Vol. 58. No. 5 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2,1994 Schools mneeting the challenge following receipt of testing resuits The resuits of provincial tests in secondary scbools are being reported back to the schools, the school boards and to the individual students as to their individual marks. In speaking recuntly with Mrs. Eva Nichols, principal of the Clarke Higi School, she said that provincial math test results-had been recuived by the sciool and tint Clarke had faired well in placement in the tests. At the time of the conversation the resuits had just been received but Mrs. Nichols said the resuits would bu made public. Mrs. Nichols did point out that a sries of meetings are being held so as to formulate plans for improvumunts in the delivery procuss at the scbool. Sie said they did want to make improvements and tint the test result wure most useful to this end. The Bowmanvillu -Higi School bas relensed the results of provincial tests rlating to grade 12 EnglislVLanguagu skills. It has beun reported the students in thu various levels had uxcedud the provincial expectations of 80 percent witi the exception of the basic level. It was also noted tint scores for most of the Bowmanvillu students was 12 percentage points better than any other school in the Northumberland and Clarington system. Pauline Janitch of the board stnted tiat Bowmanvile did have a strong writing prograre but tint all schools in the system excupt one weru above the provincial average. She also said that the key to the rusult is why onu scbool is getting butter results tian another. She said it, allows that improvement cari bu made. Pauline Janit ch sid the board is continuing its consultation with the public, thie students and staff. A meeting has been arranged to bu hld in Cobourg on February l2th witb the public. It is the continuation of the Outruaci Project A Dialogue in Education. Suci a meeting is also te bu buld at Clarke High Sciool for the Clarke area but it bas been somewiat difficult to get thosu from public inturusted iAn attending. However Mrs. Janitch said it is expected the meeting will bu held in the first part of March and that tiosu attending will bu surveyed prior to the meetingas to their opinions and concerns., In speaking witi Bob Willsher on Monday as to the results bu said it is important to understand the results and why tiere may bu différences between schools. He said tint tests on ail coru subject neudud to bu undertaken so as to get an overali valuation of school which could then bu compared witi another. He also said there is a need te have a good communication witi parents and students. A$2.1million win Lady luck has 'visited the district of late and lias distributed lottury wins of some significance. Martin and Vema Dwyer, longtime residents of the liamlet of Pontypool won $2,174,831.40 ini the January 22nd Lottario draw. The Dwyers have two children and one grandchild wlio will share some of the winfall while travel and investmnns are to take care of the rest. Mr. Martin Dwyer, 54, is a huavy equipment operator while his wife is a homemaker. Mr. Dwyer states lielias. been purcliasing lottery tickets since 1978 and that the January 22nd evunt was tlie big one. It took some time for thc Dwyers to be assured tbey were winners. of the draw. The winning ticket was purdliasud at Uic Pontypool Foodmaster store witlitlie winning number being on a "free play" ticket. The usual jackpot in Lottario is guncrally $250,000 but due to the fact thnt no jackpot lad been drawn for the past ciglit to nine weeks thc January 22nd drawwin liad readlied tlie $2.174 million figure. But as die -Dwyers were winners of Lottario last wcek so were Sam and Jacquie Galea of Newcastle Village.The Galea family won a total of $121 ,534.10 from a Lotto 649 ticket which was also drawn on Saturday niglit. It was as, second place win. Toastmasters- Who are they? and "What do they do?" Clarngton eligible for $2.5 million from Canada/Ontario Infrastructure Agreement The Muinicipality of Claring- ton liku otier municipalities across Canada are to share in funds provided tirougi thu federai and provincial govern- monts Canada/Ontario Infr-astructure Agruemunt. The local Municipality is ligiblu to rucuive $2.5 million from the two senior leveis of govcrnment providing the municipality also contributus $1.2 million te the projet. It wouid allow Claringten to spend a total of $3.7 million on eligibie projets. In speaking witb Marie Morano, -acting Chief Administrative Officer on Monday she said that the municipality would not bu able, as yet, to dutermiinu wiat projects could bu undertakun. Sic said tie crituria for thc fund wouid not bu known until uarly Februnry at wbicb time specific projets could bu considured.' The CEO said it would bu the intention to maximize