Concert band presents Christmas pro gram 'The SClarke *TConnection More than a store A unique experience 99utcIh C arpentry CUSTOM HOME BUILDING RENOVATIONS "SmaiI Jobs and Large l'il Take Charge" 1-705-277-2397 JOE H. LEYSTRA Even standing accommodation became limited at the Orono Town Hall on Thursday evening when the Clarington Concert Band presented their Christmnas concert. It was a lively program of Christmas music for the band itself under their new conductor Barry Hodgins. Many commented oni the closing number, Christmas Festival, that featured a number of popular and familiar Christmas tunes. 1 Colonel Bogey, a stirring march and "Pack Up Your Troubles" Added to the Christmnas program. Rev. Mervyn Russell pleased the audience with his rendition of "Roasting Chestnuts On An Open Fire" and accompanied by the 10 Qmueen's vPark Report from Gord Mills, MPP Durham East I amn going wo forsake politics in this week's column, the last before Christmas, to write about the joys of this very special season. Christmas is exhîlarating because it unexpectedly prompts people to do ail manner of things they should be doing all year. They correspond with folks from out of town. They renew faded friendships and cernent healthy ones. They bake. And perhaps strangest of ail, they sing. It always amazes me, that promptly at Advent, people who had been mute for thec previous il months corne forth with choruses and first verses of Christmas hymns. As a Christian, Christmas has a special significance for me. However, 1 believe that the message first brought to us 2,000 years ago - "Peace on Earth anid goodwill toward men" - continues to have a relevance in our modem age. It is quite simpîy a vision of a better world, if only we could learn to live together in a spirit of good will. The real rneaning of Christmas is a caîl to renew our determination to build a better world based on a genuine concemn for others. Surely in these recessionary times, how we treat each other becomes ever more critical. In our local towns, villages and hamiets, we can thank God for all the work of our Faith Communities and Service Clubs. We are also served at this trne of the year of the efforts of the Salvation Arrny, the Scott Mission and the Harbour Light. Through the Christmas White Gift Sunday at area United Churches and others, we experience the joy of helping our brothiers and sisters in need, for we are alI one farnily in Christ. When the holidays are over, we should be determined to keep the spirit of Christmnas alive throughout the year. This calls for the rernoval of fear and want for thousands of poverty-stricken Ontarians - seniors living alone, single parents, hungry and malnourished children, minimum wages earners and the jobless. As a society we muet renew our efforts to create opp ortunities for employment, security of work and the guarantee of dignified retirement. SWe forget often that our word compassion means "to have passion with". It is to feel with another, to walk with another person, it is to respond in solidarity because you have been there. Sometimes 1 think we are in danger of becoming a society that is so emotionally crippledthat we can't really fuel with anyone else anymore. 1 hope Finmproven wrong. 1 want to thank you for the opportunîty to represent you as your Provincial member of Parliament at Queen's Park. This opportunity you have given me I have flot taken lightly over the past three years or so. M ay the Joy of this Christmas Season be with you as we celebrate with our families, our friends, and perhaps think back to happy times past. Best wishes to everyone - Gord. Stili 1n0 decision It is perhaps another few months before a decision is made as to possible charges being laid relating to the natural gas exlIosion in Port Hope November lOth. Thei Fuel Safety Branch has up to six months to make a decision that a charge wouid bc made. overaîl band. There was community singing of popular Christmas carols on a number of occasions during the program. Members of the Orono Hall Board served refreshments following the prograrn. Above - the clarinet section of the Concert Band. Hall News There was a good tumout at the card party on Friday, December l7th. High score was taken by Diane Polley with 84, second high Ronald Gibson with 83, third high Wallace Boughen with 78, fourth high Berniece Soper with 74. George Mercer won the draw and Bernice Milligan won the free admission to next card Party. Want to do something different on New Years Eve? Corne to the Hall and enjoy an evening of cards with frîends around you. Don't sit at home just because you don't dance or go to places that charge great prices. This year New Year's Eve fails on a regular card playing night at Kendal and the Members of the Lodge decided to have the card party anyway, charge a dollar more $3.00 and serve a special lunch. Where else can you go for that kind of money? So corne on out and see the_ New Year in with us. The Members of Kendal L.O.L. 405, Kendal Hilîs L.O.B.A. 1420 and Brooks Memorial J.O.L. 525, wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. P. Lowery Stalled by the recession A new $1 million Bank of Montreal building planned for the corner of Jocelyn Road and High way 2 in the west end of Port Hope has been sidetracked in- definitely due to the recession. The site whiçh formerly housed a Chrysler dealership was purchased in 1991 for a sum of W45,000. The site was purchased as MOSt of, the, residential development is to take place in the west end of Port Hope. Season S qreettgs from our home to yours. A Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to everyone. George & Stella Carson We wish every one a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. L & F Custom Woodworking Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! John & Janie Dodds - The Barn Yard A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Family Hair Design LONE OFA KIND ILAND-MADE CA NA DIA4CRA FI POTTER- WOOD - 8ILIKS - TOYS N~D MUC : MOdE MORE MAIN STREET, ORONO 983-9314 TUS-FRI. llto6 SAT.9to5 TH-E REGIONAL P MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM DURHAM REGONHoliday Closure of Trransfer Stations The OSHAWA,' CART WRIGHT'AND SCUGOG TRANSFER STATIONS will be closed 12:00 noon Friday, December 24, 1993, to Tuesday, December 28, 1993, for the Christmas Holiday. These stations will be open on Wednesday,' December 29, 1993. The transfer stations wilI again be closed 12:00 noon Frlday, December 31, 1993 to January 1, 1994, for the New Years Holiday. Normal operation wiII resume on Tuesday, January 4, 1994. V.A. SILGAILIS, P. ENG. COMMISSIONER 0F WORKS orono Weekly Times, wednesday, Decem4r 22oý,l q? 1 1 9 1