i ~ 10- Orono Weekly Times, Wedneeday~ December 18, 1993 Trillium Morgans draws large gathering at Christmas Festival Trillium Morgan Horse Farrn in Orono, opened their stable doors to the public on December 4, hosted by Bob and Cathy Samson. Between 300 and 350 people- attended the farm's Fourth Annual Christmas Festival. A record 168 votes were cast in the stail decor judging event, representative of the familles visiting the farmn that day. There were twenty excellent stal design entries this year, presenting a difficuit challenge. Hot chocolate was served and candy canes were distributed to the children throughout the busy afternoon. One of the main attractions this year was the Newfoundland dogs. The children, some accompanied by their grandparents, enjoyed rides in the dog carts pulled by these gentle giant canines, compliments of Hannibal Kennels. A Morgan horse demonstration was held in the arena adding to the festive activities. The farms leading sire and show stallion, Trillium Samson, was shown in hand and under saddle, as the history of the Morgan horse played on to an attentive audience. The afternoon event, culminated with a draw for a door prize. The bird feeder and seed was won by young Dylan Palmer of Newcastle. A private party for the farm's clients and friends was held that evening. It was here that the results of the judging were Board of Education has new trustee The Board of Trustees of the Northumberland and Clarington Board of Education has swomn in a new trustez, Beth Bellaire of Cobourg. Mrs. Bellaire piaced fourth in the counit of ballots in the last election and thus was in uine to fi a vacancy for the CobourglHarnilton Township area. Mrs. Bellaire replaces Don Turnbull who was found guilty of twocharges of criminal sexual misconduet and is flow serving an 18 month jail terni. Orono Horticultural holds annual meeting & show announced. Stali number 17, with the theme "Home for Christmnas", was the undisputed winner this year capturing both the Most Beautiful and Most Creative Stall divisions. It was also the overail winner, garnishing the Grand Champion rosette for decorators Ruth Gray and Dave Shevchuk of Bowmanville. The Reserve Champion rosette for Most Beautiful design went to stal number 12, "The Hobbits", researched and painstakingly designed by the mother- and daughter teara, Anna and, Tanya Allin of Orono. The other Reserve Champion honours for Most Creative design was deservingly awarded to Kathleen Dewell and Victoria Pollitt of Orono for their paper mache horse and sleigh, for staîl number 15. Other top placings included 'The Chimney", stail number 19, the entry of The Moore family of Hampton which followed closely behind the Reserve Champions and "Rakers Christmas Angel" stail number 3, the farm's entry. There was a tie for the sixth ranking design between stail number 1 and stal number 8, designed by Sandi McKessock of Bowmanville. Other honourable mentions go to staîl number 6, "A Pride of Angels" the entry of the Moore family of Oshawa (last year's Grand Champions), staîl number 16, the entry of Shelley Miehe -of Newcastle,. staîl number 14, the entry of ten year old Sarah Hawkins of Picke ring, and stal number 13, "Ari's Music". decorated by Kathleen Dewell and Sandi McKessock. Ail of these entries received a number of votes from the public. 1 I was the most successful Open Barn that the farmn has enjoycd to date. They would like to thank the many volunteers and stal designers for their involvement, especially the Maniate family, owners of the Newfoundland dogs who were so popular. A special note of thanks is extended to the public, for attending and participating in the spirit of the season. This meeting was not only our Christmas Show and Photographic Competîtion, but it was also our Annual Meeting and Pot Luck Dinner. Around seventy enjoyed the buffet pot-luck dinner, show and entertaiinment. The Christmas tree was loaded down with mittens for the Salvation Arrniy along with a box of goodies. President Shelley Etmanskie welcomed everyone and calied on Rev. Russell to say the Blessing. After everyone was well stuffed and the Girl Guides had eceared the tables, Shelley introduced the, head table'of Adele McGill, Rev. Mervyn Russell and Mrs, Russell, Mrs. Petrie, our Distric-t 17 Director and our Mayor Diane Harare. Mayor Hamre congratulated us on all the fine work we do to keep, the town looking beautiful. Mrs. Petrie outlined what District 17 would, be doing in the coming year. Shelley thanked our guests and also thanked the Girl Guides. Doreen Lowery introduced the entertainment. The Base Line Dancers. There were twelve young Square Dancers taking turns in dancing, those dancing were Kim and Emily Metcalfe, Steven, Katharine and David Found, Owen Kelsey, Mark and Jackie