10 - Orono Weekly Tmes, Wednesday, December 8, 1993 Mnexdtngev"û ili Mrs Mabel Goode, a member presents a gift to Mrs. Pat Jose, also a member of the of the executive of the Newcastle McDonnell for ber untiring executive, assisted in the and District Historical Society works with the society. Francis presentation. by Carol-Ann Oster In 1921, the sod was lurned on a plot vf land in Newcastle Village. where the Future Newcastle Village Community Hall would stand. Donated 10 the Village, as Deed of Gift, by Chester Massey, the Community Hall has since become an important part of the community. On Saturday afternoon, the Hall was once again the setting for a very special event, as the original Memorial Library room. was re-opened. Extensive renovations have been done to the room ta retum il ,to ils original state. The floors in the room have been redone and the original shelf doors -have been cleaned and returned 10 the shelves. As well, the original table and wingback chairs have been retumned to the room. Adorning the shelves in the room are the numerous historic artifacts that have been donated or lent ta the'Historical ,Society. The newest addition t0 the collection is the mold that has in the past been used for Town of Newcastle Historical Designations. 'Me last plaque t0 bc given by 'Me big news in Newcastle this week was the opening of the new home for the Newcastle Village Historical Society. The Society wilI flow bc located in the former Newcastle Memorial Library room at the' Newcastle Village Community1Hall. If you (r(pped by ilie opening ecremomies you mnay have noticed the Chîristmas Irce. 1iîs recewas decorated courtcsy of tthe students of Newcastle P>ublic. Scliîool. The students are also rcspoisibic l'or tise window desigs sado1r1uissg tice Iank.,of the (former) Town of Newcastle will be placed on the Newcastle Village Community Hall. Future designation plaques will read "Municipality of Clarington." The plaque was presented by Diana Grandfield, of LACAC. LACAC, works with Municipal Council, in gaîning Historical Desi gnations. Grandfield says that LACAC is "very appreciative of the support given by the present Council The re-opening of the Memorial Room, and the desgnaionof the building are due to the combined efforts of LACAC, the Newcastle Village Historical Society, the Hall Board, and Municipality of Clarington Council. Mayor Hamre, invited to officially re-open the room, said that the "building is the pride of Newcastle Village and the people of the Municipality." Judge Richard Lovekin, long time Newcastle resident dlaims that the Hall bas been- made into ,la living, vibrant thing, and is truly a 'blessing', the original intent of Mr. Chester Massey." Mayor Hamre added that we Commerce, and the Community Outrcach Centre in dowintown Newcastlc. If you arc looking for a good buy on clothing and selected othcr items, make a visit to Newcastle Public Sehool today, December 8. With the rough times at hand, the school 1-eît thât rather than donate outgrownclothes to the Salvation Army , they woulcl olier thse items for sale at the school's rummnage sale. AIl clothing and items will cost only a quarter. Procccds anmd lefîtovcr items will lbe given to tihe (Cotined ageIl are "very fortuate across the Municipality, because we have many beautiful historical buildings. We will continue to have these buildings preserved because of the people who recognize their importance." Thie Newcastle 'Village Community Hall is sure, to enjoy many more years of Icommunity activity. Herb Taylor, of the Newcastle Village Historical Society, says that the Memorial Library Room, will"be open Tuesday mornings in the new year. a n Mode! 45-15"9 M4cc et compact povwer Save $fllO Offolv $3499 M d!61 -18" <lllstrated) Big enough to tac<Ie the toughe st jobs Save$15uo DlOW $49995 WHILE SUPPLIES LAST L ONGER BAR LEiJO THS AVAILADLE. CHECK WITH YOUR DEALER FOR DETA ILS. FÔRSTGARD3EN CHAINHALFPRIC SAL ROLPH HARDWARE MAIN ST. ORONO 983-5207 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAÂAAÂAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA UsU B U B M S M * * M B * B M B * M M M B B B * * M m-rn- s B * u mUU~Uu u "Hqave a ff-fa (ffy JJaffy Christmnas" Christmas TmPjL'reets Pine $12.00 Spruce $ 15.00 *FREE Tree Delivery within 15 Km at Pay-Ril"te Petroleums Hwy. 115, North of Newcastle, Just South of Clarke High 987-3991 9Mernj From the1 Rob, Michelle, C/iristma7s Pay-Rite Staff:, Jason, Doug, Cindy Hune700A v. ii1:0 II tiui V V/l ir/îe; TWO GREA TSA WSA T SUPER FA LL SA VINGS Open Historical display at Newcastle Community Hall I LNewcastle Notables E: