A "True Spirited Christirnas Project" Students at the Kirby Public School have undertaken for the second year their "True Spirited Christmas Project" and lastweek presented their collection of food Darcy F., Vanessa M. Lonnie- and toys to Ernie Colliss of the Anne, Brandon H., Sarah B., Salvation Arrny. Colleen K., and Jeffrey D. Those in the group include mo re ej7eton by Helen MacDonald Family. Friends. Love. Peace. These words represent the meaning of this season which we cali Christmas, and which heralds a New Year. Last week Kyle told me that his favourite part of Christmas is going to Grandma and Dziadek's. He couldnt tell me exactly why, but 1 think 1 know .., . because itfs my favouirite thing about the season also. My family is large, by today's standards. Six children, my parents bore, who, in turn, have provided them with seven grandchildren. Itfs noisy when we ail get together, but itfs joyous noise --- the kind that makes wonderful memories. Each year, my mother searches for (and finds) the most unwanted orphan Christmas tree. Charles Schultz made an animated feature about it. "The Charlie Brown Christmas Tree". Then, (whether itfs because they're mhe youngest, or because they're stili 'at home') Peg and Joe decorate the tree wîth the familiar decorations mhat bring wonderful memories to me each time I survey the tree. The bouse smells mhose familiar smells: kapusta (a sweet kind of sauerkraut), cabbage roîls, fish, vegetables, veal, turkey, potatoes, Christmas pudding and custard, and more-- twelve dîshes. Each year mhe same, each year better - maybe because the familiarity breeds pleasure. The only change with our famîly tradition is the addition of new niembers: a new partner or a new baby. And every year we set an extra place. A rerninder mhat mhere are people who don't havewhat we have. A place for someone who might corne in on a gust of cold winter wind. Before dinner, though, we practice a vcI. t ait dionu the breaking of 'bread', or as we caîl it in Polish, "oplatek". Dad purchases the pressed oplatek at a convent in Oshawa. The 2"x3" rectangular version of mhe host, has pressed upon it lovely Christmas scenes. Following a tradition that has been handed down from generation to generation in his native Poland, Dad opens the meal with a brief speech welcoming ail his family to mhe table, followîng which he turns to a person next to him w o ffer bis best wishes, peace, happiness, good health and prosperity. This child of bis, or grandchild, or son-in-law, or daughter-in-law. then breaks off a piece of the oplatek, and offers the same in return. Mom has begun the same procedure at the other end of the table, until finally we all are Up, moving around the room, offering oplatek to each other, kissing each other, until all have been touched with love and best wishes. This tradition reaffirms our' heritage, our connection to each other as family. It is warm, loving and consistent. The meal then begins. .There have been many warm and special Christmasses, none more memorable, though, than the year in the late sixties mhat General Motors was on strike. It must have been a very difficuit time for our parents, but the lack of money didn't seem to matter. We still had family tradition, and as for gifts: (Continued page 9) Health, happ iness and harmony.. .is our wish for you during this season and throughout the year ... as we express our thoughts of thanks and good wishes for your faith and trust in us, Ann Dreslinski andDavid Scott santal'S Ready.. And So Are WVe! V. With so many good people in one town, ~~ he'Il be making an extra-long stop here. We wish you ail the best! - Thank you for your support ail year long. Management and Staff Newcastle IGA Newcastle Village It's On/y Natural To Say 'Merry Chrsitms Especially wheni you 're b!essed ivith so many dear friends. Our tlianks tAonie and al .for making our year so hright. W. Kay Lycett and Staff ORONO ..40