~I4,vIfl 'LiNa OrQnç, WqekIfllmes, Wodnes~1ay, De~qniber 8, 1~93 - INewtonville Tweenies move up to Brownies No street parking 3 to 6 a.m. The City of Oshawa is to crack down on peiople who leave their car parked on the street ovemnight this winter. The restriction goes from December 1 to April 1 and is effective between the hours of 3 a.m. and 6 a.m. Cars will be ticketed or'towed away if they get in the way of snow plows during these early morning hours. The Municipality of Clarington has a similar by-law and recently officially appointed three employees who may ticket cars or have them towed away during snow removal if they are in the way. Last Wednesday evening five Newtonville Scbool. and Samantha Peterson (Absent Newtonville Tweenies -Stepped Pictured above: Lisa Barker, for the picture Charlene up into, the 1lst Brownies Group Larissa Coleman, Alyssa Valyx, Hardcastle) in a brief ceremony at the Well, the hustie and bustie of Christmas bas started in earnest. Each and every day, more lights, and pine boughs can be seen adorning the Newtonvile homes. Oood cheer and peace toward men, is flowing througb the streets. It won't be long now, before we areé settling down for a long winter's nap, as visions of sugarplums dance in our heads. The Newtonville Friday nigbt card parties continue to draw a crowd every other week. I've missed the scores for the last two games but they are bere for you now. Tbe results of the card game of November 12 are: Georgina Fenton, 94, Jean ilisen, 93; Ron Burley, 91;, Ruth Grady, 88; Audrey Graham, 87 and; Doug McGimpsey, 84. The draw winners were; Edgar Milison, Charlie Campbell, Charlie Stapleton, and Margaret Peacock. 1The resuits from the November 26 game aie: Georgina Fenton, 92;, Bill Graham, 91; Dorothy Stubbings,,90; MurielBurtch, 87; Don Stapleton, 83 and; Lyle McMahon, 82. The draw winners -were: George Tufford, Velma Clarke, Helen McCavish, and Doris Jali. Orono Fire Cails Fire dlestroys The following are the fire cails received by the Clarington Fire Department, Station # 3, Orono for the weeks November l7th througb December lst. November l7th - 11:29 p.m. called to a rubbisb fire at 59 Churcb St., Orono. SNovember l8th - 8:.32 a.m., ambulance assistance at 64 Cburch St., Orono. November l9th - 2:47 p.m., ambulance assistance, 5587 Jewel Rd. November 20th - 12:37 p.m., bouse full of smoke, 147 MIII St., Orono. November,2OJth - 3:0 p.m., car accident, Durham Rd. 20, west of 35 Hwy. November 2lst -'1:37 p.m., chimney fire, 4467 Regional Rd. 9. November 23rd - 10:10 a.m., car fire, Regional Rd. 9 & Jewel Rd. 'November 26th - 4:37 a.m., car fire, nothing found, Conc. 9 & Hwy. 115. November 26th - 4:06 p.m., car accident, Hwy. 115 north of juniction. December lst - 8:34 p.m., assisted Station 2, house fire, Reid Rd. Newtonville area house A Wednesday evening fire totally destroyed a house on Reid Road west of Newtonville owned by Bill Hale. The loss has been estimated at $75,000.00. The explosion of three 100 lb. propa .ne tanks stored in the back of the house could be heard all the way to Newtonville. The blasts were heard about 8:40 p.m. The alarro was received at 8:33 p.m. with three trucks from Bowmanville, two from Orono and two from Newcastle Village responding. There were a total of twenty-five firefighters at the scene. There were no1 injuries and tenants of the, house were shopping at the tinie of the start of the fire. They had moved into the house only a couple of days before the fire. Chief Mike Creighton said on Monday that the fire was under investigation by the Fire Marshall's office and that samples had been taken to the lab. He also said that.engineers had visited the site on Friday. Buyers market for renters- Although there were fewer rentai units available in Durham this pas't month it is still a buyers market in most cases, The vacancy rate bas dropped to 4.6 percent in the Oshawa area down from 5.8 percent six months earlier. Clarington bas the most over- supplied market which-bas risen to 7.8 per cent up from 5.5 percent six month earlier. ooz oo '00 C'hristmas Speciafs 000ROAST BEEF PLUS- 0 now inroducng .... Seil SouvakiDinners Home-Made Hamburgers g Roast Beef Dînners BBQ Chicken Excellent Food Fast Take-Out 0 000 Phone 987-7250 Hwy. 115, North of Newcastle, 0 0 004ee ,LC'ý e ýOO 0 %00~