~Il t., t>. O5 rono'Weky Jittes Inc. GS.T. Serving Orono, Newcastle, Newtonville, Kendal, $tarkvllle Vol. 58, No. 6 -ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9,1994 Celebrates 9Oth birthday There were many friends and birthday cake, cookies and relatives presenit to express best refreshments were served. wishes to Pearl Clark< of Kendal Mrs. Clark was bora and raised on Saturday on celebrating ber in Kendal and is well known and 9th birthday. The traditional liked in the community. Orono Ski Jumper to conipete in Europe Jeremy Blackburn of Orono leaves later this month to compete in Ski Jumping in Europe. He will represent, Canada in competitions in both Germany and Austria. The 18 year old Orono boy recently finished second over-ali in the Canadian Championiships held in Thunder Bay. His combined placings of second in the 120 metre Big Hil Championship event and third in the 90 metre lump left him just behind Canadian champion John Lockyer. Blackburn bas his sights set on the 1995 World Championship which is being held in Thunder Bay. He hopes to have reached his peak at this time in his ski jumping career. United Church raises $20,000 for Church camps &rtet .A three year project to raise $20,000 bas been successfully completed by the congregation of the Orono United through their Quinte-Can Committee. The Orono UnitedChurcb was a leader in the Oshawa Presbytery in meeting their target sum to assist church sponsored camps and Retreat Centres under the umbrella of the Bay of Quinte Conference. The Bay of Quinte Conference set a target of $2.3 million to update the five camps and retreat centres that are used through the churches. The camps and retreat centres listed are Quin-Mo Lac camp, Camp Lauren, along witb retreats at Five Oaks, Stewart Hlouse and Golden Lake. The Orono congregation set out to raise $20,000 as their share of the $2.3 million target and saw the successful completion of the fund raising venture this past year. The local Quin-Can commitee was chaired by Mr. Ed Milîson of the Village, In speaking with Mrs. Dorothy Robinson of the group she said that Mr. Milîsoni had encouraged the group to the success in reaching the target. She also said the local cburcb is most interested in Camp Quin- Mo-Lac wbere last year funds were spent to build an inlake swimming pool and as well undertake roof repairs on the cabins at the camp. Last year 33 children from the Orono congregation were supported in their attendance at Camp Quin-Mo-Lac. Registrations are now being taken for tie summer of 1994. Girl Guides on the Cookie trait C"ýlaringtonr Concert Band ists tentative events seeks adding new members to present thirty-five Thie Clarington Concert Band at a recent meeting of the executive set tentative dates for concerts that would be held up te July. Heading the list are two dates in April that are definite. The Concert Band bas contracted to play at Fairview Manor in Whitby on April 7th and the following Thursday evenîng playing a concert ini the Orono Town Hall. A May 5dh date remains open while it bas been tentatively set to play in Bowmanville at the Town Hall on May 26th, followed'by a June 9th date to play in the Village of Newcastle. The band then is set te play at the Canada Day celebrations, July 1 at the Orono Park and back to Bowmanville on July l4th. Further concerts are expected to be set as we move dloser to the summier and fall months. Mr. David Climenhage reports that sale of Nevada tickets at Mabel's Country Cafe in Orono have been constant since the start two months ago and that if sales continue at the present rate the band can expect to raise $8,000.00 over a twelve montb period. Mr. Climenhiage is to undertake negotiations witb tbe Orono Town Hall Board for the rental of one of the downstairs Happenings-. . Valentines Dance Tickets are stili available for the Hockey Parents Valentine's Dance, February l2th at the Orono Mrena & Community Centre. For tickets and information cail 983-5791. Proceeds go to support minor hockey in Orono. Pancake Luncheon The Newtonville United Churcb will be holding a Pancake Luncheon on -Sunday, February l3th from 11:00 a.m. c- 1:00 p.m. its $4.00, children 4-10 years $2.00. fhe Great Canadian Care Package Everyone can talk part in a promotion by the IGA as to encouragement for young Canadian Athietes seeking Gold at the Lillehammer Winter Olympics in Norway. The IGA in partnership with the Red Rocket Sports Foundation have sent Care packages over the Canadian athletes and are sending over Hometown Hero posters on which the IGA is asking people to sign noting their encouragement to those so far from borne. The local Armistrong IGA has posters for signing and ask that customer take the opportunity to pass along encouragement. rooms. The band is in need of space to store equipment, music and as well a place to practice for small groups and to hold meetings. He said be understood that one of the rooms may become available in the near future. The director of music, Barry Hodgins was authorized to purchase one piece of music a month for the band which range in price from $ 100.00 to $150.00 for the full band. Mr. Barry Hodgins recom- mended that tbe band endeavour to increase their compliment of musicians to include a baritone saxophone, a bass clarinet, and add to the number of french horns and trumpets. The band presently bas a compliment of close to thirty-five members. 'Uniteàud Cý";hurch Statisties The 1993 statistics of the Orono United Cburcb Pastoral charges are as follows: Total resident members - Orono 239; Kirby 50. Total non-resident members: Orono 49; Kirbyl13., STotal weddings in 1993 - 10; total baptisms 13; total burials il; confirmations 3 and transfers 2. Satu rday, February Sth marked the beginning of the 1994 Spring Girl Guide C ookie Campaign in Ontario. The Girl Guide Cookie program began in Ontario in 1917 when a total of nine thousand boxes were sold. The revenue was used to place a new roof on the barn of the Toronto Guide Camp. Since that time cookie sales have become a tradition in Canada. They are now the major source of revenue for Guidmng in Ontario and are vital for the provision of programs for the girls and women of the organization. In 1993 2,952,288 boxes were sold in Ontario alone. Each box of cookies contains a two-row -assortment (one vanilla sandwich with cream filling, the other chocolate sandwich with chocolate cream filling> selling for $2.50. The local Orono organization is asking that you welcome and support the Sparks, Brownies, Guides and Pathfinders wben they knock at doors locally by ordering a box or two of the Girl Guide cookies. Delivery is scheduled for mid April. If you are not visited by a girl ordesr can be placed with Marg Crashley, 983-9698 during the month of February. Above Mrs.,Agnes Woodyard welcome Guides Lauren Crashley (left) and Ashlynn Ostrander (right) of the lst Orono Guide Company.