14 - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, Oecember li 1993 ný "Age of Coâncern" Column for- Seniors This week I want te write about OHIP policy for 'Snowbirds". New tighter regulations came into effect on October 1, 1993 designed to cover only emergency health services outside Canada. OHIP wil ,cover up te $400 per Ly your "Senior',' at Queen's Park Gord Milis, M.P.P. day for emergency health in hospital services only. Up to $200 per day for an outpatient. However, patients with an on- going chronic condition which requires regular care while outside olf Canada, such as dialysis JEAN SIMONE Il SCHOOL 0F DANCE BOWMAN VILLE OSHAWA TAP-JAZZ- BALLET -POINTE~ AGES 3 TO ADULT 17- "PLUS"l REGISTER NOW CLASSES STARTING JANUARY COUNTRY LINE DANCING MODERN- HIP HOP FUNK - BALLROOM AEROBICS REGISTRATION MONDAY - TUESDAY 6:00 P.M. & 8:00 P.M. SATURDAY 10:00 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. -I. CALL (905) 623-6316 or (905) 404-1779 J. OPEN 7DAYS s~ouc~. 24 HOU RS Featurlrig Everyday Specials after 6 p.m. Baked Fresh on the Premises ................. ..... .c ~ a ....... .. o $~ G.....1 ndit f F E Ea~ a i~nImmfil M%. ax WlMiïî941ýf Xoi ï ï1 9111 I ~czCole. FREE I IRegular Donfut Ouy 'a Sandwch 0 FF * eg. $1.50 j ~ ~ ( Rgur r, orci)(Wth îlS oeUOf) ,.Iid as Hwy,15 9 dau ai Hsy 1 15 Newcastle LoCatlonflor NI alIe Locaton Only, .LRÉ CIÉLGUSS P Iuy 45 LitteI Buy 6dnt Guy & gcl12 FREEF aus L it, e 1 w th t s o p o i I g e t 6 d o n u t s Littl C,.s 1hF EF ish [cs cupon Vfid atHsoy 115 Neuc,t1. Luc*lo,, '.Iy Valdt aiHwy I 115 NewcasIte -ca o 0 L ----- T2L1J L - -- -212J - ~. UFFI-1 IBuy 6 Muffins, 1'Î- uy 6 mu 'ffins & ' Iget 3 donuts FREL I gel 3 mUffins SSavmgs$2.10 (wth ihs eUp.u) FREE ,Ihhiso-m ç, * ,à, Va( .Hwy 11i.Newcastle Locatioli O,, v Vald et Hwy 115 NwcalttI. I. POuut Oy L - ----(-1) L - - <LL FREDÔKUS -F-ÉÔNU-- treatinent, will continue to receive coverage at established rates. When I enquired as to the definition of "emergency", I was informed that as long as the need for medical treatment occurred unexpectedly while out of the country, t hen OHIP wiIl cover eligible expenses within the designated fée sohedule. Apparently, that means that treatment for a cold will be covered, as it would occur "unexpectedly" while, the individual was out of the country. But, OHIP wilI only cover medically necessary care costs at the going Ontario rates or the amount billed if less than the set rate, and only if the résident meets the residency requirements. What are the "residency requirernents?" A resident is defmned as a person legally entitled to remain in, Canada: Canadian citizen, landed immigrant, some pensons with leg-al authorization to remnain in Canada; and makes home in Ontario: a home in Ontario that is considered an individual's primary residence. It cannot be just an address of convenience: and ordinarily, present in Ontario for at least 183 days per year. It is as weIl to know that elective procedures and treatmnent will be, covered only when approval is obtained befone the procedure is done. Your-Ontario doctor must get written approval from the Ministry of Health while you are stîll in Ontario. Seniors with chronic conditions need flot be concemed that OHIP will cut off payments for necessary care when they are wintering in the United States. The Ministny of Health will continue to pay for necessary care for people who spend'long periods outside Canada. From the traveller's point of view, the critical thing to remember is that Ontario residents remain personally responsible for any hospital charges or professional fees for emergency services over and above what OHIP pays. That's why it's essential to buy travel health insurance when you leave the country - even for the briefest trip. I have been told of the unfortunate senior who sufféevd a heart attack while across'the border in New York State buying, cheap gas. He went over without any health insurance and his hospital stay cost $38,000 over what OHIP paid. Wow! O(de D9utcfi Carpentry CUSTOM HOME BUILDING RENOVATIONS ,"SmaiI Jobs'and Large 1,11 Take Charge" 1-705-277-2397 JOE H. LEYSTRA r DPANCE 1PLUOS1 '44% TWO GREA TSA WSA T SUPER FA LL SA VINOS Mode! 45-15" 44cc of compact power Save$ nov $34995 Mode! 61-16"Il(Ifustrated) Big enaugh ta tackle the toughest jobs àSa ve $15 fL 970W$À% only $4995 WHILE SUPPLIES LAST LONGER BAR LENGTHS A VA ILADL E. CHECK WITH YOUR DEALER FOR DETA ILS. ~%'WHusqvarna SFAR14&AARDEN LTD. JOHN DEERE SALES de SERVICE TaunMon Road, West of Orono 983-9119, Li 1 --j