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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Dec 1993, p. 1

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Vn~I -r7-kui.- 4 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER-1 5,1993 niinday School play a at Orono United Orono1 Estate kids now "tbus-it" to school It's a bus ride te Orono Public Scbool for 46 kids in the Orono Estates -Sub-division. It is something that has, froni time te timne, has been sougbt ever the past twenty-two years. The ride te scheol started a couple of weeks ago after anciher bid for busing was received by the school board. The scbool board bas outlined te the Town ef Newcastle the need for a sidewalk frem the sub- division te link up with the Village wal.k system a quarter cf a mile te tbe seuth. Town coundil has referred tbe request te public werks wbich will "Live Frcm Bethlehem" Some tbiirty players froin the %ive From IBethlehem 18 being presented by the children cf the cburcb scbeel teck part in the live staged ibis Saturday afternoon in Uinted Church Sunday School televised stery of the birth of the Orone1 Town HaO. Free, was a bit Sunday momning b efere Christ in -Bethlehem. admission and A welcomnete the morning cengregaien. Weil dene indeed. attend> Santa pays a visit. Councl "Fast-tracking" new fire hall west in Bowmanville for 195 The council of the Mumicipality has set a course te fast-track the construction of a new firebail which is te bc financed by Ontario and tbreugh agreement witb Hydre complete-d by January 1, 1995. The new hall, 12,000 square feet is te be locate just west cf the 1Bowmanville Recreation complex with entrance onte Highway 2. The specifics cf the site and entranceway bave yet te b)e settled. The fast-track bas a tender call fer designlbuild te bc made on January l9th witb the awarding of the centract February 21lst, sed turning on March 18th and eccupancy October Ist, 1994. Mr. Joe Caruana, Director cf Community Service, said be was confident tbat the prject could at least bc completed by January 1, 1995. He said it was a vital date. The total project is estimated at $1.5 million of whicb Ontario Hydre is te pay $1.344 million. Counc. O'Toole and Counc. Nowak supported the locating of the firehaîl on a site directly east cf the existing Recreatien Complex witb access te Regional Rcad 57. it was stated that this weuld require the costly meve cf the septic and tule bed system fer the Recreatien complex, $ 160,000 and further that Regional Rcad did carry gravel truck traffic. Tbe twe council members moved that furtber consideratien C HIapppeni"ngs.. The Orono Firefighters are sponsoring their 3rd Annual Santa Skate ibis Sunday, December l9th at the Orono arena front 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Admission is free. Free hot chocolate wil be served. And the jolly old fellow himself Santa Claus will be there to greet the kids. Orono Play Group The Orono Play Group are moving to the Orono United Church as of January 3rd to larger facilities than were available at the Town Hall. The Play Gronp operates five mornings a week. More information 983-9107. Forty in attendance The Orono Downtown Business Association held their anmual Christmas party last week with forty ini attendance. The group enjoyed a TurkeylHamn dinner at Mabel's Village Café. Murray Taylor, chairman of the Association, congratulated the organizers and thanked those for assistance tbroughout the past year, especially activities during the Lighting of Cbristmas. Mothers' & Tots' program a success The Mothers and Tots prograni operating out of the Kirby United Church is a decided success with good attendance. They could use somne toys suitable for chldren 0 to 3 years. Phone 983-5734. be given se the east side site but this was defeated. Counc. Scett said it was a difficult decision due te the, shortness of tirnete get the project underway. T ree Nursery Duing the nigbt cf December 9th the buildings of tbe Ministry ef Natural Reseurces, Orono, were breken into again. Thie person er persons invclved in tbe break-mns travelled frem building to building entering, first, the cold storage building where first aid supplies were taken. Thr-ee trailers on the site were also entered, ene belonging te the Glenora Fisb Hatcbery and another, owned by Canadian Forestry. Concert Band Thursday.- Dec. l6th 7:30 p.m. 1 The Clarington Concert band, 35 members strong, is presentinig their Christmas concert this Thursday evening and welcoming special guest Rev. Mervyn Russell, as vecalist. The concert is being held in the Oreno Town Hall commencing at 7: 30 p.m.. The program is sponsored by the Orone Dewntown Business Association. The program opens appropriately with "Seasons Greetings" and "A Carol Festival" by the full band and followed with "Go Tell It On The Mountain" by the Claington Brass Choir. Rev. Mervyn Russel is featured, wîth band accempaniment,,singing "Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire" and Mel Torme's "The Christmas Song. The sin.ging of Christmas carols follow te. an intermission with reffreshments being served by the Orono Town Hall Board. The Concert Band retumns witb a tribute te World War 1 wîtb the marches, "Colonel Bogey" and "Pack Up Your Troubles". Community carol singing and a further selection by the band, A" Christmas Festival" completes the pregram. Admission: Veluntary Donations. new be considered during budget discussions earlier ini the new year. In the past students frem the sub-division, with the exception of Kindergarten students, have walked alongside a portion cf NMill Street befere reacbing the Village sidewalks. Kindergarten children have bad a noon bus te school frem the sub- division but have bad te fmnd their ewn way heme. Tbey are new being bussed both tc and frcm scboel. Tt is understeod that the bus arrangement holds only te such time as the Municipality prevides a linking sidewalk in Orono. Entry was aise made by breakin oi the fertilizer sterage shed but ne damage resulted. The garýage was aise on tbe hit-list where cupboard doors were forced open but notbing apparently taken from tbe building. Twc fisbing peles were taken from an employee truck with entry being made by prying eut a windew. Entry was also made inte three (Continued page 2) Christmas Pageant Saturday, Dec. l18th. 2:00 p.m. A'Cbristmas Pageant and visit froni Santa takes place at the Orone Town Hall on, Saturday, December l8tb commencing at 2:00 P.m. The Orene United Cburcb Sunday School presents,' for both parents and children, their Christmas Pageant "Live Frem Bethlehem". The pageant was well received at the Orono United Church on Sunday. Well over twenty children took part in the play outlining the story and incidents of the birth of Christ at Bethlehem. The pregrarn on Saturday will aise include musical story-telling by Mrs. Lois McLeod cf Orono and Christmas carol singing lead by Mrs. McLeod, her guitar and assisted by Rev. Mervyn Russell. Santa is te arrive at the Town Hall sometime between 2:45 te 3:00 p.m. te greet and meet with the yeungsters. The event is, spensered by the Orene Downtown Business Association with the assistance and ce-eperatien of the Orene United Cburth Sunday Schoel. .45e.;.. ~.. rnWeefçft 'lmes Serving Orono, Newcastle, NewtonvIlle, Kendat, Starkville More break-ims at Christmas Entertainment This Week Centred in Orono Town Hall vol. 01, Nu. ý40

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