mmmm( 14 OGrono WfleekIy Timoes, Wedne-sdaïy> December 8, 1993 f Deadline f'or Service Directory - I I IT-IRn r'ýJ- I i Friday Noon SE~,1 jl ~Jj('jfIY Tel. 983-5301 i Apple Blôssom Shop FLOWERS & GIFTS' Orono 983-9155 Oshawa 433-2515 We dontjust specialize - We make every order special. "Hair WitIJ Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Orono Electric Ltd. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs- HI-FIS Sales and Service Hotpoînt - R.C.A. Whte Westinghouse Frigidaire -WhirIpoUI Woods Freezers Magio Chef -Hoovr 983-5108 Barnna % Home Check -Vacation Home Checlcîng *Let us make your home looklIved in *Wedding Day Services Rliable References INSURED, 9mrb Shetier - In* Cox NE WTON VILLE (905) 786-2996 FLOWERS PLUS FLOWEPS GIFTS and ÇRAFTS 46 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lyoett 983-5908 Wtida Middlerofl 983-9819 D' FPATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE ITHERAPY CLINIO 5 George Streetr Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4473 GRUNDY'S Country Upholstery Quality Work ln Upholsfery R.R. 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon_ Grundy__j Commercial space for rent in new mode m building on Main Street, Orono. Suitable for store/office. Approx. 500 sq. ft. $350 per month. Ed VanhaverbekefAssociate Broker, NRS Edvan Realty Ltd. Cali 987-3211. Three bedrooni apartmnent for rent, on Main Street, Orono. Available Feb. 1/94, $695 per, month plus utilities. Phone 987-3211. 1,8,ac Self contamned, axe bedroom apartment, many extras, country home, '$500.00 monthly, utilities included, commuting distance 'Oshawa, Lindsay, Peterborough, cal (905) 885-8212. ,ap House for rent - newly renovated, very dlean. Available Feb. 1, 1994, $650./mo. Phone 983-9044 anytime. ,ac SELF STORAGE UNITS For rent, Newcastle Village froni $39 'CHECK OUR RATES' Now Available 10'x2 10'X15, W10%O, 5xlo, Phone Lori at Newcastle Storage I987-3211 1 send my heartfelt thanks ta my good friends and relatives for caTds, telephone caîls, visits, flowers and other gifis, received during ony two stays ini Oshawa Hospital and since retuming home. Special thanks ta Rev. Russell for his visits. Gladys Greenwood 8,cpIn -Building Supplies and Hardware - Barn Steel - Sikkens Stain - Hemlock for Fences and Stalîs «A centre for Ail our Buiding Ne9ds' (70) 27-381 or (905) 434-6665 tevenings) ON HWY5. 352 MILES NORTH OF HWY.115 _ MacGREGOR & WEST Auction Service ESTATES. CONSIGNMVENTS, HOUSEHOLOS BANKRUPTCIES, FARMS SoId atyour location or at ours STORAGE & TRUCKING Caîl for a Free Confidential Consultation M. MacGregor 905-987-5402 Junior West 905-983-5556 Grist Mili Auction Centre Newtonville FRI.DAY, DECEMBER 10TH 6:30 p.m. Selling the interesting contents from an old home in Hamilton Township; antique oak high back Victorian bed; old chests of drawers; several old parlour chairs; old rockers; drop leaf gate leg table;' Victorian parlour table; glass sîde china cabinet; old organ stools; 3 pe. bedroom set; combination wardrobe chest; 5 pe. dinette; lamps;- pi ctures; frames; occasional tables; quantity of crystal; dishes; glassware; household goods; numerous antiques; wringer washers; and a variety of other good items. TERMS: Cash or Good cheque wth Proper .0. AUCTIONEER Frank Stapleton,- 786-2244 8,ac REFLEXOLOGY Reduce Stress. Improve Circulation and many more benefits. 