2 - Orono WeeIy lm.~Wdody aur Z10 PuMctions fIR i n No. Pubkshng 47 1ssues Aniuày at îhe offie fpubleto 5310G main Street, Oronc, On Br 1t} iM Te1ephon, 416 -83-WO Roy Q. Parr$tqa, Bbcition $17.00 per-à*n"am If ail were in harmony If ail were in liarmony at the Municipality of Clarington as far as the governing body is concerned ail would be well. But ail is flot in harmony and ail is flot well. Counilor David Scott muade sonie good points in his reply to wliat had been said by Mayor Hamrm wlo had taken urne in defense of what bas become a credit cards and mileage payment issues. Council.lor Scott noed that> the first year and a haif of this coundcil bad been a productive one and one in which lie had feit> good. This is quiet true for the council cleaned up work left over fromn the former council and tlien started on its own course witb some vigor and respectabiity. It lbas flot been the case lately and again Scott found some need for better leadership but also said lie bad neyer seen such abuse of an executive offlcer in ail of bis experiences in the private sector. Again Scott bas bit tlie nail on the liead. Stating there was no substance in tbe way tbings bave been going is also another truism. Again Scott is right when lie said this council has a lot to contribute of wliicli las been sbown in the earlier terni of office . Also one bave to agree witli bis staternent "We can do a lot more if we can do it together". There is no doubt tbere are personality clashes and there bas been a loss of protocol as if everyone is running off in a different direction. This was not the case in the early days of the council. lie issue over credit cards of wbicb two counicilors bave submitted a notice of motion tbat ail cards be turned into the treasury FORTHW1TH and flot to be used again unless approved by counlcil in advance for eacb occasion stili remais on the books as the involved councillors bave not agreed to lift and debate the motions. Ibis and tlie issue of drawing of mileage payments is bardly a show of trust and faitlihi staff and i fellow counicillors. It is of no benefit to the Municipality of Clarington. It is time for a new beginnig, ît is time to work together. It is in ,te interest of thie taxpayer. The 2Oth Anniversary Some speak well of it otliesr bate it and most couldn't care less. fliats lte Region of Durham i a nut shlel. But no matter wbat the attitude is towards tbe Region it is their 2Oth anniversary and the officiai send-off on Sunday was positive froin ail tho se sitting on tbe podium. Tbat was Sunday but some could change tlieir viewpoit on Monday it so appears. The formation of the Region didn't corne easy and it was flot until tbe provincial governent becarne frustrated enougli to say enougli is enougb. And so it came to be on January lst 1974 a new systern of governiment evolved drasfically trirnming duplication from some 28 local municipal goverfments and two Counrty systems. In the municipality of Clarington there were five local governments whicb did include the Police Village of Orono but ail these were amnaigamnated ito what was tben the Town of Newcastle and just this past year the Municipality of Clarington. There certainly bas to be some success frorn the move and likely it cornes in the services sucli as water, sewers, social services, bealth services and garbage disposai. One can only imagine utter chaos if the 28 former municipalities had to handle the residentiai growtb of tbe past seven or eight years as individual entities. Tfbe fmnancial base would neyer bave been available and this in itself lias been a bonus for some municipalities. 1994 wiil be mucli tbe saine as 1993 as far as the Region is concemned and frorn what appears at this time there are but a few new entertainmient features to celebrate over that of the usuai in the past. Our unqualified judgernient is tbat the province was riglit in tbe move to change in 1974 as it did. It prepared tbe way for a sornewbat organized growth pattern. As far as taxes no one wiil ever really know whetlier we are better off or flot but one would certainly hope so or tbat the money we do pay is in lime witb the cost of the services we receive. Perbaps i looking at Clarington in itself the developmnent of Courtice as an entity of the municipality was a polîtical mistake. It was a political decision that decided that Courtice remain in Clarington wbereas bad it been part of Oshawa those residents would bave bad to-day a transportation systern taking themn to al that the City offers in recreation and other arnenities. As it is Courtice is out on a 11mb and it is difficult and expensive-to start a new centre of residential development wbere nothing existed in the beginning. It is flot fair to tbose rnovmng into the community and paying taxes without some aspects of a community style of living. Let's face it Courtice would bave bad library service, bus service', a Mayor Hamre <Contlnued fromi page 1) liad cornrented on liow weil tliey were received in the rnunicipality by the town