u....f~W~kIyTjmes~ Wedne~day, Deoember 15, 1993 - S ) Family Auto Woodville Tournament champs Orono Family Auto Sales competed in no less than 5 Atom Division Hockey matches this past week including an exhibition game,-a league encounter, and a tournament! It was a most rewarding week of hockey -'wcver as Uic home teani won al __ .,ames concluding the week as the 1993 Woodville- Atom tournament champs! Conratlatonsgocs out to the boys as wel as Uic coaching staff of John Witheridge, Traner Kevi O'Halloran- and Manager Ray Bester for a job -weil donc! Family Auto 4 BRHL-Selects 1 Tuesday, December 7 Family hosted the BRHL Selec s and defeated themn 4-2 thanks mainly to great goaltending by Uic tandem of Scott Poole and Ryan Leddy. Orono were actually out shot by the visitors 17-14 in the match. Orono goals: Bob WithcridgelPaul Landers;Brandon Caruana/Grcg Shetler. Orono assists: Jcff Thompson (2)/ Mike Knox (2)/ Brandon Caruana/Greg Bester/Brandon Kettela/Tyler Robinson. Family Auto 4 Millbrook 1 Friday, December- 10 Family Auto hosted Millbrook in league action and coasted to a 4-1 win. Orono jumped into a 2-0 lead after thc first, added another goal in Uic middle frame, and exchanged markers with Millbrook in the third outshooting their opponents. Orono goals: Greg Shetier/Tyler Robinson/Matt McGlynn/'Jamic Parry. Orono assists: Brandon Caruana (2)/Mike, Knox/Pat O'Halloran/Bob With eridge/ Brandon Kettela. Family Auto 6 Port Perry 2 - Game 1 S aturday, December il Family Auto squared off with Port Perry in gaine 1 of the Woodvillc toumnament trouncing Uiem a 6-2 score. Orono led 3-0 after one period, 4-2 after two, and added 2 more in1 the final. frame outshooting Port Perry 36-9. Orono goals: Matt McGlynn (2)/Greg Shelter/Brandon Kettela/Brandon Caruana/Pat O'Halloran. Orono assists: Tyler Robinson (3)/Jeff Thompson (2)/Bob Witheridgc (2)/Grcg Bester (2)/Pat OHalloran. Family Auto 3 Mariposa Lightning 2 - Gaine 2 >This was to be the closest match of Uic day for Orono as Uic ~Roughley Novice win Number Five Orono's Roughley Insurance Novice hockey league teain faced off against Young Drivers on Wednesday, December 8 in Orono.1 The game proved to be a goalies game with lots of saves and low scoring. -Orono opened the scoring at 7:43 of Uic first on a goal by # 17 J.P. Pisani assisted by # 3 Michael Knapp. Neither teara was able to score agai until Young Drivers tied it at 1-1 with 1:29 remaining in the second period. Several shots wcre taken, hitting crossbars and posts. Lightning took a 1 -0 lead ite Uihe middle frame. Family Auto ticd it at 1 -1 on a power play early in the pcriod. The, score remained deadlocked going in.to the final, period. Orono scored at Uic 6:23 mark and Mariposa replied t e ifi again at 2-2 just 3 minutes later. Orono got the winner with just 35 seconds remaining in regulation time to advance to the championship gamne. Orono out shot Mariposa 18-11. Orono goals: Brandon Caruana (2)/Brandon Kettela. Orono assists: Jamie Panry (2)/Greg Shetler/Pat OHalloran. Family Auto 6 Red Wigs 2- Game 3 Orono met Oshawa's Little NHL entry, the Red Wings, in game 3 for the tournament championship. Both teams were sporting a 2 and 0 record in the tournament. It didn't take long to sec who Uic champs were te be as Family Auto took a commanding 4-0 lead into thc second pcriod. Orono led 6-1 after the middlc frame. With the Red Wings picking up the lone marker in Uic Uird. Highlighting the game was a 4 point performance by Jeff Thompson. Orono edged the Red Wings in shots on goal by a 23-22 margin. Orono goals: Bob Witheridge (2)/Greg Shetler/Jeff Thompson/Brandon Kettela/Matt McGlynn.' Orono as sists: Jeff Thompson (3)/Brandon Kettela/Greg Shetler/Jamie Parry/Paul Landers/Brandon Hills/Matt McGlynn/Bob Witheridge. This week were introducing a new feature called "Ice Shavings" which involves tidbits of information relative te the Famaily Auto hockey team. -Hope you enjoy it! Ice Shavings: Playing in just his third game since being called up to the "Majors", -defenceman Brandon Hilîs scored his first point with Family Auto when he assisted on Orono's second goal in the 6-2 defeat of the Red Wîngs December il . .. as of December 1, convcrtcd defenceman Tyler Robinson leads Uic teani in passes and centre Greg Shetler leads Uic team i assists. Next game for Family Auto is a league matchup on Friday, December 17 in Orono arena at 8:30 p.m. Sec you there! Everywherfr but in thc net. it was beginning to look like the game would end in a tic when # 4 Jessie Price on some nice pas sing from # 5 Aaron Robinson and # 17 J.P. Pisani put in the game winner after a goal he had scored only seconds before had been disallowed. 