oronc WeelçyTimes, WdedmDebr8 ~3-I Opnen local bazaar & tea District Deputy President of opened the. annual bazaar in the District 8, Rebekah Lodge, Sister Oddfellow's Hall on Saturday of Bertha White accompanied by last week. Noble Grand, Judy Hall, of The event was termned another Heather Rebkali Lodge, officially success. Newcastle Notables (Continued from page 10) Salvation Armny. On Decumbur 14, at 11:30, the school will bu liosting their Turkuy Lunch at the school for the students. The school will bu liaving a Carol Sing at the school on December 17. AIl chldrun and parents are wlcome to participate. The Pines Senior Public will bu performing at the Newcastle Public School for the primary students. On December 10 and 13, the Pines students will bu presunting their Drama Presentation that tliey have been working on. St. Franlcis of Asissi students areworking diliguntly on their "Christmas Around the World' project. Eacli class from the sehool lias cliosen a country and will bu working on an integrated unit througliout the month. They are studying how each country spends their Christmas. T'he students will present what tliey have leamed on the evening of December 14, starting at 7:00 pin. TMis presentation is to take the place of the Christmas concert. Visitors will purchase a passport and then visit displays and bootlis showing the cusioms and traditions of each country. Presentations will be ongoing tliroughout the evening. Th:Thi %@Cak More than a store A unique experience ONE OF A KIND HAND-MADE CANA DIAN CRAFT POTTERY - WOOD - SIL<5 - TOYS AND MUCH MUCH MORE MAIN STREET. ORONO 983-9314 TUES. -FR.I.lto6 SAT.9to5 more, by Helen MacDonald What lias happened to the state of the art --- of letter writing? I have been pondering this as 1 considur the electronic highways many people now communicate' on. With a computer and a modem hooked up to our telephone lines, we cani communicatu througli electronic mail with anyone around the world., Rather than pick up the phone, you cari send a short message via computer: "Hey, friend! How are you? Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birtliday!" As the quili became redundant, 50 too will pen and paper. They are ancient technology! The practice of penmanshîp lias been replaced with keyboarding. And, letter-writing is an ancient art. High speed pressing of the QWERTY keyboard gets the message, the information, to your correspondent faster than the old wireless. And, it is not considuredl unreasonable to expect a response the same day, within minutes, if possible --- either directly on- screen or via fax which canî also bu attaclied to your telephone lines/computer. Amazing! Speed, efficiency, the computitivu edge.. what more would we want? Archives. Tliat's right-- archives. For a long period of time in the history of humankind, very little information was'recorded, and uven less prusurved. Information that was recorded often ruflectud the ideas, activities, historical construct of an litu few -those wlio could read and write, most of whom were male scholars and clerics. The advent of tlie printing press opened more doors as information could bu mass produced ... books became more accessible to more people. Reading and writing wuru popularized. Education was also popularized. Finally, common folk, not just the wealthy privileged classes, were writing down their thoughts, thuir hopes, their dreams. The uxchangu of letters amongst friends, family, loyers, business and commerce and so on has rusulted in the traceability of information, events and views of people during thuse-so-called recorded times in history. We know from the letters of Susannali Moody what lifu in early Canada was like. 0f the greatest significance is that she wrote from a woman's perspective, albeit a woman of higher class; but, still, lier letters give, onu of the best narratives of a w oman's uxperiences in tlie New World. Witliout tliese letters, we would know even less than we have the privilegu of knowing. Now, people are busier. Sometimes too busy to even pick up the phone. So, wu speedily communicate via electronic higliways. But nobody will know what it is we thouglit, fuît or considerud... there will bu no record because state-of-the-art techno logy is liaving adverse effects upon the state of the art of lttr-writing. Onu of the programmes I am involvud in at Trent is a pen pal programme with primary school children. The purpose is to encourage bettur writing and reading skills. Howevur, theru is another bunefit... children are ru- introduced to pen and paper and the art of ltter writing. When was the last time you wrote a lutter? Put pen to paper, and fimd an envelope. Your correspondent will bu delighted-- and, Canada Post will love you! Thebéstyveikeor ýoppî1g tiees. is he uorums IMMOBILISER istevehicle security system that hooks directly to your ignition. To start the car, a custom-coded key must first be inser- ted. No key, no go. Only you can start the car. It even cornes with a lifetime war- ranty Offly Quorum products give you that kind flIn I of technology and security SecurÎng9Lffe' . Conact cour Quorum laepde lD trbulor . PEACE 0F MIND ELECTRONICS (905) 983-9094 A great girt idea FACTORY Warehouse Clearance Quali1ty Leather Furniture WALL UNITS - DESKS LAST CHANCE BEFORE CHIRISTMAS Hours: Saturday, December il - Sunday, December 12 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cash and Carry Only Prlyrdesigns Hwy. 115 at Tamblyn Road Orono0, Ontario e