Vol. 57. No. 47 ORONO. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 5,1994 NVew mianager at Durham CO-OP' Public Forum being held in Orono outlining studies undertaken in Oak Ridges Moraine A public forum is being hosted in the Orono Town Hall on Tuesday, January I ltb by SAGA (Save The Ganaraska Again) committee 1 1The. forum is being held to bring aIl interested parties up-to- date on the provincial studies that have been underway smnce June of 1991. These studies were initiated by the Ministry of Natural Resources and are to result in a permanent stategy for long-range protection of the moraine an area that runs tbrougb the north of the Municipality of Clarington. A'Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) bas been struck to inform the public about the studies and these members along with SAGA members will be co- hosting the meeting. An information video about the Moraine will be shown fpllowed' by a short presentation about the current status of the studies. For those interested in the protection of the Moraine this is an opportunity to let the committee know what kind of long-term protection you want to sec in place in the Oak Ridges Moraine. To ensure that the public dialogue process is ecffective the CAC needs public involvement at this point in the studies. The views of the public will be taken back to the Technical committee wbich is overseeing the studies. Views expressed by the public at the Orono meeting could be a key factor in "GReening"ý the final implernentation of these studies. The preservation of the Moraine as an ecologically significant landformi is critical, not only for residents on or near the Moraine, but to Ontario as a whole. The recommended strategy that will be established will determine the, future of the Moraine for generations to corne and could, profoundly affect other' areas inithe province. Mark your calendar for January llth, Orono Town Hall, 8:00 p.rn. Everyone welcome. Refreshments will be served Admission free. Further information may be obtained by phoning Niva Rowen 905-983-5393. The Dance Craze l1n4n It wias more d'an a stan of a new year at the Durhamn Farmners' County Co-opertive on Monday of this week. It was d'e day d'at d'e local Co-op came under new management with d'e presence of Lyle A. Jackson. Mr. Jackson cornes to the Orono Co-op having been Feed Centre Manager at d'e U.C.O. in Napanee since June of 1991,.1He bas been'residing in Kingston and intends to move into the area possibly in the summner. While at Napanee he also managed seven U.C.O. Branch Zones whicb at d'e time included d'e Grafton Co-op pior tc, Grafton joining wid' d'e Orono Co-op last year. Mr. Jackson bas beeýn involved as well in fertilizer, chemîcal and seed sales. Prior to is stint at Napanee he operated his own feed and farm supply company including lawn and garden equiprnent for a two year period. Mr. Jackson has also been manager of Blatchford Feeds Lirnited as well as being a district, territory and sales manager for Swift Feeds for a period of nine yeaS. Mr. Jackson said he bas soirne knowledge of the local area having lived in Cobourg for a few years while with Swift Feeds and having served d'e Grafton Co-op through th e Napanee operation of the U.C.o. Although Monday was his first day on the job the new manager, a graduate of Queen's University, saîd Orono Co-op was well located in a productive agricultural area and next to the highway. He said he was impressed with t he store and that'the operation was all on one site. "This is a real nice location", be said. Mr. Jackson said he was looking forward to the challenge and bopeful that new blood would bring ini some new ideas. H1e also said be was interested in meeting the Co-op customers and being able to rneet the custorners' needs - providing optimum quality and service at a fair price with a competitive edge. ,W"lmre Happenings. 