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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Dec 1993, p. 2

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~k ~ g - Orono Weekly Times, Wednsday, December 15, 1993 O ronio 'I4eekfy liTmes Publications Ma~i Regisrzifion No, 0368 Publishing 47 lssues Mnualy at the Office of Publicattin 5310 Main Street, Orono, Ontaýrko LOS 1 MO TeIephofle 416-983-5301 Roy C. Forrester, Owner-Editor Subscription $17.00 per annum 16ood news There is some good news from the Northiumberland and Clarington Board Education according to recent resulîs of a provincial writing review in whicli local students were involved. The review was undertaken in 1991-92 and former grade' 12 students witli the local public board performed better, in most cases, than the provincial average. The resuits mfake for good news as to the local educational system. The resulîs, were make public only a couple of weeks ago and already the resulîs of the tests are being used to further improve teching and leamning within educational systems. 1Trudy Lum, superintendent for instruction responsible for curriculum for the local board said the tliey were involved to develop more information to help the board improve the effectiveness of program and teaching strategies. She lias, been reporled 10 have said that the board is committed toi assessment that serves as _a guide 10 improve teaching and leamaing. The province-wide review or test is certainly a means to make judgement as to how the local system'stacks-up to others and as well as to liow the individual schools within the system fair witli one-another. Prom such comments the provincial review lias been more than worthwhile. The same commenîs are coming from the Durham Board of Education system 10 tlie west of us and tliey 100o are using the resuits 10 make improvements now that tliey know just where lhey are and possible wliere lliey should stand. 1For so long there lias been a case made tliat such reviews and tests would be of no value and the educational system and teacliers especially have worked liard against sucli undertakens. Finally, we suspect,the word from tlie general public lias finally caused movement towards review and testing. 1To improve you must first establisli wlere you are or liow you stand. It is then to establisli wlere you sliould be and liow to get there. And tlie standard lias to i e set as comparison mn this case. Why did il take so long 10 get the message througli. In the end liowever it is good news. Time to settie The issue the remuneration 10 councillors and the mayor as 10 milage payments lias been a bone of contention for some at Town council for months. It is lime the issue is put to rest for the debate is getting out of liand and is destroying tlie effectiveness of council. Il is all over a malter of a budget of $6600 of whicli less than lialf is now spent for the entire year. Council sbould be one that pulls together which lias not been the case all 100 often. Kenjtedal Culumn1 by Phyllis Lowery Another change in the weather, ail week ih bas been mild and 100 warrn to wear a winter jacket if you were going shopping in the stores. On Friday evening the temperatures started 10 drop and the wind came up and we had our coldest day s0 far. Still no snow, 1 dont know whether 10 bc îhankful or flot, il neyer feels quite as cold when there is some snow on the ground. 1 canri ot report on the Church Service ibis wcck as we were not able to be present, instead I would like to tell you of the services we did attend. We went to a lovely old Church in Canton just eastoff the main road. They told me the church is over onc hiundrcd years old, I could flot see the date on the front of the cburch. We were treated 10 the beautiful sounds of Christmas music, coming from the cburch steeple. One could see from a picture on one of the walls dated 1907 tbat the choir loft is basically the samne today as il was then. The old pipe organ is no longer beîween the two beautiful windows instead there is a wooden cross. The' sun was shining brightly through the stain glass windows making the whole interior sbine in different colours, the seats had nice red cushions on îhem, making tbemn very warm and comfortable. The choir had bright red1 gowns on adding 10 the cheerfulness. A lovely, decorated tree was at one side of the choir loft. This Sunday the Sunday School superintendent conducted the service. Mrs. Lena Ossland gave the Cal 10 Worship, and welcomed everyone. The hymn, "Hark the Glad Sound" was sung. The Advent Candle was lit by one of the Sunday School leachers and one of the children and they gave the reading. 