and staff. Slie also noted an exrediture of $400.00 on ber card for a lunclicon at the Ontario Municipal Association annual meeting. Sbe said the next luncheon was paid for by another rnunicipality. She said this is a fair gamne, a fair request. "This rnunicipality is one of the lowest spenders", sbe said. Tbe Mayor went into detail on a number of comments tbat had been published in the press. At the end of her address, over one bour, Mayor Harnre made a plea to council members to put aside back stabbing and if tbey did corne together they could be one of tbe best coundils. "You arecflot liurting me - you are liurting the Municipality", she said. She also said ber door was always open and she furtber asked that municipality business be down at tbe council table. "Say it at this table." Counc. David Scott said for the first year and a haîf lie felt good about -council and during whicli period he said a lot had beenaccornplislied. He said the recent time bas flot been as promn ising. He said lie agreed ta sorne extent the direction taken by the chef executive officer (Mayor) but that on the othier hand beclias neyer seen sucli abuse toward a chef executive officer. He said it miglit bc good poitics and good press but he said lie saw no substance in the way things bad been going other than it being a tempest in a tea POt. "Let's put ail this behid us", lie asked. "We bave a lot to contribute and we can do a lot more if we do it together", lie said.. Counc. O'Toole said lie bas feit nervous about asking for information and somewhat isolated. He said it was a lack of trust. These mistaires how do they bappen he asked. 1But like Counc. Scott he did say let's get back on track - let's unite. He then referred to report 1-94 a report providing information as to mileage costs. 11e said, "we are still looking for accuracy of the r eport. Counc. Novak said council members look to the mayor for leadership which she suggested had been- lacking a point that was also made by Counc. Larry Hannah wbo also said we.have to get things done in the real world. Counc. Hooper said the issue on the table dealt with report 1-94 to whicb be said lie was seeking answers. H1e asked that a daàim for mileage on August 6th had been made'b y the Mayor in attending a Hydro meeting, a meeting lie'said she liad flot been in attendance. Mirve /îv4- Letter to Editor- Just wanted to let you know tbat we bad a good cliuckle from the article about "A'container of Sentimental Value." Weliad read the classifieds the week before the following article on the front page and we were glad to hear that the mystery was solved. Even thougli we have lived away from Orono now for -four years, we still enjoy receiving your paper. Hi to everyone in Orono! Brian and Susan MacDonald Fenelon Falls, Ontario Leskard News Approximately one liundred and fifty people were in attendance at the annual Chiristmnas Eve churcli service in Leskard Churcli hall. Mrs. Joyce Gray at organ, and Reverend Mervyn Russell as guest soloist rendering "Oh Holy Niglit." S Mrs. Marlen e Risebrougli was leader of tlie Advent' Candle service, assisted by rnany others. Ushers for this special service, Bob Chater and Alan Risebrougli. This is a vey special event in the life of Our smail community and truly draws us together. Special Treat Mr. Brian Coldin, ail dressed up as Santa Claus and driving a beautiful tearn of Clysedale horses, hitcbed to wagon (no snow) Canried two wagon loads of :Young'folks around for a ruai fun trip, singing Chisinias songs and all goig back ta churcli for tasty treats of cider and coolies. Drive was frorn 4 p.rnm 6 p.m. and lucky prizes were given out, Our grateful- tbanks, ta the following business folks wlio 80 generously donated the prizes ta our Santa's liayride: Evergreen Farmn & Garden; Wallace Auto Supply; Roîpli Hardware; Bal T.V. Repair; Acme Renovations;, Arms trong's IGA; Durhamu Farrners' County Co-op; Stutt's Pliarmacy; Pine Ridge Log, Homes, Pine Ri dge Eq uipment; Village Bake Shop and Orono Electric. ,Our Santa Claus was- renamed "Slim Fast," as hie was really a trim Santa! A real fun adventure for'ail! St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL STREET, ORONO, ONTARTO Interin Minister: Rev. Robert Hartley 983-9639 SUNDAY SERVIC, SUNDAY SCHOOL and YOUTH GROUP 9:30 a.m. ORONO - PASTORAL ,v ~CHARGE * * Mervyn Russel ~. Marlene Risebroughi, - Secretary 983-5702 Church Otte. 935502 SUNDAY, JANUARY 16TH Regular Church Services .Kirby United 9:30 a.m. Orono United 11:00 a.m. BIBLE STUDY Wednesday, January i2th Kirby United Church - Sp.m, EXPLORERS Wednesday, January 12th Kirby United Church 6:30 -8:00 p.m. (For both boys and girls.) CONFIRMATION CLASSES Frlday, January 21st Orono United Churcli - 4 pin. The topic "Worship oeart 1)" ANNUAL REPORTS & MEETINGS Kirby Annual Meeting Thursday, January 27th Pot-luck Supper 6 pin. Meeting 7:30 pin. Orono Armual Meeting Thursday,,February 3rd Pot-luck Supper 6:30 p.m. Meeting 7:30 p.mn. A.A. meets evexy Thursday 7:30 p.m. ORONO, ONTARIO 983-5009