0 0 e Develop New Off-Street Parking Lot nhe western portion of d'e Provincial Tree Nursery in Orono, west from Station Street, is a rather popular walking and cross-country skiing area. The Nursery bas developed a new off-road parking lot just west of O'"Chonski Road wbich bas been in use for the past couple of weeks. The markirng of ski trails is (a be undertaken this week. PJl that is needed now for the x-country skiers is more snow. Euchre Resuits, 0Orono Town Hall The Orono Town Hlall Eucbre outing is held every Wednesday evenirng in the Town Hall. The followîng are the results from the evenitcon December 27 th. Hîgh scores: Edgar Milison 85, Jack Moffat 78, Berniece Moffat '74, Clara Meulemian 7t2and Charlie Stapleton 71. Low score: 1 Ard'ur Bedwin and Tom Wilson, tied this week. Draw winners: Ivison Tamblyn, Jack Moffat and Clara Mveulemnan. Lunch is pro)vided. up IniOrono It could that the dance craze, Line Dancing, that bas spread throughout North America mnay be stomping into the Village of Orono. And it could all bappen within afew days. The 55+ Movin' and Grovin' Club that bas had great success mn Bowmanvihle with a number of activities are looking at Orono to possibly expand their programs. The program includes such as Line Dancing, Tai Chi and as wvell Exercise classes. These activities have caught on well in Bowrnanville and according to Mrs. Sissons of Orono there is an opportunity for the programs to move to Orono with classes being held in the Orono United Church basement. V.llage A New Horizon grant from d'e federal governmecnt assists with somne Of the financing of Cte pregrains. Interested- parties may register or gain further information this Thursday, January 6tb at the Orono United Church from 1 p.m. to 4p.m. .The 55+ Movin' and Grovin' Club is but one group on d'e move te d'edance floor in Orono.' Another group with an expec ted enrolment of over 60 i number are lexpected to enrol in a prograrn being undertaken in d'e Community Roorn at tbe Orono Arena. t bas been intended te bold the program at tbe Orono Town Hall but interest kept building te (Continued page 2) Pickerin asldng Region for $300,000 A request originating wid' d'e Mayor of Pickering as to Durhami Region providing funding in an amount of $300,000 to both Pickering and Clarington bas been sent for further study to the finance and public works departments. The request made by d'e Mayor of Pickering was to provide funding so d'at d'e proposed IWA Durharn dump site could be properly studied. H1e said he wanted te make sure d'e dump was in the right location, was environrnentally safe and was- using d'e bçst technology- Il1Mayor Hamre, Clarington, asked Regional council not te include Clarington, in d'e request. She said Claringten wished to reman iaidependent in d'eir battle over landfill, a battle wich is not, as yet, over. Clarington was dropped from for studies d'e request with l{egionai council continuing the debate affecting only a request from Pickering. Regionial chai rm-ani,,Gary H errema, said d'e IWA (Interirn Waste Aud'ority) who bad chosen a landfill site in.Pickering for Durham regionwould not survive d'e political process. H1e sugge-sted that the final IWA report would not be in prio'r to the next provincial electien at wbich tirne tbere well could be a new <goverrament at Queen's Park. Oshawa councillor John Aker said there was a dollar said to d'e request d'at had to be considered. H1e aIse said being drawn into d'e process 'wid' d'e IWA would only benefit lawyers and consultants. The proposal to send -the request to the two Regional departments for a report was supported by a vote of 24 te 8. Approve new sidewalk for Orono The General Purpose committee bas given tbeir approval for an expenditure of $15 '000 to censtruct a piece of sidewalk in d'e nord' end of Mill Street.' The sidewalk bad been requested by d'e local Board of Education along wid' a cressing guard. The sidewallc would link d'e parkette atthe soud' of Peters Pike wid' asidewalk existing on Mill Lane soutb of the Orono Cemetery. Althougb the rnunicipality is denying the crossguard d'ey have given approval to include d'e sum of $ 15,000 for d'e construction of the sidewalk. t was noted that in a 1993 survey that 23 students had wallced out of d'e Orono Estates to scbool.. t was noted that a minimum warranting factor for a school crossing guard is 50 percent. At tbis location the warrant factor.is onlly 8 Percent., 1t was also noted in d'e public works report that the sidewalk will front on Town property and as such will be subject to snow removal by the municipality., At d'e preserit time the school board is busing students to the Orono scbool out of tbe Oreno Estates subdivision. This busing is expecte d to be closed out wid' the completion of d'e sidewalk or at the end of June. Councillors Scott and Dreslinski moved approval for the construction of d'e sidewalk. ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5,1994 Vol. 57, No. 47