CUSTOM DRAPERIES & INTERiIRS THE WINDOW COVERING SPECAIT 34-B KING STREET W., Bowmanville (905) 623-2826 (East et Silver St.) When solocting window covérings for your home, office ai business, where do you begin? You shouîd first decide whether yau need direct sunlight oxposure, ta simply filter it or block it out entirely. You may also want ta consider the window treatment's insulation value for the particular application-. The style et windovw and your buildiing's style and poriod may also sway your decision. Beyand thèse mare clinicat décisions. one should go with whal suits their taste; you will be génerally living with your decisian for a long lime. MOTHER MOD CUSTOM DRAPERIES AND INTERIORS is a one-stop windaw covering and treatment contra. Established in 1972, MOTHER MOD was acquîred in JuIy, 1988, by TUULI WHALLEY who has 16 years of expérience in the drapery tradé. Custom fabnic draperies, valances (that caver up unsightly rods) and sheers can providé an éxotic luxuriaus look or a ver tailoréd traditional appearance. Thé vertical blinds which are alsa available at MOTHER MOI CUSTOM DRAPERIES AND INTERIORS are straight and stroamlined coming in a variety of matérials and tabrics; they arE ideal for patio dcors or tai windlows. SThis store offers manydrapery fabric colours and texturés, curtains and sheers, vénetian and vertical binds, balloon shades, Roman and rlier shades, as wéll as related drapery hardware. 7hE custom draperies are made right on thé promises, se quality contrai is maintained at a local level. Yau cen'aIse ind cc. ordinating wallpaper and, matching fabics, bedspreads and duvets. We suggest yau try their shap-at-home service The experiénce, product selection and helptul service placeE MOTHER MOD CUSTOM DRAPERIES AND INTERIORS et the héad et thé ist et specialized home decarating centrés. FOR IGH REAL ESTATE LTD., REALTOR EA QUALITY GOODS -nFEO AT REASONABLE PROVEN RESULTS FOR OVER 20 YEARS PRICES 133 KING ST. E., BowmanvilleU (905) 623-1700 (Main Street Square Plaza) SUGARS BAKERY roffects what -a modem bakery shauid be. They praduce an unparalleled variety of gcods baked fresh daiily on the promises, usîng the inest ingredients and withaut the additives and preservatives ta prolong sheif life, nor the expensive aver- packaging. SUGARS BAKERY can pravide home style baked goods often availabie at a cost for iess than you can make it at home, as weil as oftering unique items you would probabiy nover consider preparing yourself such as pastrios, & cookies for diabetics. The products on the sheives at SUGARS BAKERY are created ram proven recipes and time-tested baking procedures. The result is a consistent, tasty product each and every time you shap there. SUGARS BAKERY allaws custamers tao choose f rom a diverse otfering of tastes and textures in their uine ot European style breads, buns and rals. Fresh ingredients allow them ta be easily frazen and stored. You can aiso try their tasty muffins, tarts, brownies, eclairs, fruit filed pies, cookiés, variaus squares, cupcakes, Nanaimo bars, meat pies, sausage rails, and cakes for ail occasions. Owner RUDY VAN WIJNGAARDEN and the staff try ta ensure an adequate suppiy ta keep pace with consumer demand. In addition ta their sales at thé counter, SUGARS BAKERY has maintained many whlesaie accaunts with restaurants, hotels and other institutions since they opened on December 23. 1991., Stop by SUGARS BAKERY before purchasing anywhere else and ind out why they are considered ta be the competition. "THE BODY UAINTENANCE PROGRAMME" 1, KING ST. E., Bowmanvilie (905) 623-2615 (ai Brewnl St.) The economical situation of today has provoked longer periods of flnancing for new automobiles, resulting in thé consumers need for a rust resistant vehicie that wilI endure. Due ta aur harsh winter conditions and high humidity in summer, you should take necessary précautions such as regular rust contrai and body mnaitiance by KROWN. KROWN RUST CONTROL CENTER utiizes a nan-toxic, solvent-fre praduct that cantains several chémicais, onéet which acts as a penetratin.g creepér ta treat hard te réach spots that effect the vohicle's structure such as spot welds. A KROWN treated vehîcle is a safer one in a collision as the overaîl structure is intact and net weakenod by deteriaration by- rust., Fasténers and wiring connections romain corrosion free, saving your mechanic time and saving you money. This business aise provides engino shampoos, interior shampoas and fabric protection, paint finish protection. and the installation et accessaries such as running boards, bug deflectars, hcod guards, pick-up bed liners, etc. Many of the KROWN RUST CONTROL CENTERS opened acrass Ontario in April, 1986, and thore is now a group of over 170 dealers across Canada and expansion into the U.S. The location in Bowmanvilte has been established as a car came centre tor 19 yoars and is owned and operatod by BRIAN BASTIANELLI.1 KROWN has beentested as a successful rust inhibitor by MoMaster University, and is aIsé approved by the A.P.A. (Automobile Protection Association) as weil as the Ontario RFiesearch Foundation. 