1 guess it was mneant to bc. Orono Novice chalks up # 5 to take their record te 5-2-1. Read about the game on Tuesday, December l4th at Bowmanville Rec Complex in next week's column. Thle Aggfies put in a busy week The Dufferin Aggregates played an away gaine vs. Durham T.V. on Tuesday, December 7 in Bowmanville. It was a high scoring gaine as the story will tell. 1.Orono opened the scorin g ii tic first pcriod at 14:36 as # 19 Brian Pisani, with assist by # 17 Steve Gregg and # 12 Colin Maitland, lifted, one over the stick of Durham's goalie. Durham!s # 16 evened it up at 13:03, with his first of 5, and went ahead -at 12--33. Orono's # 35 Ian Crashley, assisted by # 6 Matt Mitchell and # 2 Ryan Fowlei\ had a preUy one te tie it at 2 alI. Both goalies # 1 Kyle Brown for Durham and # 20 Chris Campbell for the Aggies.made some, great saves with Chris having the offensive prowess of # 16 to deal with. The second period saw a flurry of goals as Uic Aggies scored 3 and Durham scored thrce. Scoring for the Aggies were # 2 Ryan Fowler, assisted by # il Andy Bangay and # 10 Kyle Allin, # 10 Kyle Allin assisted by $ 4 Brad Griffin, and # 35 Ian Crashley with his second of the evening, assistcd by # 2 Ryan Fowler and # il Andy Bangay. .The third pcriod opened with the score tied at 5 alI. Orono's # 2 Ryan Fowler with his 4th point of the game scored unassisted at 10:00 to put the team ahead to stay. Orono was able to keep # 16 at bay with Chris Campbell called upon to make several more great saves i the final few minutes of the game. Orono's # 9 Gregory Dunham, assisted by # 4 Brad Griffin, scored an insurance goal at 3:21 making the final score 7-5 Dufferin Aggregates. On Friday, December lOth Orono hosted the Manver's Novice team 10o an exhibition game at Orono arena. The Manvers teani was able to score 3-goals in the first period on Oronos goalie # 19 Brian Pisani. Pisani madea great glove save in the second period -to keep it a scoreless second. Early in the 3rd Manver's put one more in the cookie jar which seemed to light a fire under the Orono Aggies. They finally scored 2 goals in the 3rd by # 2 Ryan Fowler and # 10 Kyle Allun. Coach Allun pulled the goalie in the last minute and a haîf and Orono had several chances to net more goals with most of the game played in the Manvers end. The game ended with Manver's winning 4-2. The boys played well seeing that they were up against an older team. The Aggies play again'Friday, December l7th at Orono arena. Come out and cheer the boys on. Region holds off on moving 200 employees TheRegion of Durham is holding off on the- move of 200 employees from downtown Oshawa until a further review of available rentaI spaces in the City. Ban on bingos irks parent group The Public Sehool Board policy which prohibits sehool parent groups from using monies raisedà through bingos for school purposes'has at least one group irked. The Port Hope group siates the policy is outdatcd and nceds te be changed. Groups cannot use the schools for bingo nor may they use funds for school purposes that have been raised through bingos in other buildings. Extended cab a winner for GM The cxtended cab truck built in Oshawa GM plant buoycd GM truck sales in November. The extended cab truck sales werc up 17 percent over that of last November but the total GM truck sales in Canada were down by 0.9 percent. GM car sale have dropped by 7.3 percent. On the other hand Ford car sales were up by il percent and truck sales up by 34 percent. Chrysler car and truck sales were up by 28 percent for this past November over that of last year. It made a splash The Edward made a splash a few years ago moving into the Cobourg Harbour and becoming a floating restaurant. The splash is over and the vessel is being dismantled, tonne by tonne, to be sold at $145 a tonne as scrap. The four decks are to be reduced te two when the hulI will be able to leave the harbour and be pulled to Whitby harbour. IMPORTANT, NOTICE' Your, Auto Insurance Chýinges on January 1, 1994 If you areinjured ini a car accident on or after January 1, 1994, you are automatically entitled to new\\, enhlanced accident benefits from your insurance company. 0 You are entitled to ani income replacement of 90 per cent of your net income, up to a maximum of $1,000 weekly, and up to $1 million in necessary medical and rehabilitation benefits. 0 If you are not working at the time of the accident, but suffer injuries that prevent you from pursuing empioyment or affect abiIity to iead a normal life, you are entiti.ed to benefîts. If you are seriously injured and another driver is judged at fault, you can sue for pain and suffering. A deductibie of $10,000 xiii apply to any award given as compensation. Vour insurance company wiII provide you with more information on the new auto insurance system, either when you renew your insurance or if you have to make a dlaim. Ontarioý's road accident insurance --w 'à,Ontario Insurance Commission