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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Jan 1994, p. 3

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Love from Doris, Todd and Anne, Tara and Dave RIDE stops 20,000 vehicles Beginning with the first of December and ending with January 2nd Durham Regional Police have stopped over 20,000 vehicles through the RIDE (Reduce Irnpaired Driving Every- where) program. Only one driver tried to evade a RIDE checkpoint. Oui of the total 26 drivers bave been charged as impaired which compares to last year. A similar number received 12-hour licence suspensions witb a reading of 0.5 blood alcohol level. The PRIDE program w as instituted to stop people from drinking and driving. It is considered to have been successful in uts intent and bas been carried out for a numter of years. 1The programi is not only a Cbristmas period programn for wben staff is available checkpoints can be set up anytime of the year sucli as on holiday weekends. Social Service moving to west Oshawa The Regional Social Service department is lecaving Bond Towers in downtown Oshawa and moving to a plaza in west -Oshiawa at the corner of King Street and Thornton Road. The decision to move was made by Regional counicil on December 20M and will affect 200 employees. Tbe Region expects to save over $700,000 in five years as a resui of the- move. Tbe saving cornes from parking charges that have been paid in the past to Osbgawa for parking in the Mary Street Osbawa faiity. The faciity is over three blocks from the Bond Towers location. 'he new faciity for the Social Services departrnent is the former Henry Do-It Centre involving 37,000 square feet on the ground floor. Bond Towers accommo- dation exisied on tbree floors. HeIp needy at Christmas time Members of the Newcastle Lion Club along with Square Boy Pizza in tbe Village and otber sponsors provided toys and food for tbe needy ai Christmas time. Others assisting were the local Optirnists and Ociogon members, the Newcastle IGA and the Newcastle Memorial rena. Queen's Park Report from Gond Mils, MPP Durhamn East Sweet Sixteen Turns Nîfty 50 Cost of Christmas keeps growing Althougb I only buy one Christmas present it is always somewbat of a major decision t0 corne up with wbat il should be. The only time I bave been successful is, when in early Decemben I keep both eans and both eyes open for any comment from Donna as to'desires, wishes and needs. Most years, il seems, I miss those commenis or perhaps Donna just doesn'i make any. hi was not iecase ibis year and as sucbhI was ahl set t0 undertake my Christmas shopping. They cal it "Call Display" a feature of the telephone that records and displays incoming telephone numbers that were not answered while the homeownen was not available to do so. Across the kitchen table I heard ail about "Cali Display" and it rang belis for me for Christmnas. It 50o happens that Bell Canada ai about the same trne was adveniising a selection of new phones with al ibe laiest gadgets, and going througb ihe lisi there was "Caîl Display" along wiih other features on one of the phone selections. Using an 800 number il took but four, no more iban five, minutes to get the whole Christmas wrapped up and it would bedelivered in a few days. 0f course I paid for il outrighit with the ibougbt that I didn't need monthly insialîimenis to increase ibe phone bil anymore- than it was now. This Christmas, we broke wîth family tradition, my wife and h didn't spend the holiday in either Orono or Shroud 'wiih our cbildren and gnandcildren. hnsiead, rny wife and 1 decided to re-new our acquaintance wiih wbat we once tbought would be our "winter netrement ho mes in Florida", that is before polîtics came between our plans., In politics time is of essence in taking any kînd of break, and with this very mucb in mind, and in order to take full advantage of the brief break available, we iravelled souib before Christmas Day. As it iumed oui, we enjoyed Christmas strollîng along the beach ai Honeymoon Islandl jusi nortb of Clearwater, but somehow it jusi wasnt the same as being wiîh one's family. A cornpressed breast of turkey isn'î haf the fun one bas in sharinig a 25 pounder wiîb your family. Despite the drawbacks associated with Christmas far from family, I must say il is nefresbing 10 get right away from poliiics and evenythîng ihat goes with it. h know politicians are fair game for all kinds of citicism these days, but h1 ofien wonder if anyone thinks about whatiti takes out of Christmas morn arrives and "Call Display" is unwrapped and the challenge of programing the sysierns begin. Yes ihere are "icons" and wbatever. There were difficulties and a caîl went out t0 nephew, David Fonrester, who works for Bell and would know ail about the systems. Firsi of ail we quicly learn we need an elecirical oulet near the phone. Then a cail must be made to Bell business office 10 make arrangements for the openation of a digital phone, a monthly charge of $2.50. But that is not ail another caîl 10 Bell to arrange the full o peration of "Caîl Display" another monthly charge of $4.75. By ibis âime h do go back to the advertising information but find notbing about the additional changes. We take iii is all the features of the free enierprise system and surely h must