OrosioWeekIyTIm. .......... .........1. 94 queen's Park, RepPrt from Gord Mlls, MPP Durham East SULLI VAN - SCHATZ Alex and Elizabeth Sullivan of Kendal would like ta announce tbe fortbcoming marriage of Erainne Sullivan ta Richard Schatz, son of Steve and Maria, Schatz. 1The marriage will take place August 20, 1994 in Kitchener/Waterloo. Return-%s to. teuachîng Ross Stevenson wbo was defeated as the incumbent M.P. for Durham in the last federal election bas returned ta the teacbing profession in wbich hie was employed in the 1 970s. Mr. Stevenson has been teacbing environmental studies at Durham College since the first of the year. The course includes toxicology, engineering and law ta environmental studies students. At tbe present time it is a contract position butMr. Stevenson hopes that it will become a fulîtime position. Besides is teaching at Durham College he is also teaching an environmiental course at Queen's University. Prior ta entering politics Mr. Stevenson taught similar course as to-day at the University of Guelph. After inberiting bis farm in Udora he was elected as MPP fer York'Durbam. During bis time at Queens Park bie also served as Minister of Agriculture. Mr. Stevenson said he could sec what was gaing ta happen in the election and was not bitter about bavig ta change careers. He bas said he enjoys teacbing. H1e also bas said that he bas not entirely closed the door on politics but is not looking at it at this time. French Immersion i_.ndergartencu Students starting kindergarten in the Durham Board af Education systemn will not be able to attend a French Immersion Kindergarten. The Board bas ruled out Frencb Immersion Kindergarten and students wishing ta follow French Immersion will now have ta wait until Grade One ta change over. The board bas also cut 29 non- teaching jobs. From time to time, I receive letiers of complaint in regard toaa perceived waste of tax dollars associated witb information 1 send ta constituents. I hope those samne people complain as vigorously ta tbe Leader of the Ontario Conservative Party, ike Harris, for tbe release of is New Directions Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. These sa called "Blue Prints for Reform" are al prepared, printed and sent out at taxpayers expense. Tbis brings me ta the Provincial Liberal Party complaint of aur dramatic increase in the cost of celîphanes and cornier services. The beadline was prominent in last week's Toronto media. The facts are, that for tbe tbree years in question, tbe overaîl cast ai telephone communications has been reduced by 4%. Cellular telephones are an efficient new tecbnology gaining increased use to compensate for reductions in other areas. Cournier charges bave been reduced by $1 million this fiscal year. Overail mailing cos bave been reduced by 7% in the three previaus years. The Liberals bave not only misrepresented the facts. Tbey apparently have forgotten their own record when tbey were government. From 1985 ta 1990 the cost of Liberal gavemment operations, using the saine categories as above, increased by 42%. The figures bave been supplied by the Ministry of Finance fromn Public Account records. I didn't make tbemn up! The records show that we bave acbieved more savings in spending on administration and operations than any other govemment in the bistoryof the Province of 0Ontaria. Alas, tbis kind of information doesn't make beadlines in the Toronto media and for obviaus reasans. 1Another attention grabbing beadline of last week was the Toronto- Star report of the government paying a consultant $4 million ta count tbe government's computers. The government in fact.awarded a contract ta the lowest qualified bidder ta conduct a complete inventory ai computer as sets and ta prepare a tharaugh analysis af existing information tecbnolagy systems. What we did is compatible witb sound business, practices normally used as a tool ta streamline large scale operations in bath the public and private sector. How I wishi the media would resorita facts and skip the foolisbness their beadline portrayed. 1 read last week where Mike Harris bas prepared some proposais ta completely revamp the Young Offenders Act. 1 can't sec bow this is ta work since the YOA is federal legislation. i find it rather amusing, since the YOA was a creation of the former Federal Conservatives! Last week, while sitting an the Standing Committee af Public Accounts dealing with the Auditor's Report ai Correctianal Services, 1 was told thiat the ioderaI govcrnmcnt bad capped tlieir contribution ta the costs associated with the Young Offenders Act. 1What this means is that the escalating costs associated wîtb the confinement of young affenders, dealt witb under federal legislation, fails on the Ontario taxpayer. Need I say, that these costs,' without receiving aur fair share of support, ail add ta the defîcit we shoulder. As we look towards forming tbe 1994 Provincial Budget, I would like ta remind constituents that aur weifare funding also remaîns capped ta the federal contribution of 28 cents for every dollar we spend. For every dollar spent in Quebec on welfare tbey receive 50 cents from the federal government. If the 'formula daesn't change under the new federal