983-8162 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY VITAMINS & NIJTRITONAL SUPPLEMENTS Sandra Topper Certified Reflexologist GFCEnFICATESsAVAILABLS. Around the Region (Continued froni page 13) Waste sites no problem The federal task force working on the eventual cleanup of ail low level nuecear waste in Port Hope, as well as in neighbouring communities, has said that it does not feel that thse waste in the nine sites in Port Hope is cause for, concerts. This week Bob Pollock, the director of the federal government's Low Level Radioactive Waste management Office said hie concurred with that view. It is not a view that is held by members of council. Blackstock Park getting face lift? Consideration is beîng given to a face lift for the Blackstock Park and fair grounds at a cost of $350,000. Funding would corne from the sale of a number of building lots in the area owned by thse Town, $ 150,000 from the Province and $50,000 from donations of cash, aime and material. Local Legions express concern as to turbans At least two local branches of the Royal Canadian Legion may have some concerns to express as to the wearing of head gear in its branches for religious purposes. Both Jim Conneil, president of the Bowmanville Branch and Doug Finney of the Oshawa Branch maintaîn that thse policy can only be changed at the next national convention. Finney expects a lot of fireworks when the issue Isits thse floor of the convention. Don Baldwin, a spokesman for thse national Legion agreed that the new policy must be confirmed at thse convention but that the rule is in effect in the meantime. A popular program An employment- assistance program for recipients of unemployment insurance has resulted in the startup of about 40 small businesses in Northum--berland County sînce May of 1993. The program is administered through the Canada ,Employment .Centres in Port Hope and Cobourg which has seen 26 mets and 13 women become involved. The program allows thse participants to collect UIC payments while starting up their new business Woman officer becomnes inspector Nancy Desjardine, 44, has become the first female inspector within1 the Durham Regional Police. Thse newly appointed inspector took up lier new duties in Sunderland on November 29th. Her command involves Sunderland, Uxbridge and Port Perry area, Division 26. Desjard ine began lier career in law enforcement in 1967 as a secretary in thse Metro Police' department and enrolled in thse Ontario Police College in 1970, later working as an officer with Metro Police. She joined the Durham Regional Police in 1974, achieving the, rank of detective in 1983, staff sargeant in 1990 and inspector in 1993. Ridership continues to decline Oshawa transit riders will have to wait until the new year to find out if their transit fares are to be increased this year. Ridership has dropped by almost 12 percent this year. It is expected that the deficit will reach $4.2 million this year of which amount $2.39 million will be paid by the Oshawa taxpayers. The province pays the rest of the the deficit. bottom of Bell's priority list. Pleased that-Ice Beer ads pulled Karen Macleod, a Camp-bellford trustee with the Northumberland and Clarington Board of Education, said she was pleased to see, that Labatt Breweries had pulled their ads for its new high-alcohol beer which contained 40 percent more alcohol than regular beer.. She had said the ads were directed towards the young people. The public school board had written Labatts, as well as the Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations complaining about the high-content alcohol beer. Chaos with automated parking Oshawa Hospital ran into traffic chaos with the opening, of their new automated entry system. Employees has to wait up to 40 minutes while the chaos was corrected. The Alexander parking lot to the north of the hospital is also to have an automated systemn but continues to operate as in the past for the tnie being. s Simpson Memorials 111 Toronto Rd., Hwy. #2 West, Port Hope M (905) 885-6434 Monuments, Granite or Bronze Markers, Inscriptions Indoor I Outdoor isplays fr~:i ~' Excellent Prices Gueranteed Workmanship &r~,~YZI,4. Etchings - Personal and Scenes Try us before you décide by visiUng Dur new facilfieis, or