have been aware that new features cornes for nothing. We are sîill awaiting the in- bouse hookups by Bell SO- we can finish the programming of the telephone and being able to complete some of the wonkçings Of the phone system. Thene is certainly a number of options of the new phone system and ai least for a few days or montbs we will be up wiîb the Jones. Things change se fast goodniess knows wbai will be in vogue for Christmas of 1994. Perbaps h can exiend Donna's Christmas gift of 1993 mbt 1994 ihrougb the paymeni of those monthly extras. i does amoui up to $7.25, an, amount not anticipaied by this unsuspeciing gift giver. you. Spending one and a baif days with youn wife insiead of seven, each week, and she doing the saine, is for my quite a sacrifice, by itself. Like mosi Canadians in Florida, I went shopping and was able to wiîness ai close hand, guerilla shopping at the local mails, and every othen store thai seils for a dollar or less or more, unless itl bappens to bc a Red Dot Day and you get a bargain then, if only ihey bad your size. Perhaps, worse a fate, is 10 wander into a record store where you are confronied with unconirolled Christmas Album proliferation. Thiere are rap Christmas albums, and mellow new age Christmas albums. Tbnasb rock and uts mutations cannot be far behind. And of course, every country star who naised a microphone 10 broadcast reflections on mamna, trucks, jail, cheatin' and heatbreak also bas a Christmas Album. Tbey are usually songs about marna ai Christmas, Christmas tnucks, Chri simas iii jail, cheatin' ai Christmas a nd Christmas bearibrealc. 1 suspect ihat ibis repetitive Christmas Music bas turned more than one sales cler n m a walking Orono argument for igbter gun controls. 1 was also able to experience my credit card being rejecied by that littie plastic machine nexito the cash regisier. The nasty litile gadget emitted angry beeps in front of everyone, wbile thecash register printed oui, in brigbt green ai thai, and big enougb for ail to read frorn 25 feet, "REJECTED - CALL THE CREDIT DEPARTMENT IMMEDIATELY." In the meantime the clerk begmns to eye me carefully to decide whetber to call securiiy because maybe the card is a stolen one. When you do finish with ibis beeping machine, and the clerk, and the store manager, you get to lug your parcels oui 10 the car al the wbile- looking over your shoulder for tbe-car-jackers everyone back ai the RV park bas warned you may be lurking in the parking lot ready to pick you off and your parcels. And when, having conquered and survived U.S. 19, and you arrive back in one piece, you stan 10o wonder why everyone was spending s0 furiously if ihe economy is as bad as everyone ai tbe mobile park says iî is. It seemed thai those silver-thatched Canadians, loaded down to the gilîs witb purchases of all sorts, were not baving îoo much of a problemn wiih ihe cost of supplemeniary insurance, or the high rate of exchange for tbai malter. 1 suppose the real problem witb Christmnas in Florida is being away from the farnily you love, and getting ieary eyed at the mnosi unexpected moment. Like seeing youngsters eyes- full of expectations, îhinking about a Christmnas long since passed, and wbat you feel about an absent person you love and sornetimes argue with too, and the genuine Christmas feeling of Joy. Next year, Im staying home, and thats for sure. Gond Public Notice To Its Citizens MAYOR'S LEVEE and Officiai Unveiling of the VOLUNTEERS' WALL 0F FAME Everyone is cordially invited to join us at the Mayor's Levee to be held on Sunday, January 16, 1994, from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the Council Chambe rs,. Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville Patti L. Barrie, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk Mýunicipality of Claringion 40 Temperance Street Bowmanviile, Ontario LlC 3A6 Dates of Publication: January 5, 1994 January 12, 1994 P.O. No. 5006 Fîre Cails Fire caîls for the Clarington Fire Departrnent, Station 3, Orono for the weeks December 16 to December 29, 1993. 1 December l6tb at 8:43 p.m. BBQ fire, 7605 Leskard Road. December l7tb at 4:44 p.m., grass fire, 5595 Newtonvillle Road. December l9th at 2:39 p.m., rubbish fire, Lot 7, Con. 4. At 8:36 p.m., house fire, 31 Mill St. Kendai. December 24 at 11:44 p.n., chimney tire, 179 Church St. December 26th ai 1:56 p.m., alarms ringing, 8318 Maynard Road. December 27 ai 8:27 amrn, cail cancelled, 911 unknown. December 29th ai 7:20 a.m. M.V.A., 115 Hwy S. & 8th Con. At 11:33 a.rn. Hydro wires across road, 6tb Con. & Moitons Road. Baffled by theft of four GTLS A mother in Orono is somewbat perturbed over the theft of four GT Snowracers over the past iwo years in the Village. In a telephone conversation the mother said ihat ber two, children were presented with two GTs last winter only to have them stolen ftom their property. These two GTs were replaced by their grandfather and were being kept in a shed on tbe properiy. Witbin days of ibe first significant snowfall ibis year ibe second pair of GTs were stoien out of the shed. It was pointed out ibat tbe GTs were purcbased on sale ai $29.00 each. "You donit expeci ihis 10 <happen in this community, especially twice ini a row". L)NIPIPAL' OF La 111 n -qLo -n

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