V~PsNUP U ~SP. P N w~ ~.? V'~.. 12-Orono Weekly TimeWdedy eebr1 Býrownies hoU enrolment their enrolment last week. The following girls were enroled, Kelly Hughes, Jennilee Hodgson, Jenette S tandeven, Caitlin Cameron, Amanda Stewart, Kaîtlyn Leech, Cheryl McLeod, Amny Alli, Dana MeQuillan. Several badges were given out including the Outdoor Adventure and Explorer Badges which were earned on a Brownie hike the week before. Other- badges presented were Endangered Species - Amanda Stewart; Hostess - Lisa Fogg, Becky Reid, Meghan) Sawyer & Laura Greer; Blue Boxes to cost more Muniicipalities across Ontario will be faced with increased cost of the operation of the Blue Box program if the province phases-out grants as ofMarch 1994. Taîxpayers in Port Hope will pay an additional $100,000 where they now pay only $90,000, those in Cobourg will pay an additional $190.000 where now they pay, Local United Way mi need Sport - Cheryl McLeod and Jennilee Hodgson; Pet Keeper - Kaitlyn; Horsewoman - Jessica Standeven; Hlousekeeper - Jessica and Jenette Standeven; Nutrition - Amanda; Fisherman - .Kaitlyn; Cook - Lisa Fogg, Erin Francis - Rice; Skater - Erin, Jennilee, Jenette, Kelly and Shannon. Guests for the evening were parents and brothers and sisters of the new Browmies. -1Cake, coffee and juice was served by our hostesses, Lisa, Becky, Meghan and Laura $200,000. The province is now paying about one-third of the cost of oDeratimn 2000 books missing The P ort Hope library is seeking some 2000 -library books that are either overdue, lost or stolen. Many residents who have moved from the community have flot returned books and in most cases the followup is difficuit. of campaign With only fifteen days left the United Way of Whitby Oshawa Clarington has some $500,000 to raise to meet their objective this year in the annual fund-raising drive. The objective set this year amounts to $3.05 million. The funds collected by the United Way are made available to 43-agencies in the Region who provide services to 'groups and indîviduals. The 43 agencies provide at least 200 programs for citizens that would otherwîse flot be available. These agencies make uise of volunteer help ini presenting their many programs. If you have not yet been approached to support the United support Way take it upon yourself to do so by sending a donation to the United Way of Oshawa Whitby Clarington, 52 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa or use credit card by phoning 436-7377. Port Hope wants complete cleanup The Town of Port Hope is seekîng a complete dlean-up of nine uncontrolled areas throughout the Town of which one is the harbour. They seek this work to be done as soons as possible and the waste be stored, if necessary, until a permanent site is found by the Federal Siting Task force. Rest assured, it will wake you Up. Quorum's A-160 Security Monitor is the securit ystem that will blast 103dB, (min.) if anyone forcibiy opens a door orwiAndow it simply detects any sub- sonic shock waves. Best of al, the A-160 works off a constantlv charging battery, so i even operates during power outages. Only Quorum gives à% vou that kind of tech- (uoàrum nology and security SecurîngLîfe- * CunýlaiourQz orunipeneitltnu PEACE 0F MIND ELECTRONICS (905) 983-9094 A great g/ff idea $19.95 Plus Tax Save $1 0.85 JG's EVERGREENS *Huge 1011 PoinsettiasBwd&W Voluptuous Christmas Trei 1 ft POOPîne & 10"P insettia, Tree Bowed &Wra] OPEN 9 to 6 Monday - Friday,, 9 to 5 Saturi John & Cheri Eiken's Tobacco Faim Phone 983-96 :r ------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------- u----------------------------------- ---------------....----------- -------- - - ---------------- --------- ------ î:$.OO$2.00- OFF $2O OFF $2.00 Any PoHIet1H Any Poinsettia Purchase PHI î:: IAî: uchs at JC's Evergreens I at JC's Evergreei One Coupon per Customer i One Coupon per Customer i$2.o00 OFF $2.OO0 OFF ' y$2.O00 OFF, $2.00 -------------------- ------------ irapped 21.99 es 14,.88 kSpruce pped 24.99 oday 316 POFF H HI 'OFF Hiý An idel Chritma -ir At a Special Low Price Movie C'%ard -*~13 Movies *- . ....... .. .. . ..