123 KING ST. E, Bewmanville (905) 623-4115 (at Ontario St.) HWY. 45 & 401, Cobourg (905) 372-5428 You can see the familiar signs of KEN HOCKIN REAL ESTATE LTD., REALTOR an many of the praperties throughout this area. There are goad reasons for this popularity and choice. Dedicated personnel have aIl made clear that their aim is ta provide expenienced services ta bath the buyer and vendo r that is fair and equitable. With a full realizatian that real estate of any kind is a principle investment. they evaluate a proposed listing at its present day value and utilize innovative marketing strategies ta, find the right buyer for your home. For those looking for a home, a detailed list will be campiiod aiding themn in locating the type af home, price range and area they are Iaaking for. KEN HOCKIN REAL ESTATE LTD., REALTOR is one of the most actively engaged firms in the real estate business established since apening in Cobourg in 1973. The business has been most successful in the acquisition and marketing of properties under the direction of Bowmanville native and braker/awner KEN HOCKIN. Their offices are equipped with efficient recording systems for listings, and the extensive services include residential and commercial properties, farms, acreage, cottages, and such related services as market évaluations, and appraisals. If you want the best in personalized real estate service tram people wha are looking after your interests, caîl KEN HOCKIN REAL ESTATE LTD, REALTOR first. WR"LLRÀ-CE RUTO ii SUPP-MLY ULTD. W LOCAL SUPPLY & SERVICE ýwTH COAST TO COAST SUPPORT ASSOCIATE 5314 MAIN ST., Oreno (905) 983-5614 b141 KING ST. E., Bowmanville (905) 623-5402 Whether it's over-the-counter sales ta the tarmers in the area or speedy de livery ta the wholesale accounts such as service garages and body shaps, WALLACE AUTO SUPPI.Y LTD. has become recognized as a dependable source for auto parts, tools and reIated accessories. WALLACE AUTO SUPPLY LTD. is an associate af McKERLIE-MILLEN, one of Canada's largest and stranges' networks of retaillwhoîesale autamotive and industriai suppliers with over 275 corporatelassaciate stores across Ontario anc Quebec. This group purchasing power aliows WALLACE AUTC SUPPLY LTD. ta offer you more competitive pnices on quality îpraducts that meet or exceed original equipment manufacturert L(O.E.M.) spécifications. McKERLIE-MILLEN has recycîed ovei 100,000 batteries since introducing their battery recycling prograr ta help the enviranment. They have many of the- required parts and -supplies fo automotive, industrial, and agricultural needs. The stores featurE filters, belts, headlamps, hases. auto body supplies, R-I rautomotive finishes, exhaust components, starting and charginý system parts, brake &ý engine parts, tools, gauges, hydraulii hases customn made, lubricants. FORNEY welding supplies anc mare. d WALLACE AUTO SUPPLY LTD. opened locally in 1971 anq 0thon expanded with a second location in Bowmanville in the mic n 1970's. The Orono store is dirocted by manager ARNOLI D WALLACE, and Nis brother FRASER WALLACE manages thi Bowmanville branch. y Very few service garages can stock the many items needed1 keep your wheels in gaod running order. Tbis is when WALLACI io AUTO SUPPLY LTD. stops in ta NI their roquirements of qualil <parts with, quîckwholesaie delivery service %throughaut the area. Ir r ig ic id id id 'D le ta 'E ty -Presentiniq Interesting Facts Rbout Businesses Servinq the flrea =?ý M. A Waliv Ri grn-cz h ... mau .. wmý - .. 2728 COURTICE RD., Ceurtice (905) 436-2222 (at Kwy. 2) Thé gas mileage, appearance. satety features, dur abiiity anid handiing characteristics are still important factors when selecting a new vehicie. The cast is aiso a primary consideratian. Perhaps the mast seriaus decision, equaIly as important as what ta buy, is where ta buy it. ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LTD. has heîd and even wîdened its share of the autamative sales and service market in this area since it was faunded by Roy NichaIs in 1922. This may be attributed ta the extended in-stock selection of CHEVROLET, OLDSMOBILE and GEO vehicles which are displayed on the lot for sale or bease. It is mare ikeiy due ta their cammitment ropresented in the farm of helptul customér service from the staff. Customers feel camfortabie and free tram pressured sales, and are also assured of factory trained mechanical service and maintenance after the sale. This tamily owned business continues under the direction of FRED & ROY OWEN, and their nephew (and founders grand nephew) BOB OWEN as General Manager. The popular Chevrolet Astro Van is available as a 4-doar passenger van and an extended van with 5-8 passenger capacrty; bath can have the added security of aptional all-whei drive versions which came with a high output 200 h.p. origine. A handy "Dutch dcor" tailgate system is featured an this rear whool drive favaurite. A new 1994 vaiue-priced version of the Astre is scan ta be introduced. ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LTD. offers asmart way to got your new G.M. car, van or truck %with their leasing plan. You only pay irst montlVs lease paymont & a security depasit, wvith very flexible payment terms and options (an approved credit). Itfs a sensible alternative for many families & busînesses! TERRIBRAE À "PET'CENTRE 4.iQ5 FOR THE LOVE 0F PETS! 73 KING ST. W. Bowmanville (905) 623-1752 TERRIBRAE Pk-T CENTRE is a business dedicated ta pet loyers and provides a most extensive stock of pets, foods and ,r supplies under one roof. They also supply custamers with radditional information ta, help educate themn and we nated the staff, Ithave goad product knowledge ta assist customers in their choice. The staff at TERRIBRAE PET CENTRE let customers knaw how important it is ta slowly switch branda, phasing out greater portions of the aId food while integrafing mare of the new fcod over ime. Such a switch can sometimes help ta create a glassier coat and also make a lethargic dag more energetic. A food can be chasen based an your pers age and lifestyle, as weIl as being Spriced within the masters budget. TERRIBRAE PET CENTRE has been operating as a retail store since March, 1986, and is locally owned by BILL HYDER e and managed by ROBIN VAN ACKER. Since 1978, Bill has been retailing pet food and operating Ternibrae Kennels Perm. ,>Reg'd. which specialîzes in the breeding of West Highland White jd Terriers. The large in-stock selectian of praducts at TERRIBRAE PET D CENTRE includes dag & cat foods, as well as treats, vitamins, d grooming & training aids, flea and odour remedies, pet tays, books, e leads, bawls, and an array of quality dag & cat figurines which make excellent gifts. Tre faur eath toksuhas birds, srnall animais, kittens, 10 At TERRIBRAE PET CENTRE you'ii find pet food with brands ty such as Purina, Iams, and Hill's Science Diet. Pet grooming is . provided on the premises for most breeds of dags (with no id tranquilizers used). Stop by TERRIBRAE PET CENTRE and discover for s yourself that premium quality foods and genuine friendly ýS assistance daesn't have ta cost more. u fl- m 1- DUItHAM REGION1'S 0LDEST CONTINUALLY FAMILY OWNEDfl & OPERATED FIJNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION ST., BowmanVile (905) 623-5480 Planning a funeral is among the most individual arrangements yau wiII ever make. No funeral service is exactîy the same, or should be; each ceremony reflects the character and lite of the person it honours. One way to ensure that thase arrangements wilI be carefully considered is ta make them in advanoe with a practice knwn as ."pre-planning" or "pre-arrangemeflt. This spares your family tram making jifficult cecisians at a stressful time. It also alîows you to pre-determine your casket chpice, burial arrangements and service, in accordance with your wishes and beliefs. Meeting with the people at MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. for pre-planning is a simple pracesa, and takes place in a relaxed, unhurried atmasphere. Yau. and your family if yau wish, take the time ta decide on ail the details and can alsa discuas any reasonable requests. The information will be recorded; you keep a capy and MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. will alsa maintain a file. A popular practice that enhances the pre-planning process is pre-payment. Its a worry-free aid that places your funds in trust, protected by law and subject ta interest eamîngs. The Morris family, wha came fram the Ise of Wight in 1841. were recognized as cabinet makers, buiît coffins and pravided funerai service in Bowmanville since 1860. MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. is naw directed by PAUL R. MORRIS wha is the 5th generation af the Morris family in funeral service. He is assisted by licensed funeral directors ROBERT B. WILLIAMS, GARY M. CONWAY and Orono native DOUG R. R UTH ERF0ORDO. Feel free ta caîl the_ staff at MORRIS FUNERAL« CHAPEL LTD. ta answer any question you may have about pre-plannircg or any other aspect of funeral services. ~I "YOUR LICENSE TO SUIRVIVE- SYoung Drivers % of Canada 98 KING ST. W., Bowmanville (905) 623-7017 When teenagers turn of age, they usually cant wait ta get theiri driver's license. The temptation ta sign up for the cheapest driir sohool or Iearn from a relative may seem appealing. Alng with t< -teenage attitude that they are immortel cames the message hat they will nover be in a vehicular accident. Since 85% of aIl traffic accidents are due ta human errar, YOUNG DRIVERS 0F CANADA facuses 60% of their regular programme an defensive driving and accident avoidance. YOUNG DRIVERS 0F CANADA goos ta great Iengths ta make sure students of aIl ages are taught thoroughly how ta avoid and prevent emergency situations before they happen. You will leam thraugh «hands-an* experience about emer gency braking and 1swerving manoeuvres, head-on and rear-end collision avoidance, gravel shoulder drap-off recavery, in addition ta the preparation for your road test. Thats why many insurance campanies & safety minded corporations highly recommend YOUNG DRIVERS 0F CANADA. The course cansists of 25 haurs of in-class instruction with modern audia-visual aids; 15 sessions of in-car instruction is taught privately, ane-on-ane without peer pressure. On-going instructar retraining ensures a professional standard. YOUNG DRIVERS 0F CANADA is the largest driver training organization. A consistent programme natianwide means that you 1can finish your programme, if necessary, at any of the 165 3Canadian centres coast ta coast, or with their affiliates in the U.S. 1and Finland. The Bowmanville location opened in March, 1989, and 1is directed by IAN TURNER who acquired the branch in January, 1990. 1 To become one of the more than 500,000 graduates, catI the 1 local YOUNG DRIVERS 0F CANADA for information on the next course ... yaur life is worth iti ______ WrKi Lit"%t'%VIKI ý ul:Lqà=