COrond Weekty Times, Wednesday, Deoeb,8 1993-1Î3) AhSALLY STAPLES associate broker 6gb23-6000 24 hour pager REIMAX CORNERSTONE REALTY LTD, REALTOR from your "Senior"at Queen's Park - Gord Milis Many of you have let me know how worried you were about any proposais to change seniors' drugs under the Ontario Drug Benefit Program. During the extensive containing the computer system. The equïpmnent was valued at $ 1000.00 Directory of SeIf-HeIp Groups The .93/94 edition of the "Directory of Self-Help Groups in Durham Region" -is now available from the Canadian consultations the Minister of Health heard from hundred of people, including ME! As a resuit the government lias decided not to bring in cost- sharing. We reject user fees for health care. Cost-sharing, we GOOD HEALTH - NATURALLY by Sandra Topper, Cert. Reflexologist What is Vitamin C Vitamin C also known as ascorbic acid is a water soluble vitamîn. It is essential for the formation of intracellular cement substances such as collagen found in the ski n, bone, ligaments, cartilage and teeth. This important nutrient helps to promote wound and burn healing and is effective in the treatment of the common cold as it lias antibacterial properties. Vitamîn C also lias anti-oxidant qualiies and lias been found to be a value in minimizing the ettects of air pollutants, industrial toxins, heavy metals and tobacco smoke. Vitamin C is found in many foods in particular citrus fruits and green vegetables, just a few examples are lemons, oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, broccoli, spinacli, parsley, onions, green peppers, radishes and tomatoes. Exposure to heat and liglit destroy the Vitamin C in these foodsas Vitamin C is the least stable of al vitamins. Certain drugs can deplete the body of Vitamin C, they are:aspirin, alcohol, analgesics, anti depressants, anti coagulants, oral contraceptives and, steroids. Researcli has also indicated that Vitamin C aids in the absorption of iron and that it works in harmony with the components Bioflavonoids, Rutin (Eucalyptus) and Rosehips. Bioflavonoids for example enhance the absorption of Vitaniin C and are helpful in strengthening capillaries. They are used extensively in athletic injuries because they help to relieve the pain of bruises and swelling in the back and legs. Bioflavonoids also are not produced in the body and again are found in most fruits and vegetables inparticular they are found in the white skin just below the peel of oranges, lemons, and grapefruits. Vitaniin C aiso works synergistically with Vitamnin E and zinc. An average daily food supplement of up te 1,000 mg& of Vitamin C is sufficient however, more may bc required during, times of illness, stress, poor diet or- when taking the above mentioned drugs. Source: Available upon request. Note: Always consult your Doctor before taking any vitamin supplement. Mental Health Association/Durham Region, for a cost of $12 plus'shipping and handling. There have been over 50% changes made to last years' directory, and new groups have been added. Each listing includes purpose, contacts, meeting information, etc. To order your copy of the directory caîl the public education office of CMHA at 436-8760. (Continued page 14) believe, could place an excessive financial burden on the weakest and most vulnerable in our Society. In order to better manage the Ontario Drug Benefit Program, we have undertaken a number of initiatives. Next year pharmacies will be linked through a computer network to the Ministry of Health. This will alert pharmacist about possible drug reactions and will protect seniors from over- medication. It will save $30 million in drug costs and will significantly reduce paperwork for both pharmacists and the Ministry. In addition, we are working with professional organizations representing physicians and pharmacists to develop prescribing guidelines in order to ensure effective and appropriate drug prescribing. The Ontario Drug Secretariat will link the most appropriate and cost-effective therapies to specific medical conditions. 1 beieve our health care systemi is one of the most important services Ontario provides. In the next few weeks, the public are being comment on which of 17 medical procedures, recommended by the Ontario Medical Association , should be removed from free OHIP coverage. Some of them I agree shouldn't bc paid, for by 0H11'. For example, I don't think we should bc expected to bear the cost of tatoo removal. Another recommendation is to stop paying for annual maedical examination under 0111P. I can assure you, contrary to the opinion of the, OMA that an annual medical isnt required, that 1 will be standing up -in our government caucus to demand that it be left as a paid benefit. I know several other colleagues will join me in this stand. Until next week - take care of one another. SAVE Up TO 25% ON HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE New Home, Non-Smokers, Claims Free, Alarms FOR DETAILS OR A FREE QUOTE, CALL 623-0331 PINE RIDGE UNSURANCE 3Silver Street, Bowmanvllls Oshawa - 436-6239 THE CATERING CONNECTION SOCIAL CATERERS Our Specîallty Famnily Sty(e Roast Beef Dinner Weddmngs Anmiversaries- Business Functions H-ockey Basebail - Bowling Banquets HOT - COU) - BUFFETS FRED, PATRICIA, RODNEY STORSBERGEN Box 416, Orono, Ont. LOB iMO 983-9679 rMORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTID. Established in 1881 623-5480, 4 Division St. Bowmanville PRE-ARRANGED AND PREPAID FUNERAL SERVICES AVAILABLE z Cll re to buy or self... Orono and area's- real estate rep. Krystyna Jones 9 8 ;3-m6013 1060 SIMcoE ST. N.5103 -OSHAWA TEL(416)721-2112 JUST Ll8TED.. . CHARMINO HOME ON COUNTRY LOT. ORONO. $124,90., Spotless 1800 sq. ft. ail brick Geranium home. Central air, central vac, four bedrooms, 3 battis. Double garage, fully fenoed yard, prime Bowmanville location.... $171,900 CENTURY CHARMER! Huge, mature, attractively landscaped, Bowmnville lot. *Over 2300 sq.'ft. with parlour, family roomn and country kitchen. " Picturesque red barn with loft. ... $210,000. JUST LTSTED! " Tastefully decorated, 3 bedrooms, 3 battis, shows beautifully. " Fireplace, separate dlining room, interlocking brick patio. " FulIy fenced pie shaped lot, excellent court location.... $162,900 ' Computer system stolen from church Acomputer keyboard and printer were stolen from the Newcastle United Churcli recently. 1The front door to the Mill Street church had been forced open as had a door to the room ",.Age ot Conoern" News and Information for Seniors" 2