govemnment, by the end of 1994 tbis policy will bave cost Ontario $7 'billion. With this $7 billion we could have reduced die provincial sales tax by 3 points! Wouldn't this have been, a nice boost ta the economy tbrougb increased consumer spending? Last week, federal Finance Minister Paul Martin beld a pre- budget discussion (aur provincial government palicy) at the Metro Convention Centre in Toronto. Dan Mclver, ebairman of the Toronto Board of Trade's economic policy cammittee (I bet bie is a Conservative or Reformer) said Martin can chop the deficit by cutting social programs, like unemployment insurance'and social assistance. But Mclver said the board opposes any plan ta increase corparate taxes by closing carporate loopholes and scrapping the $ 100,000 capital- gains exemption. That sort ai advise I hope Mr. Martin will ignore. I bave found it interesting ta hear that Mr. Martin intends ta treat everyone with "fairniess" in the budget. Again, this bas been the intent of every budget we have introduced since aur election. I look forward as ta just bow people react ta the federal "fa irness". Our "fairness" was fine just as long as it impacted an someone else and flot them. A few words in conclusion of this week's column regarding Ganaraska Forest'Centre open for X-Country Sk1iing Recent snowfalls in the past week have helped kick-off a great start ta the Ganaraska Forest Centre's Winter Traits Program. Moderate snawfalls, along witb the cold weatber, bave provided excellent snow caver for cross- country ski loyers. "We are very pleased witb the trail conditions" comments George Elgear, Supervisor for the GRCA Winter Trails Program. "The 36 kilometres of groomed ski trails bave an excellent base of snow whicb will provide a great season of skiing." The Ganaraska Forest Centre, just nortb of county road nine, west of Garden Hill is owned by the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA). The facility professianally grooms over 36 kilomnetres of cross-country ski traits in the beart of the Ganaraska Forest. The Centre boasts some of tbe finest groomed cross-country skiing anywhere in Ontario for Hwy. 407. Negotiations are almost complete with a private partner ta begin construction of Hwy. 407 as far as Hwy. 48. This portion of Hwy. 407 will relieve the presenit over capacîty in that area on Hwy. 401. This portion of Hwy. 407 is the only one that bas been announced by the government. It bas alsa been said, that tbrough the partnership witb the private sectar, that this portion of the highway will be about 19 years abead of the previously announced- scbedule for completion. The portion of Hwy. 407 that the plans show will go througb this area, are subjecttoaa full environmental assessment. The provincial government bas not announced any dates for the construction of Hwy. 407 tbmough any area, other than ta Hwy. 48. Any construction of the 407 thraugb tbis area, will be determined on the ecanomy and needs, and will bc a decision af a government in the future. In next week's column, I will include some answers ta concernis over the OSAP Program. Until then wondrous is the strengtb af cheerfulness. bot h the novice and the expert and operates a chalet snack bar on weekends for visitors. in addition ta the skiing, the Ganaraska Forest affords the winter visitor hundreds of kilometres of snowmobile trails ta explore. The cost ta ski for the 1994 season remains the same as last year: $6 per persan per day or a full family season pass for $50. For more information or ski conditions, contact the Ganaraska Forest Centre at 905 797-2721 seven days a week during regular business hours. 'Kendlal Hall, News Despite the terrible conditions of roads and the weather, there were four tables of hardy card players out ta the bi-weekly card party. Marie Couroux took high score with 79. Brenda Lowery camne in seconds with 75, third Art Bedwin 74, and fourth Dave Spencer witb 73. The draw winner was Dora MacDonald and the winner of free ad mission to the next card party on Friday, February 11lth was Jean illison. Men's Lodge will be meeting on Wednesday, February 2. Junior Lodge Thursday , February 3rd, and the Ladies will be holding their meeting on Thursday, February 1Otb. P. Lowery Clarke ~lConnection More than a store A unique experience ONE OKA MID AND-MADE CANA DIN CRAFI POTTEIRY - WOOD - SILKS - TOYS ANiD MUCH MUCH MORE - MAIN STREET, ORONO 983-9314 T .-FRI.llto6 SAT.9to5 COMMUNITY LIAISON GROUP ~ SITING TASK FORCE Low-Ievel Radioactive Waste Management GROUP DE LIAISON COMMUNAUTAIRE GROUP DE TRAVAIL Choix d'un site de gestion des déchets faiblement radioactifs The Clarlngton Technical Worklng Group - Remedial Action Plan (Dlg and Move Commlttee) The Technical Working Group (Clarington) meets every Tuesday evening at: Time: 7:00 p.m. Location: Clarington Community Liaison Resource Centre Village of Newcastle Consultant: Dr. David DuBois, Golder Assoc. Ltd. This meeting is calied to discuss the draft discussion document. This draft discussion document has been prepared to assist the TWG (RAP) in selecting appropriate remedial technologies for the decommissioning of the Port Granby Waste Management FaclIIty. For further Information cal! Dana Kerr 987-7786 mýil