orono Uic lead for Uic first time in Uic game. Ops regaincd ic lead wiUi two quick goals late ini the second pcriod but Nathan Adegeest îook a pass from the faccoff from Matt Caruana te tdc the score once more only nine seconds after Uic last Gps goal. In the Uird pcriod Ops scored three unanswcred goals including one inte Uic empty net te take Uic 8 to 5 victory. This was a hotly contcsted game with lots of emotion froin evcryonc in Uic rink and we arc looking forward te our next meeting with Ops on our home ice. Friday night Sunderland was the opponent in Orono for another exciting and well played game. Following an early Sunderland goal, Matt Caruana tied the game late in the first pcriod assisted by Nathan Adegeest. After falling behind in the second period, 'Nathan Adegeest tied the score again on a superb pass from Bryan Biekeli. Orono took the lead for the first time early in the third pcriod on an unassisted goal by mattCaruana but Sunderland camne back t0 île before Jamie Rowe regained the lead assisted by Tyson Gimblett. Two empty net goals in dhe final minute by Tyson Gimblett assisted by Chris Kirkbride and Lee Allun and by D.J. Boardman assistcd by Mat Caruana clinched the 6-3 win for Orono. Early Saturday morning found the boys on thc ice for die annual Manvers tournament with their first game against thc home team. Orono held a territorial edge throughout most of the gamne but Manvers drew first blood laie in thc second period. Jesse Gimblett tied the score with just nine seconds left in Uic period assistcd by DJ. Boardman. Gimbletlook the puck right from the next faceoff and walkcd in to give Orono Uic lead with a terrific shot (Contînucd page 7) OC-93-01 (F) Office of Bureau Consolidated de jonction Hearings des audiences Ontario NOTICE 0F PARTICIPANT FUNDING lnterim Waste Authority's Proposai ta Establish One Waste Disposai Site for each of the Regions of Peel, Metro/York and Durham The Chairs of the Environmental Assessment Board and the Ontario Municipal Board have been asked by the Ontario Cabinet to establish a joint funding panel to distribute participant funding in specified amounts in relation to the Interim Waste Authoritys (IWA) proposais to establish one landfill waste disposai site in each of the regions of Peel, Metro/York and Durham. The participant funding is to serve the general purpose of assisting groups or individuals who otherwise lack the necessary resources to review the documentation prepared by the IWA. Recipients would engage in facilitated negotiations to prepare a joint issues list and an agreed statement of fact and opinion arising from the work funded. Prior to the deadline for filing of participant funding applications, meet- ings will be held between November 22nd and November 26th, 1993 to facilitate coordination among participants, and possible agreement about the distribution of the funds. The meetings will be held in the Board Room 0of the Office of Consolidated Hearings, 2300 Yonge Street, Suite 1201, Toronto, Ontario M4P 1 E4. Participant Funding application forms, information about the schedule for meetings, and copies of the Order in Council setting out the terms and conditions established for this participant. fundi ng program may be obtained by contacting Jim Curren, Hearings Registrar, Office of Consolidated Hearings, 2300 Yonge, Suite 1201, Toronto, Ontario M4P 1E4 Phone: (416) 323-4814 Fax: (416) 323-4997. The Board accepts' collect calls. The deadline for filing participant funding applications is Friday, December 3rd, 1993. If necessary, participant funding hearings will be held on December l3th, l4th and l5th, 1993 to address any remaining issues with respect to the distribution of the funds. The specific dates and locations of these funding hearings will be provided to funding applicants. DATED at TORONTO this l2th day of NOVIEMBIER, 1993 (Pour obtenir un exemplaire de cet avis en français, veuillez vous adresser au Bureau de jonction des audiences, en composant le 323-4806.) ........ .... ............