Mark Jackman, curator at the Clarke Museum, displays the art of printing Christmas cards fromn his own wood carvings. The event was hcld last wcekcnd and will again bc presented this Saturday and Sunday at the Museum in Kirby. CoÛuld,ùO'rono Post.continue? Rural Dignity of Canada is cautiously optimistic about recent news stories that die Hon. David C. Dingwell, Minister Responsible for Canada Post has called for a freeze on rural Post Office closures while his staff conducts a 30-day rcview. ,Barb Bonneau, president of Rural Dignity states that they have won somne breathing room. Seventy-one rural Post Offices which are to be closed in the, near future are most concerned with the outcome of the review. The president states concerned citizens must take advantage of the time and thc review and contact the Minister with their concerns as tw the closures. Rural Dignity also take hope from the words of the Jean Chretian prior to becoming Prime Minister. He bas stated "We view the closures or conversions as a deterioration of service to the public". Chretian bas also said thc liberal party is committed'to a moratorium on post closures and are opposed to the present'closure and conversion policies. kRural Dignity has agreed that Sprivatization bas meant "poorer service". Since 1986'1400 out of the 5200 rural post offices have been closed. Mrs. Bonneau states that Decem ber 14 th marks tUic seventh anniversary of Rural Dignity and it woîuld be wonderful if the Hon. Dingwell would announce the scrapping of closing rural post offices. It wauld mean the continuation of the Orono Post Office which has so far escaped being on Uic list of closures. Could we bc so lucky? Plan to pay the muscum a visit. Meet the Minipter meetings planned for United Church Confirmation Class The minister will be offering a young people's Confirmation Class for any young persons of 14+. The class will meet every other Friday, at 4 p.m. fromn January 7th until Pentecost, May 2th. We shahl cover worship, the scriptures, Jesus Christ, the Church, Christian life style. Those attending will be expected wo come regularly and do small amounts of homework. Mission & Service The Mission & Service Committee wishes to thank al those who have contributed to Uic M & S Fund tbis year. To date we have received a total of $12,811. The objective for 1993 is $19.500. Your additionai support in helpiniz us achieve this goal would be appreciated. ~.Christmas Events & Services Thursday, December 9th Pot-luck CommunitY Supper at Leskard Church. A video: "Martin, The Cobbler' will bc shown and a chance to sing your favourite Christmuas music., Sunday, December l2th - White Gift Service - Kirby. "Live Fromà Bethlehem" - Orono. Pot- Luck Dinner at Kirby. Program wo follow. Sunday, December l9th - Regular Service at Kirby. Christmas Cantata by choir at Orono. Friday, December 24th - Christmas Eve Services: Leskard 7 p.m.; Orono 8 p.m. Sunday, December 26th- Regular Church Services. Meet the Minister Meetings Tbe Sessions of both Kirby and Orono decided that they would go ahead with a series of 'Meet the Minister' evenings. Each eider bas been asked to contact thc members and adherents on their iist and The art of printing Christmas Cards Not t o seek levator to tie second floor. couneil's own architectural accessible due to the fact that the Council had received a quote of conservation advisory committec provincial courts are held on the new quotes $300,000 to $400,000 in 1991 for whether they think the job should second floor. The courts are to Port Hope council is not to seek such work. be put out te, bids. continue for at least another five new quotations in making the Coundil is to ask'the Port Hope The province had asked that the years with or without the Town Hall wheel-chair accessible branch of the, Architectural building be made wheelchair accessibility. which.would also require an Conservancy of Ontario and Selection of1 FREE DRAW Cheese Gift Baskets 1 I t Cries318" Drill rom AD~~ ~~~~DRESS: ....... .............................. 7 9 9............ AD....... *OE ....~I Wants government to right a wrong The newly elected MP, Dan McTeague, of Ontario riding, wants his govemnment to stop the sale of 5000 acres of federally- owned lands in Pickering Township. The former conservative government had plans to seil the land which had been purchased for airport purposes in 1972. invite them to an informai evening either at their home or at the church. The minister will share a littie more information about himself, plans for the church and invite memabers to share their views about what is happening and ought to happen as regards the congregations. These meetings will take place during January - March. Please show interest when your eider con acts you and try to come to the meeting. We need your input. We want you to be part of a drawing together of our members.