OI~,o W.klTIms, ednada, Dcenber~ 193 17 S ALLY STAPLES associate broker 623-6000 24 hour pager RE/MAX CORNERSTONE REALTY LTDUi REALTOR December 6th is Canada's National Day of Renembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. On this day in 1989, 14 womnen were kiled by one man in Montreal, Canada. Violence is a global issue. Women and girls around the world face emotional and physical abuse, rape, sexual assault, genital mutilation, dowry deaths, sexual slavery, female infanticide.. Violence is a chosen response. Men must take responsibility for their actions. Every cormmunity and every institution must work to build a culture of safety, equality and justice for women and children. Warns of repeat of Holocaust Ms. R. Weiman, a lecturer at Haifi University in Isreal, speaking at St. May's School in Cobourg, said the rise of rico- Nazi and other racist groups worldwide would bring forth simnilar resultsd that took root in Germany in the '20s and '30's against the Jews. She said the Nazi- a racist minority, turned the majority of Germans against the Jews blaming the Jews for ail the problems of the country. She also said the Holocaust aIse shows the need to stand upand question racist views. Trinity school seeks local students S Trinity College in Port Hope is- seeking additional local students to attend the school. At the present time local' studcnts number 63 which is to be expanded to 70 or 75. It cost soute $12,000 for a local student to atLend the eollcge. 1At the prescrit time the sehool lias ant citroînient of 323 students who hoI ard at the scliool. Facts of' Nature .(Continuied "from page 16) spores, thereby cutting off the infectious cycle. Because carcasses may flot be available on a day ta day basis, the vultures have had te leara ta go for extended periods of time between feedings. To do this, they have had te leam ta conserve their energy. They have learned ta lower their- body temperature, by a few degrees, over night. In the moraing, ta get up te speed quickly, they tura their backs te the sun and spread their wings until thc sun returas their body heat ta normal., Another method of conserving energy is, ta use their wings as little as possible when searching for food. Vultures have one of the largest wing areas ta body weight ratios of any of the birds. Since it takes so much energy to flap these huge wings they launch themselves into the air with a brief period of flapping flight and then use rising air currents ta carry them te altitude, where they soar with hardly a wing beat. On rainy days, when cool temperatuires and a lack of sua means ne thermals, they do not waste any energy trying ta get airbomne. Instead you will find them sitting quietly on their favourite perch, whiling away the day conserving their energy. 1The next time you sec onc of these big black "buzzards" soaring in the sky 1 hope you will not think of it1 as a repulsive bird with an unsavoury feeding habit, but rather as a wonderfully adapted instrument nature uses as a cleanser of aur countryside. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMVENT PUBLIC NOTICE CONTACT NUMBER FOR 1993-94'WINTER SEASON DECEMBER 3, 1993, TO APRIL 4, 1994 The Public Works Department can be contacted for emergencies relative ta road maintenance or conditions at the following telephone number during the 1993-94 Winter Season: ALL AREAS..... ........... ...623-3379 ONTARIO Dates of Publication: Wednesday, November 24, 1993 Wednesday, December 1, 1993 Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 3A6 P.O. 3940 Col! rS ta buy or self ... Orono and area's reai estate rep. Krystyna Jones Z >983-,6013 Reaity-Ne t ASSOCATES (DURHAM)lnc.. 1050 SIMCOP ST. N. 9103 - OSHAWA - TEL(416)721-2112 Ba iw oekà JUST LISTED! *Spotless 1800 sq. ft. ail brick Geranium home. *Central air, central vac, four bedrooms, 3 battis. *Double garage, fully tenced yard, prime Bowmanville location... . $171,900 CENTURY CHARMER! SHuge, mature, attractively landscaped, Bowmanville lot. Over 2300 sq. ft. with pariour, family room and country kitchen.qu b h . Picturesque red bam with lft .... $210,000. JUST LISTED! *Tastefully decorated, 3 bedrooms, 3 battis, shows beautifully.j *Fireplace, separate drining room, interlocking brick patio. *FuIly fenced pie shaped lot, excellent court location. ... COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT COMING EVENTS DECEMBER 6 AQUATIC REGISTRATION (YOUTHIGROUP) Bowmanville Recreation Complex - 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. DECEMBER 9 AQUATIC REGISTRATION (ADULT/LEADERSHIP/SEMI-PRIVATE) <Fitness Centre - 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. DECEMBER 11-12 NEWAC SWIM MEET Fitness Centre DECEMBER 19 CHRISTMAS PUBLIC SKATE Darlington Sports Centre - 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. DECEMBER 20 CHRISTMAS PUBLIC SKATE Bowmanville Recreation Complex - 1-.00 - 2:30 p.m. DECEMBER 26-30 B.M.H.A. CHRISTMAS CLASSIC TOURNAMENT Bowmanville Recreation Complex & Darlington Sports Centre DECEMBER 31 2ND) ANNUAL FAMILY NEW YEAR'S EVE SKATE Bowmanville Recreation Complex - 7.00 - 9:00 p.m. Admission - $1 .00/persaln or 1 non-perishable food item per person. FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THESE E VENTS, PLEASE CONTACT: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 623-3379 Dates of Publication: Wednesday, December 1, 1993 Wednesday, December 15, 1993 P.O. 4770 --n-mnmmmmmmý