1Rev. Wendell Sedgwick conducted the Baptism of Ashley and Kyle, twi n children of Catherine (Grills) and Dave Reid, and Jessica H4elanne daughter of Christina (Grills) and Bradley Switzer. Many family members of these children were present t0 see them Baptized. The cbildren's choir sang two Antherns, "Tbey Called Hirn Emmanuel and Away In A Manger." 'Me Prayer of Confession was repeated. A Sunday School teacher read the Scripture, John 1, 1-5, 14- 18. The cbildren then put on a play "A Dream Come True". The îst Act was a moîber and daughter, the mother was trying 10 gel the 11111e-girl 10 bed but the girl was too excited. Finaily she went up 10 bed. The hymn, Silent Nighl, was sung. 2nd Act - The daughter was a dream, Mother Earth is crying, she wonders what is going to happen to ail her cbildren, no one seems 10 wanl to belp îbern. Four of the children wearing Banners, Hope, Joy, Peace and Love are watching and listening to ber, tbey heard her say that the Earth offers, Hope, Joy, Peace and Love and that tbey should be received in the Spirit they are given. Then Mary came and placed the baby Jesus in the Manger. Angels came forward and shepherds and wisemen and they presented gifts.. The choir sang "Hark the Herald Angels." 3rd Act - The moîher and daughter are down at the Christmas tree, moîher is telling ber daughter to open ber gifts, the little girl said that she had already been given her first gift, il was God's Love. Then the 11111e girl started to talk about the family just down the road -that had lost everything in a fire, all the children's presents had been burned. She said that she would rather take ber presents 10 them, it would help îhem. Ail the angels and all the others came forward and said that they wanted 10 help too. Everyone then sang, "Joy 10 tiheWorld". Mrs. Ossland said that ibis was Mission-Sunday and she read a card from a boy that they foster. They have two foster children that they write and send tbings 10. A girl in India and a boy in Africa. The money from the Sunday Scbool was presented, 10 be used for these children. The closing prayer was given and the closing hymn was "0 Little Town of Bethlehem." Following the service everyone went next door to the church hall and enjoyed a Pot-Luck lunch. Lots of variely and the desserts were excellent. In that churcb, like Kendal Church there is a feeling of warmth and welcorne, everyone cornes up and speaks t0 you, tels you 10 be sure and corne back 10 be part of the congregation and join in Worship. It is like being part of a close knit family. 1 arn sorry that I missed the service in Kendal, Ian Savage was t0 take the service ibis Sunday and the children were going to be decorating and everyone was asked 10 join them after for a pot- luck lunch, hope tbey had a good time. Ifl1hear any reports on the service I will include them next week. A thought 10 ponder . .. No matter how you look at il, you are younger today than you will be agarn. Break-'i at Trree Nursery >(From page 1) greenhouse where a timer was removed and wiring being damaged by duîting and ripping out. Those involved went 10 the mnaini greenhouse and it was at Ibis timne that Regional Police arrived being notified by the sounding of the alarmn system at 5:45 a.m. No one was apprehiended in the break-ins. St. Saviour 's Anglican Church MILL STREET, ORONO, ONTARIO Inlerim iMinister: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUINDAY sERvICE, SUNDAY SCHOO0L and YOUTH GROIJP 9:30 a.m. ORONO PASTORAL Mimister o ~' Risebrougb, Secretary 983-5702 Church Offce 983-5502 SUNDAY, -DECEMBER 19TH Kirby United - Regular Service Orono United - Christmas Cantata by Choir FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24T11 Christrnas Eve Services Leskard 7 p.m. & Orono 8 p.m. SUNDAY,,DECEMBER 26TH Regular Church Services Kirby United 9:30 a.m. Orono United 11:00 a.m. BIBLE STUDY Please note Bible Study is finished for the year. A new course wiil begin in January. EXPLORERS Wednesday, December 151h Kirby United Church 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. (For both bo;ys and girls.) A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. Under my tree for I Christmas? FREE DRAW ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009 Pli . . ...... .. . tutt Ph a "a;

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