Wednesday, January 26 1994 Mo re by Helen MacDonald Iq the 1990's - the ora of Opolitical correctnoss' - wo arc forced into dialogue of issues too- long ignoro d. Somo cynically sneer at tho esitivity with which othors consider theso issues. Issues which 'thqey insist are trifling, evon imaginery. Issues which are being raisod by the voices of the opprossed - such as occurrod with tho debate about 'SHOWBOAT. 1 refer to the issue of the oppression of peoplo of colour. Black people. Afro-Americans. Not only in the American South. Everywhere. Evon in Canada - the 'true North, strong and fre0. Most Canadians like to consider themselves 'tolerant' of racial, cultural, religious, ethnic or other 'differences'. Yet, the implication of 'tolerance' is virtually as offensive as is prejudice. Who wants merely 10 be tolerated'? Rather, where freedom is truly embraced, fairness, equality, and appreciation of diversity are more in keeping. 1 can't pretend to be the voice of a black woman, or a recent immigrant, or of theOjibwa, or of any of the other many people who feel oppressed, subjugated, ostracized, harrassed - or even merely îolerated.- But, I can consider daily how il is'that I interact with people, the language I use, and whther I "walk what 1 talk". Last weekend I went to sec' SHOWBOAT. I'd been reluctant to sec it because of the media attention focussed on the issues raised by demonstrators at the opening. I feUt uncornfortable when confronted with dlaims of cultural racism. 1 don't want t0 offend, nor do 1 want 10 appear to be supporti ve of anything which is offensive. But, I did want to consider the issues mysoîf. Sitting i tho huge North York Performing Arts Centre, 1 scanned the full house - nearly 2,000 faces. I could count easily, tho dozen or so faces of colour - black faces. 1 couldn't count the number of full- length fur coats which poured out of limousines and cadillacs, or even guess at the value of the precious gemns which glittered throughout the hall. What 1 saw was wealth and privilege. And, i's face was white. 1 watched the production, trying to sec it through 'black eyes'. An unrealistie thing to do, yes? But I did recognize that the story refleci the history of a Urne: as it was - and not as I might wish it had been. February is Black His tory Month. 1 know thiat most of the peoplo reading this black and, white missive are white, and probably wonder what Black History Month has to do with themn? Everything. Black history is white history. People who are oppressed are oppressed by somebody. And our history as a nation is flot entirely without. blemish. I do flot suggest we indulge ourselves in guilt. Nor, do I You have made the decision to go on a holiday, but you are flot sure where you are going, how you are going to get there, and where you should stay. Many of us try to make these plans for ourselves ...So whaf shou!d you do? BOOKING TRAVEL BY YOURSELF MEANS NOTHING BUT LOSI TIME, LOST SAVINGS AND FRUSTRATIONS... UNLESS YOU USE A TRA VEL AGENT! TRAVEL AGENTS SAVE YOU MONEY! Arranging a trip through a travel agent is no more expensive than booking it on your own because the travel agents in your community DO NOT CHARGE YOU A FEE for their services. In fact, planning a trip through an agency usually saves you money because agents have an industry overview and access to fares and specials that you would neyer hear about on your own. TRAVEL AGENTS SAVE YOU TIME! Fuit. service agencies offer one stop travel shopping. You can book, your airine tickets, hotel reservations, rentai cars, package holidays, and even insurance ail in one singe cati. Most agencies can provide you, with the travet information you may need. TRAVEL AGENTS ARE THE EXPERTS! Travel planning is an agents bread and butter; and their expertise can ofien mean the difference between a successful trip and a disastrous one. TRAVEL AGENTS VALUE YOUR BUSINESS! Unlike an anonymous voice on the other end of a toit free line; you are a valuable customer to your agent. They are going to do everything possible to keep you satisfied on this trip. Your agent cares and wants you back for your future vacation plans. ,If you have travel tips that you want to share in this column , cail Blessings Travel Centre. When you think of Tr-avel, Think Of BLESSINGS TRAVEL CENTRE Vanstone Mill 623-0005 blieve those who argue "It has nothing 10 do with me" arc correct in their assumptions. These issues are alive in many places around the planet. They are alive in Canada when people cannot find an apartnent because of the colour of their skin. They are alive when jo bs economically ghettoizo segments of our society. They are alivo when tho gap between the 'haves' and the 'have-nots' continuo to romain - even grow. And they are alive when we do flot'celebrate tho rich diversity of ail Canadians. White men arent the only people who have made outstanding contributions to our countr-y. Wo need to find out more and celebrato together. And, we nced to discuss the issues - even if they mako us feel a trifle uncomfortable. Two'get life Sentence for murder Two Oshawa men were seritenced to 1fr imprisonruent on January 17th for tho brutal death of Gerald (Shorty) Stinson in December of 1991. The attack causing death was undortakon behind Mr. Stinson's apartment'in Oshawa after ho had roturnod from a tap dancing demonstration at a club in Lako Scugog. SHINE! wMt Apple's no wax finiAh- Exterior Restoring oihn Interior Cleaning- Shampooing. 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