caUl us collect and arrange for an appointment in the comfort of your home CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - I'S EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. BUSINESS OPPS. imoedate deltcety, 3 Pt htch arnd self cotaned LANTANA- TAKE THIS JOB AND LOVE IT. Be woodspltters, edgers, chairsa- chargrinders, pour own boss, et pour own heurs. Generous bandsaw blade gioders, skiddirg n rchsand rewards attd'competrsation. Lad.g tashion more!! Catit -800 387 8053. -1-ktbmark.tteg company soukrsulat Cali Lynda Close 1613) 744-5149. PERSONAILS GREAT SEX nu age Ittrît Overcoe ereciton WANTED: Icco Mauacturet Representattces teroroSt.bernecausezi by cdtabetes. prostate sutguay unique line.of wutur realmeot c hemicals, The etc. Celth1e tacts ftom. Perormance Medîcul, Task: Appoint Agrcultotal, ledustttal and Bou 418, Valereouot, 8 C.VOF 2ZO 1-800-663. Scsîmrrntng Pool Dealers ,Ihtugltout Ontario. 0121, Great Potentatl 1<(604) 8500t400ý JEIIOVAHS WITNESSES. find. andlrnie CAREER TRAINING lsnd eut tacts the Soiety doeso r mant t ou Iu LEARN AUC1IONEERING et the Sechreestoro kous ConhidentiaI Wte. JW acto, Box 294, Sohoot of A uctîotteerng. N. eCass Mrctt 12- Nelso, B.C.VtIL 5P9. 18. informatiort, contact: S utnwestern Ontaro Scool o1 Auctte'neerctg * R.R 5. fWoodstoch REAL ESTATE COtari N4S 7V9.(519) 037-2115. DOT A CAMPCROUND merohrship /tmehae? We'IlItake it! Americas largest. ldesI resale A NEW CAREER' Certilîcate tocarne Tuet orctearnghoase. Resoîl Sales International 1 800- Bookkeeptng courses bp cottespondercea.Ptee 423-5967. Ttmeshare rentels needed. C.11 24 brochures. No oblgation USR Tau Servtces heurs a day. Lld. 1348 Petnbtna Hcy. Wnnipeg, Manitoba. R13T 2B6,1-600-885-5144- SALES HELP WANTED DREAM JOB. Keep the rouet imortant job n FREE 'CAREER OPPORTUNITIES' GUIDE. peur lesus ite and mther. Werh 15 hoars Trats t home tor cureets io: Acceunttng. weekty, avetuge $250 commisston and car Arcerditiening; Boehkeepisg; Business; lleence on jewe ry party plan suIes. 1-880 383- Eletrestes: Law Enorcement; Medical Sectetury. 8976. Paralegel; Tranel; etc. 263 Adelade S. W. (5A) Toronte. 1-800-950-1972. STEEL BUILDINGS FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS Wtnter Speiet FARM SOUIPMENT FOR SALE Keep the Iactury busp dlurtng the Wînter menthe BARN CLEANER REPLACEMENT chuirr for ait and take detîvety in the Spning Suce op te 25% mabes of cleuners, quunttty on hurd td Igo4o e CIl 1.800668-8653. prtce Coîf Husky B818-846-5328. _______________________________ S31BUILDINO PRICES - telIStraitroall Type - FOR SALE nt quotteet- 32x54 $7899: 40x72 $11.824. KEEP YOUR BUSINESS CARD on dsplay wetîh 5O90 $18.804: 60X128 $25883 - other stees instant custom magnetto calendurs. Customtze availuble -Mscellateeas cleutance - Patagon wi in e business card o, r npshot. For quantitY 24 Hurs t 800 230 49 pricing or sartîle, cal t-800-461 ý5757. Ip STEEL BUILDINGS AT BIOCK 6011DM AS SEEN ON TV AT $-26. Super Health Bag. The PRICES! 20X30-Sl,72300, 28x30 $2.353.00, Mirowavable Heatrrrg Pad. Ottîy $19.96. Great 34040 $3.558.00. >48044 04,704.00. 40x50 Christrras gtft. VISA/MC, Boss Enterprt 65 $68530 00. 40X100 S13064.0,500100 1 ý808 481-5787. Meeey Back Guarantee. $16,402.00, 560120 S24.I0600. Caîl Ptorneer 1-800-6688-5422. ENERORAPI A LEADINO rmanufacturer o! Portable ad Sawmtlls ase carnies for STOCK MARKET ANALYST Specialty Speculative Stocks Inquiries Welcome FREE FIRST CONSULTATION Write: Orono Weckly Times, Box 300, Orono, Ont. LOB 1 MO Y edi uel pon/ue sirnruL/ Ond.seCta b/ r ols e ed yf ... ....... STAFFORb MONUMENTS 143 King St. É., Bowmanville, Ont. ..Phone 623-8150 OUT OF TOWN TOLL FR ÈOO-465 1 -481à 'GRANITE MÇNUMEN-TS lAhKÉhS A EMETERMET HO pue HOWRO .Wt&PPONTME -"AVAILAU ING ALL F ýSEfERENCES -,ON RÉ09E . . . . . . - - - - - - reg