u..u 4- roo sotyTies WdnsdyDombr Zn00 Roughley's Insurance Novice tic With Carter's Orono's Roughley Insurance Novice were home to Cartcr's Bake Shop, Wednesday, November 24tb. Thcy wc irc anxious to get back to their winnig ways after last wieek's loss to Ail Canadian Awards. Early in Uic first, Orono's # 3 Mike Knapp put one bctween Uic pipes, assisted by # 7 Brian Chartrand and # 10 John Hlalk to open the scoring. Carter's bad several chances but # 1 Jcff Slcmon in goal was able to kcep thein off Uic board. The second period saw Orono go up 2-0 on a high shot off Uic glove of Uic goalie. by # 12 John Patrick Pisani, assisted by # 15 Tyler Gregg. Uis goal kecps J.P. Pisani's 6 game scoring streak alive at 8 goals. It was beginning to look like Orono was going to put another notch in the win column but Carter's bad not given up. The third period saw their lead disappear as CArter's scored 2 unanswered goals to tic it at 2-2. BoUi teanis battled bard to get a go ahead but had to bc satisficd with one point a piece. The team will have played again on Tuesday 'night, November 3tb, at the Bowmanvillc Rec Complex. Resuits wil appear next week! Dufferin wins sixth consecutive By a score of 5-1 Orono's Dufferin Aggregates continued on their winning ways. Again, the teana skated wcll and forecbeckcd aggressivcly. Their opposition Tim's Rentai, were beld to but a dozen or so shots, many of which came from wcll out. Ail but one wcrc aptly turned away by Andrew Bangay wbo found the lack of opposition prowcss somcwhat wearisomc. Bangay's inactivity led to iuattentiveness 'Wbicbh i tuna led to Tim's greatest opportunities. But, cither Andy would return to Uic creuse froin bis wanderings to make Uic save or the shot would miss it's mark. Mother Wendy was on Uic edge of ber seat Urougbout! The first pcriod again did flot show Uic Aggies best as Uic play was ragged and their scoriug chances limited. The Orono teain got ou Uic board flrst wiUi a mid- period marker by Chais Campbell (20); Steve Gregg (17); Kyle Cox (14) assisting. Sbortly thcreafter Ti's tied, wben Uey stripped Uic puck froin Dufferin's last man wbo bad tricd to carry the puck past two opponeuts. The Aggies did not exploit cither of the periods penalties to Tim's. Play i middle franc opencd up like that of Uic first. The Aggies began te take advantage of game turnovers in Uic opposing end. But Uieir attempts were stymied time and agai by Uic excellent saves of Uic Tim goalie, Justin Andrews. The only puck to clude Andrews this pcriod was by Orono's Bradley Griffun (4) wbo accepted a pass from Ryan Fowlcr (2). Matt Mitchell (6) bad started the play with a one man rush fromn centre ice Uiat cuded with a pass to the slot from behind Uic net. Leading by just a goal, going into the third, Uic Aggies set to cash in on Uic opportunities Uiat werc still bcing availcd. Dominating the corners with strong forechecking the Aggies, produccd many turnovers. Their first aud second goal of Uic period werc crcatcd by just such efforts. Chais Moffat (5) fmnished Uic play for Kevin Martin (18) after Ian Crasbley (35) got Uic puck to Uic unattended duo. Steve Gregg (17) was Uic recipient of a Kyle Allin (10) goal moutb pass. Directly froin a faceoff deep in Tim's end produced Dufferin's final goal. Centre Kevin Martin got thc puck to Christ Moffat who put a high backhaud over the goalie's shoulder. Good defeusive effort was sbown by Griffin and Richter in this period wbo backcheckcd cffectively to frustrate their opponents' breakaways. Bowmanville Toros fali short with bid to make tourney finals The Bowmanvillc Major Bantamns Toros sponsored by Halminen Homes, feul short in Uieir bid to make Uic finals of a receut tournameut 'held iu Pickering. The tram was lined up against Oshawa L.N.H.L., Pickering and Lasalle in Uic "B" Division. Gaines 1 and 2 gave Uic boys very little opposition with tbem beatiug Oshawa by a 4-0 count and Pickering 5-0. Jcff parry, for bis shutout in gaine 1, and Ryan Dunnigan for bis bard work in gaine 2, recceived M.V.P. awards. Gaine1 scorers: Nick Hand, Derek Arnold, Darryl Cook and Tony Butzer. Gaine 2 scorers: Arnold (2). Millar, Cory Scott and Jason Bray. Assists in gaines j and 2: Dunnigan (4), Butzer (2),, Derck Lange (2), Cook, Adam Millar, Scott, Bray, Ryan Jobb, and Hand. Game 3 Toros 0 - Lasalle 6. As Uic score suggest Uic Toros were outplayed on the uight against a stroug Lasalle team who were also undcfeatcd comig ito thc gaine and wbo's defence had also not let in a goal. A disputcd goal midway Urough thc opening period opeued Uic floodgates and Lasalle had built up a 4-0 lead at Uic need of one. Thcy scorcd two more in the second before the Toros managed to put Uic puck behid tUic Lasalle Ikeeper but Uic buzzer had gone, toencd the second pcriod, a split second before Uic puck crossed tUic une. This seemed to pick up the Toros Unbeaten streak ends as Family Auto drop 2-1 decision In Atom OMHA play, Orono Family Auto Sales wcre defeated 2-1 by thc visiting Haiburton Huskies Friday, November 26. Going into the match, Family Auto was sporting an il league gaine unbcaten string. This was Orono's second straigbt defeat to the huskies, losing 5-3 in Haliburton in October. To date after 14 league encounter Family Auto bas an impressive 9 win 3 who managed to create a few chances of Uiir own ini Uic third while keeping Lasalle off the scoreboard. Bowmanvillc managed 10 points in the round-robin and advanced to thc semi-final round against the Peterboro Nats. This gaine was a very entertaining, fast moving, hard bitting affair which could have gone cither way. The teams excbanged goals in both Uic first and secondpcriods and it was at 2:22 of Uic third period before Uic Nats managed to seal the win. The Toros tried despcrately in the last two minutes to tic the score, cven pulling their goalkeeper, but despite several goalmouth scrambles could not find Uic back of the net. Final score Toros 2, Nats 3. Scorers: Lange and Jobb. Assists Cook (2); Lange and Cappuccitti. Chais Cappuccitti received M.V.P. honours for Uiesc last two gaines. In icague action play, the Toros werc defcated 4-3 by Ajax. In a tight game Uiat was tied at 3- 3 in the third, the Toros werc called for a number of penalties that left them 2 men short on three occasions. This swung play to Ajax and'althougb Uiey wcre not able to capitalize on these situations they finally got the winner wiUi just :43 seconds left in Uic gaine. Scorers: Butzer, Jobb and Matt Staley. Assists: Scott (2) and Lange. The Toros next gaine is on Tuesday, December 7 against Markham. Gaine time 8:30 p.m. Report by John Hand tics and 2 loss record! In Friday's contest Uic Huskies clcarly dominatcd play in Uic first period out-shooting Orono 9-1. Family Auto's netmindcr, Scott Poole was brilliant, howcver, keeping Uic visitors off Uic score sheet. The, shots were even at 4 a piece in the middle frame as Orono found their skating legs., Botb teams beld cacb other in check as the gaine remained scoreless into Uic final period. The Huskies pressed early in Uic Uird and were rewarded at 9:28 as Uiey Look a 1-0 lead. Just over 2 minutes later however, Orono battlcd back to tic it at 1-1 when Captain Bob Witberidgc cashed in a Grcg Shetlcr rcbound. Winger Ryan Tresise picked Uic other assist, on the play. The home tcamsfate was sealcd as Uiey ran into a rash of penalties late in the contest. Haliburton .......... . . ....... .......... GRANDFATHER CLOCK Sales & Service "We service what we seli" Nobody beats our prices on Grandfather docks ... ANYTIME!! hristm as w............ ~ H ad Mi lrChristmas.,lck Hooper's Jewellers "Your Fainily Jeweller Sice 1945", 't' e 39 King St. West, Bowmanville (905) 623-5747 Dan Hooper (Certified Watchmaker) .......... . . ... .. ................. took advantage on a power play witb just over 4 minutes remaining and hung on te a 2-1 decision outshooting thc home side 11-4 in the third period. Huskies 2 - Family Auto 1. Orono goal: Bob Withcridge. As sists: Grcg Shetier and Ryan Tresise. Shots on Goal: Huskies 24, Fanaily Auto 9. This week Family Auto plays no less than 3 league games: Tuesday, November 30 in Orono at 7:30 p.m.; Wednesday. December 1-in Bobcaygcon a._ 8:00 p.m.; Friday, December 3 in Orono at 8:30 p.m. Sec you there! Interested in proposed museum Hamilton Township has shown interest ini cstablishing a museuin in a novi unused 100 year old school bouse at Camborne. Such a move is concitional on cost of repairs to thc building. The Rice Lake Archeology Board formed in thc late 1980s is supporting thc move for the museum and are ready to get to work on the proposai.