Ferris, Janelle Kellogg, Jessica Morton, Mark Flintoif and Joanne Holmes. The last three being great- grandchildren of the late Mrs. Bob Moffat. Roland Bowman of Welcome did the calling and James and Doreen Lowery provided the music. The audience thoroughly enjoyed the dancers and music.'1 Shelley thanketu the dancers and announced that Fle Sharpe and Thelma Gilbank were in the hospital. We wish them both a speedy recovery. The 1993 Fînancial Statement was given by the Treasurer Adele McGil witli a very rewarding report. Dorothy and Derek Barnett our new auditors congratulated Adele on her good bookkeeping. Mr. Cor Mostert reported for the Beautification Committee and thanked ail who helped with the flower beds. Lorna Atkins gave the activity report in Flo's absence. Everyone had enjoyed the luncheon in the Spring and we had made up the baskets at decoration day in place of the Junior Gardeners.,11 Doreen Lowery gave the show report for the year we had 552 entries for the four shows plus window boxes etc. Thanks to al who participated and keep on- showing. Congratulations to Shelley Etmanskie for winning the C.I.B.C. award and for the most points in ail the shows, with 146 points. Shelley called on our District Director Mrs. Petrie to conduet the Election of Officers for 1994 as follows: Past President - Lomna Atkins; President - Shelley Etmanskie; lst Vice-President - Mrs. Colleen McQuillan; 2nd Vice - Mrs. Michele Ernst; Treasurer -,Mrs. Adele McGill; Secretary - Mrs. Flora Sharpe Directors for 1 Year: Mr. Orville Challice; Mrs. Inez Harris; Mrs. 'Thelma Gilbank; Mr. Laurence Staples; Mrs. Vera Staples and Mrs. Minnie Zegers Directors for 2 Years: Mrs. June, Heard; Mrs. Cor Mostert; Mrs. Eleanor Terrili; Mr. Cliff Terrill: Mrs. Lorna Atkins;, Mrs. Donna Hutton;, Mrs. Yvonne Trafford Mrs. Dini Schoenmiaker judge for the Christmas Show gave somne comments on the show. There were 31 entries and 10 exhibitors. The points for this show will be counted on next years. Christmas Show Resuits: Section A - Decorative "Carol Singing" - 1) Shelley Etmanskie; 2) Minnie Zegers; 3) Isabelle Challice "Fireside" - 1) Minnie Zegers; 2) Inez Harris; 3) Shelley Etmanskie "Christmas Cheer: - 1) Isabelle Challice; 2) Lorna Atkins; 3) Minnie Zegers Section B - Other "A Christmas Greeting" -1 Lorna Atkins; 2) Michele Ernst; 3) Shelley Etmanslde "Just For Grandma" - 1) Minnie Zegers; 2) Shelley Etmanskie; 3) Lorna Atkins; 4) June Heard "A Tree Ornament" - 1) Michele Ernst; 2) Lorna Atkins; 3) June Heard; 4) Jessie Watkins Special Prizes, Best Arrangement in Show donated by Doreen Lowery - Shelley Etmanskie Judge's Choice donated- by Rekker Gardens - Minnie Zegers Most Deserving Exhibitor for the Year donated by Mr. and Mrs. Cor Mostert - Doreen Lowery Most Points in Entire Show donated by Shelley Etmanskie - Minnie Zegers Most Points in Ail Shows (accrued -throughout year) donated by Van, Belle Garden Centre - Shelley EtmansIe with 146 points The Photographic Competition had 92 entries with 8 exhibitors. Mr. Gould was the judge. Mrs. V- Dini Schoenmaker was the winner with the mnost points 19 in the show as follows: At Last Spring - 1) Shelley Etmianskie; 2) Dini Schoenmaker, 3) Eleanor Terril Auitumn Glory - 1) Orville Challice; 2) Dini Schoenmaker; 3) Cliff Terrill Blossom Time - 1) Lorna Atkins; 2) Dini Schoenmaker; 3) Dm1i Schoenmaker Indoor Beauty - 1) Dm1i Schoenmaker; 2) Dini Schoenmaker; 3) Loran Atkins Serenity - 1) Eleanor Terrill; 2) Orville Challice; 3) Dm1i Schoenmaker Midsummer Glory - 1) Lorna Atkins;, 2) Dini Schoenmnaker; 3) Orville Challice Summer Spiendor - 1),Lorna Atkins; 2) Inez Harris; 3) Cliff Terrill Orono A Good Place To Live - 1) Lorna Atkins; 2) Orville Challice; 3) Lomna Atkins Soiitary Beauty - 1) Lorna Atkins; 2) Dini Schoenmaker; 3) Doreen Lowery Snowstorm - 1) Orville Challice; 2) Dini Schoenmaker; 3) Inez Harrs We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and alI the best in 1994, and keep on showing. Press Secretary Doreen Lowery ONTARIO CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY GARBAGE COLLECTION GARBAGE REGULARLY PICKED Up ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1993 WILL BE RE-SCHEDULED FOR PICK-UP ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1993. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS TREE PICK-UP JANUARY 10, 1994. Due to the expected volume of garbage; please refrain from putting out large items on this date. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. Browning-Ferris Industries (Garbage Collection)....... 433-5075 Waste 1System s BROWNING-FERRIS INDUSTRIES Munlcipallty of Clarlngton Public Works 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontarlo Li C 3A6 (905) 623-3379 Dates-of Publication: Wednesday, December 15 & 22, 1993