~1 -~ --,----- - 8 - Orono W.ekly TImes~ Wednesday~ December 8,1003 Wins downtown painting Karon Walters of Newcastle was the winner of Uic painting of Main Stree, Oreno, which was first prize in the Orono Figure Skating draw. The interesting pairiing detailed many of the aspects of downtowri and was donated by artist Blair Marrett of Toronot. Second prize, a portable CD player, was won by Karen Geboers of Bowmanville. Ormo Skating Club Newxs Report Welcome te the 1993/1994 skating seasori! Our skaters are off te a great start -- many of our Canskate members have beeri working bard since the seasori began the end of September and have been rewarded with the fellowirig badges: Beginner: Lacey Julicher; Stephanie -Beaucage-: Sarah Slyfield; Crystal Halik; Sarah Halik; Ramn Jones; Erin Rice; Robert Kay;, Rhiariron Connor; Daniel Hodgeson; Jenna MacDonnell; K. Whelan; Michael Whelari; Meghan Taylor; Krista Swynar; Kathleen Moore; Kelly Anri Moore; Hilary Barries; Gillian Barries; Matthew Barries; Erin Simiana; Sharia Simiana; Laura Stock;, Amanda Graham; Cheryl McLeod. Elementary: Matthew Barries; Shana Simiana; Christopher Marchant;,Katie Dracup; Derek Carruthers; Lacey Julicher; Stephanie Beaucage; Ramn Jones; Sarah Halik; Erin Rice; Sarah Slyfield. Basic: Lacey Julicher; Sherry Obrist; Sarah Taylor; Alisha Marchant;, Sarah Donnelley; Sarah Slyfield; Jenna Wilks; Ramn Joncs; Eriri Rice; Jenilee Hodgesori; Kelly Hughes. Novice I: Ashley Simiana; Kimberly. Rowan; Mitchell Morowitz. Novice Il: Jerinifer Master- Hayncs; Holly VanSeggelen; Erin Sykes; Mitchell Morowitz; Rachel Martin; Kimberly Rowan; Kera Collier. Novice III: Jennifer Lamont; Tina Cumby; Niesha Snyder; Holly VanSeggelen; Jennifer Master-Haynes. Novice IV: Daniel Beaucage; Gillian Donnelly; Daniel Marchand Precision: Daniel Marchand. Congratulations te several of our members who have participated in local competitions and gained experience and had fun while earning some medals in the processl The OFSC's Faîl Fundraiser selling Sunsweet Products was very successful, and aIl those who participated will enjoy a pizza party on Thursday, December 23rd, at 6:00 p.m. This cvenirig bas also been set aside for a family skating party. Ail skaters and their famiies are invitcd te skate fromn 6:15 - 7: 15 p.rn. There will be no Canskate Session on Tuesday, December 14, 1993 due to testing. Also, during the Christmas holidays there will be no Canskate classes on December 28th and 30th. Canskate resumes January 4, 1994. If anyone bas any information they would like includcd ini this monthly OFSC Update, please contact Lea Ann Rowan, at 623-2246. Miracle Food Mart demands further wage cuts Miracle Food Mart and the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local 175 meet on Saturday at the request of the ministry of Labour. Ini a riews release on Monday the Union said- that the parties were not able to reach a setulement due w hie position now being takeri by the employer. The Union news release states that the company was not prepared to reach a compromise but now demand a larger wage cut wo seule the strike and demand a longer terni to the contract including new concessionary proposais. A&P, owners of Miracle Food Mart operate six stores ini the Region with a staff of six hundred. The news release said the company informed the union that a number of stores were to be, closed. Had I Had A Camera 'Me opportunity is now lost but had I had a camera Sunday morning I could have had a great picture that would have been reminiscent of those cattie drives of the good old days out west. Bull Bunting and I were on our way home late Sunday morning after having spent two and a half hours walking in the Ganaraska Forest. To say the least it was an interesting walk for both of us reliving past trips into the area. It was also an opportunity to recal Sid Rutherford's story of Mount Nebo at the northe rn end of Carscadden Road. 0f course at one lime we would have climbed over the mount but this Urne it was skirted just wa elirninate thie task of an almost vertical climb. Mount Nebo is srnall in size but does stand out distinctly in height in a sand dune that bas beeri protected with the plantingof poplar trees. 1We did once again test our skills ta travel in the forest and wa be mindful of the direction we were taking. Althougb the forest flooris mostly covered witb fallen leaves it is interesting to note the greens of some of the ferris and other plants still maintaining their green colouring. As to birds they have long gone with the exception of a couple of hawks, a small flock of Evening Grosebeaks, Nuthatches and of course Bluejays that still continue to cail out. But back to "If 'I had had a camera" which, of course, I didn't. We were travelling south on a sideroad from the eighth line wo the seventh which is located some over a mile east of Highway 115., Carl and James Lowery have been grazing caffle on the John Hooey farm which stretches, we would estimated, half way up the concession. Off in the pasture field was Carl Lowery walkiig, south followed by a string of some 60 wo 70 head of cattle that almost spr ead out over the entire length of the farm. Some were walking, some trotting and some running wo kcep rip. The sinigle file was somewhat impressive, in fact, Bill pulled the car over to the side of the road and we just watched While the single file procession continued south to the barri area on Courity Road 9. Speaking te Carl the next day in Orono hie said the cattle which wcre grazing at the nortb of the farm and are often feed in that area by mearis of a tractor with a big baie of bay were disrcgarding his inAt ~ Arund :'Y HME z~> 1Canada s 14-JatJonai ~IQ~U~ S1EARS SAVE 10%/ ON ALL IN - STOCK MERCHA NDISE FRYrIOM THREE GREAT CATALOGUES! FALL FALL WISHBOOK AND SALE WINTER SALE IN, EFFECT FROM DECEMBER 5th TO DECEMBER 18TH Merry Ghrstmas. ~~Expect more from SEARS. Volunteers Needed Volunteer Services of the Victorian Order of Nurses Durbam Branch is always on the look out for friendly, dedicated people in Orono to volunteer their time to visit with senior citizens, socially isolated and disabled people tbr oughout Durham Region. An hour and a haif each week is al the tme required wo heip improvtý the quality of life for our clients. If' interested, please contact VON Volunteer Services at (905) 434-2530. cail that feeding was to take place at the barn on this occasion. Jim Stevenson driving the tractor drove up the sideroad with a bale of hay on the fork lift and wheri catchirig the attention of the cattle turned south retumning wo the barni. The sound of the tractor told tie catule it was lunch Urne and if, the tractor was taldng lunch to the barrn then the cattle had to follow. Ariy buman 'would have donc the sanie tliing. The cattle soon caught up to Carl and followed him to the barni. It was a long procession of Carl and 60 te 70 .head of cautle. They soon settled ini the barnyard for a full lunch. It was an interesting sight and one not seen too oftcri these days. But perhaps 'you cari catch il a lunch Urne just east of Kirby. Had I Had a Camera. 1-1111 --11, -, I.111 -ýt1- Il 11ý"wýw1' 11ý_e__,