evury dollar tint would bu available to the municipality. It bas been suggested that the Hiappenings.. Men's Day at Mt. Kirby Ski Hi Oshawa Ski Club's second annual Men's Day is being held February 7, for ail you guys to strap on skuis and enjoy a day of food and fun. Proceeds from the day's events are being donated to Bowmanviile's Memorial Hospital Foundation. Your $45 ticket buys breakfast, a full lunch, bbq steak dinner, a lift icket, a ski lesson for beginners, as well as a demo ski try-out, a chance at several draws for prizes liku ski equipment and trips. For more information and- tickets, contact th e Mt. Kirby Ski Shop 983-6227. Town Hall Euchre resuits The euchre results'for the Orono Town Hall for Wednesday, J anuary 26th with il tables in play: High scores - Robin Alldred 87; Jean Jilisen 82; Joyce Cowan 78;, Sharon Casey 77 and Olive Little 76. Low score Edgar Milison. Draw winners May Tabb, marion Staples, Gladys Ogden, mark Marchand, Alf Piggot and Don Thompson. Eucbru is beld every Wednesday night, 8 p.m. Lunch supplied. Desperate Need for B3lood Donors There wiil be a Blood Donor Clinic today, Wednesday, February 2nd at thu Bowmanville Lions Centre, Beech St., Bowmanville. The cinic is open from 12 moon until 8 p.m. funds could bu used for such as bridges, heritage buildings, rond construction, water and sewage plants and other works. The availability of the program stems from the recent federal election when the Liberals stated they would contribute $2 billion to kick start the economy on the condition that provinces also contributed $2 billion and the local governments and school boards also providing funding in tie amount of $2 billion. SAgreements have been signed between the federal governments and ail the provinces. Last week the Ontario govurnment announced the distribution tbroughout the province. Competes under the dame It was a familiar name for those from this area attending the "Monster car, truck, tractor" event at the Skydome on Saturday evening last A ruai attraction for such bufs and uspecially for the kids. Kevin Mercer, our local mecbanic in downtown Orono was one of 22 entries in the demolition 4 cyclinder derby event Asking Kevin where be placud bu said it was hard to tell "tyou can't se what's going on down thuru". But "Sparkie" came to the rescue, "a sixth place finish". Kevin had some young support in the audience. by Sier Leetooze Bowmanviile Toastmasturs. Who are tbuy and what do they do? Toastmasturs are folks just liku you. Somu are young and some are not s0 young. Somu are businessownurs and some are clerks in those businusses. Somu are bomumakurs and, yes, some are people of tie land - farmers. Howuvur, tbey ah bhave onu tbing in common. Tbey want to improvu thuir communication skiils and buiid their own self- confidence. 1Somu of your neigbbours are or have been Toastmasters. Onu wull known and respected Toastmnastur from Orono, is Irune Konzulmann. Not only is Irenu a Irenu Konzulmann Toastmaster, but sic is onu of the founding mumbers of the Bowmanville Club. She was the president of the club in its Charter year and once again bolds tbis position for 1993/94, leadîng mumburs througb tic Toastmaster program. You may know Irune as P. local Enrly Cildiood Education teacier. Or you may know huene as a mumber of the local chaptur of thu Business and Profus sional Womun's Club. Irune and bier husband, Ernie, have lived in Orono for 24 years. Thuy raisud two cbildren on thuir farm just east of the village. Altbougi now semi-retired, Irenu and hur famiiy raised dniry goats on thuir land for 15 years.. Irene bas recentiy taken a vury large stup - she's going back to scbool. Irunu, is pursuing studies toward bier B.A. in Psyciology. Many of us plan on doing similar tbings once our families are grown and gonu, but wu neyer quitu gut around to it. But ... Irune is going for the gold! And tbat's the way sic bas appruacbud Toastmasters, too. The basis for Toastmasturs is to pruparu memburs to speak in front of an audience. But thuru are otier portions to the programn as wull. Opportunities are tieru for members to build leadership skills, too. This includes knowing iow to run an effective meeting, wbicb Irenu dous very well; and learning training techniques so you can beip othurs, uitber at work or in a volunteer capacity witb any community organization or witbin your church. Irene bas jumped right in on many occasions to tuach tiese various skills to others. She bas also belped start a new Toastmastur club in Wbitby. Tbrougb ail bier bard work and dedication to the Toastmaster prograîn, Irene bas earnud Toastmasters higbest award, The Distinguisbud Tonstesaster. Not everyone bas the drive tri reacb tint far. Not everyone bhas (Continued page 2) ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2,1994 Vol. 58, No. 6