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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Dec 1993, p. 2

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2- Orono Weekly Times, Wedneeday, December 22, 1993 OronoW '14ekf(y 'imes Pubications Mai gîstratiori No, Of38 Publishing 47 losues Mnually at the ODffice of Publication 5310 Main Street, Orono, Onterlo LOB 1 MO Telephone 416-983-5301 Roy C. Forreste, Ownei'-Editor Subscription $1 7.00 per annumn (ýc0uJes G$T) The PoOwer of the Manger Rev. David Black of the Newtonviile, Kendal, Shiloh United Church charge spoke of the Power of the Manger at his services last Sunday. He said this Christmas Eve, Friday night Christians al around the world will meet to re-enact the spiritual pilgrimage to the site of Jesus' birth. It is the celebration of the birth of Jesus. It is suggested that the attraction of Christmas Eve which draws together people from aIl parts of the world, and from ail walks of life is related to the Power of the Manger. The simple trutb is that ever sînce the first Christmas so long ago, the manger has acted as a magnet, drawing people away fromn the cares and activities of their daily routine and attracting themn to corne into the presence of the living God. People are attracted to the manger for worship, for curiosity, confusion and bewilderment but ail by the power of Gods love. Rev. Black states that the power of the manger can be summed up in one word: Hope. That Christmas is a time to renew hope. The minister says it isno accident that Christmas occurs a few days afîer the shortest day, or the longest night of the year. Hope is unmistakçable for every day the sun rises it rises a little earlier and sets a littie later. People continue to be attracted to the hope which Christmas represents. t is important. It is good news at a time when the world desperately needs some good news. t will do us no harm this Christmas Eve to consider the Power of the Manger, that Hope does exist and is rewarding through the presence of God. Christmas is much more that the statistics which we will read about firom the cash registers of the major retail outlets. The event of Christmas has been recorded this past week in our local schools 'and come Christmas Eve the doors of St. Saviour's and Orono ard Newtonville Churches will swing open for a lime feeling of Christmas and the birth of Jesus. The Power of the Manger. Don't need heavy artillery t will more than likely happen that Durham Regional Police along w ith other police forces in the country will be equipped, over the next few year, with semi-aulomnaîic revolvers of a heavier calibre than now being carried. A recent article on the Durhamn Police suggest that the new fire-power will be in the hands of the police over the next thrce years. There was some question as to whether desk-sergeants shouid be so equipped. One would have to suggest that it was not necessary for the desk-sergeant. In fact Peter Rosenthai, a human rights lawyer, makes the case that most police officers, doing ordinary police work, need not be armed with a gun. He suggests that if police did not carry guns for the day-to-day operation police would devise more creativity on how they approach a tense situation. Rosenthal also suggesîs that carrying heavier weapons is going to mean more kiling, police and individuais and this would corne îhrough the fact that more bullets would be flying around and being more damaging. t is inîteresting to note that Durham Regional Police are embarking on an Adopt-A-Schooi program. The program personalizes contact between young people and the police. It is an encouraging programn that will likely pay more dividends than that of any hecavier weapons. For too'long the police have been at arms-length from the general publie having been taken off the street beats. The trend now appear to bc changing back and here in this area îhey cvcn talk of a bicycle patroli More can be donc through such programrs rather than a program of hcavicr artillcry. Sentimental Valued Container (continuned fronîpaxge 1 container carne im ):r. Ih wasî AI ladinrs lamTp and svamsnr about (o give up any chies except that it contarned Chieken stew. vriepiaced the classified adverîiýiemnntin die Orono I*T trocs iast wek [in hope Iiafi c ()i\A, nu r i) die d.lirk Nubin l < t utr 'Fle paper comes out Wednesdlay morning Ieaving the Orono Post alter nine for rural, route (Iclivery. irîsI helore nYon Biilly Reid of K irby wýal k r rto the Apple BinssorîîShop with a paper bag liandhîrg il 1<) Yvonne. Sorne pjickles anîd a sentimnental vaiued container it is not a fairy slory but'il<tocs have a happy ending and lias provided a good number ol laughis. Wc at the Times are glito have heen invlov(;d in Asrs rrMg wrîhîthe soiving nf the KenalColumn by Phyllis Lowcry Is winter here? Wili this dusting of snowý last for Christmas Day? Is this just the start of lots more snow tol corne? When is it going to stop raining? Ail these are the questions being shouted'back and forth between everyone along with the words Merry Christmas. At this time of year there seems to be no strangers, once Christmas wishes have been said that opens the door to further conversation, the two young girls you met in the restaurant, that have just driven from Wisconsin and are on their way to spend Christmas with one Of the girl's fathers in Ontario. The woman in the lune to the cashier Letter to thle E dietor Dear Roy: Ail joumalism is biased by the necessiîy of atîracting and maintaining advertising. 1 did as much research into this siatement as you did on your editoriai. The Irealmnent for a malignant breast lump is preferably the removal of the lump and the dissection of the axillary nodes. If a node is positive for malignancy this is followed by, radiotherapy. The less preferabie treatmenî is masîectomy which does not require radiotherapy.. Due to the waiting lime, or the possibility of having to travel for radiotherapy, people are given the choi ce of the two trealments. Rather than have the anxiety of a long delay -or long trip, they choose mastecîomy ail be it, the less preferabie trealrnent. Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, as a treatiment for recurrent ear infections; has been replaced by the insertion of tubes in the car drums, a safer and less invasive procedure. I arn sure wlien conlparing the number of T & A's 20 years ago to tube insertions to-day, the number wouid be the samie, if not more tube insertions. i have provided your rescarch, n<)w your turn. Why is SOME journalisin biased. P. A. Rutherford Kend-lal Fire (Conîînued from page 1) contacted as to other donations of househoid items and fumniture that wouid be needed when the famiiy obtains permanent accommo- dation. Contact cati bc made by phoning 983-9206. The chiidren include four girls, age 3 to 10 years and three boys age 6 to 10 years. No one was at home at the time of the lire. Thec famiiy is presenîiy being housed at the Flying Dutchmnan Motel ni Bowmanvi lc Tli C ire3wa1 totalloss. wiîh sniaii hiidren waninîg to get going, you start 10 îaik anîd the time fiies by.ý The man you see almost every day out walking, you speak to him and you feel you have made a new friend. I could go on and on with examples, what is there about Christmas that brings out-the friendliness of almost everyone? 0f course there are a few Scrooges that look at you a bit strange. If everyone could or would only keep this feeling ail year round, maybe the world couild get things straightened out. Lasi night, Sunday, we ventured out to see ail the lights on the houses in Orono and then travelled the 6th fine, where I almost wiped out on a slippery patch of road, had a few hairy moments. Went alI around Kendal looking at the houses aIl lit up then came back by way of County Rd. 9, another car had'hit ice and was in the ditch, didn'î see anyone around. Went across Carscadden Road 10 8th and where one of the roads coming from the north-end at the 8th a car had tried 10 make a new road. We backed up to see if everyone was ukay and found some young people sitting in the car waîing for someone t0 corne, the car hadnt been able to stop and slid right on into the bush, no one hurt thankfully. So it was a bad nighit on the roads I was glad 10 gel home aIl in'one piece., Shortly after geîîing home 1 received a caîl teliing me that we had missed ail the excitement, one of the oider homes on Mill Street was on fire and from aIl reports is a total ioss. Fortunateiy no one was at home whcn the lire started. This has not been the best of weeks for me, some kind of bug caughl rip with me Iast Tuesday and for lwo days 1 didn't bother to gel out of bcd, and the rest of the weck t only did what 1 had to do. By Sunday 1I had a inouth full of coid sores so 1 didn't gel out to Church. 1 wouid like to wish al] those who take the lime to rcad this column 'A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy, Healthy, New Year". Be lalking at ya in 1994. St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO. ONTARIO Interim Minister: Rev. Robert Hartiey 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVICE, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 a.m. ORONO W ~Minister 'Mervyn Russetl Risehrough, Secretary 983-5702 Cburch Office 983-5502 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24TH Christmas Eve Services Leskard 7 p.m. & Orono 8 p.m. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26TH Regular Church Services Kirby United 9:30 a.m. Orono United 11:00 a.m. BIBLE STUDY Please note Bible 'Study is finished for the year. A new course wiil begin in January. A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. VI:, To ail our cherished friends and customners. We truly appreciate k your business. Bettie, Jim, Lori, Bell Debbie and Marcie ORONO, ONTARIO 983-500 9 m

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