~t4 ~ Ooeno Ws.!dy TIn1es~ Wednesday5 Februasy I é, 1904 li 7e ~ pple Blossom FLOWERS & GIFTS Orono 983-9155 Oshawa 433-2515 W. don ljust specialize - We make every orderspecial. "Haîr Flair" For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 Drono Eloctric Mt. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TVs - HI-Fis Sales and Service Hopoint - R.C.A. White Westinghouse Frigidaire - Whirlpool Wood's Freezers Magic Chef- Hoover 983-5108 1 Barina Homie Check " Vacation Home Checlng " Let us make your homne " lk ived in *Wedding Day Services *Reliable References INSUREO Darb Shoter - Ina Cox NE WTON VILLE (905) 786-2996 F10 WERS PLUS FLOWERS GIFTS and CRAFTS 46 King Street East Newcastle, Ontario 987-1500 Betty Lycett 983-5908 Wilda Middteton 983-9819 PATRICK G. DEEGAN DENTURE THERAPY CLINIO 5 George Street, Bowmanville, Ontario 623-4473 *GR UN DY' S Country Iipholstory Quality Work In Upholstery RAR 2 Orono, Ont. 983-9874 Bryon Grundy j mm Au The famnily of Ros & Don. Mrcer cordially invite you ta attend an Open House in honour of their 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Saturday, February l9th Orono Arena & Communfty Centre 6 pm. - 8 pin. OpenHanse 9 pan. - 1 a.m. Dance Best Wishes 9,16, ac East Durham Historical Society MERITAGE SHOWCASE Sunday, February 2th 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p. Lions' Centre, Port Hope Displays of memorabiia sud antiques Everyone Welcome Free Caffee - Admission $1.00 9,16, ac Folk Art Supplies an d Classes Studio open Wed. & Thurs. 12 noon - 4 p.m. - Cther dîmes by appinirnent - 86 Church St., Orono, Ont. 983-U40 THE NATURAL NUT 5925 MAIN ST. N., ORONO Treatlments Avalable by Appointment OnIy * Peflexology Aromnatherapy *Therapeutie Touch and other natural therapies Please col Sandra Topper 983-8162 Mon. - Sat. 10 a.m. 10 4 p.m. Eveninga 6 p.m. ta 9 p.m. Newtonville U.C.W. ROAST BEEF 1SUPPER Plus Entertanment Saturday, March l9th 6:30 p.m. Newtonvie C E. Rootu Tickets $10.00 each Phone 786-2239 or 786-2286 Proceeds towards Church work. 16,23, cpi Used Sega & Super Nintendo games and players. Will buy seil or trade. Caîl Linda 372-4110.tf MITSUBISHI Big' Screen T.V., 33" up ta 50"*, from $888 or $10.00 per week. No Money Down. SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, 1000 William St., -Cobourg, 373-0265- tfn TECHNICS 220 watt Stemeo Package, emte, multi CD, dual cassette, stand & speakers, $12.00 per week. SHOWTIME T.V. & STERËO, 1000 William St., Cobourg. 373-0265- tin CLARION Car Stereo System. Fits any make, any model. Deck, amp speakers, installed, only $9.00 per week. SHOWTIME T.V. & STEREO, 1000 William St., Cobourg, 373-0265.. tfn. SEASONED FIREWOOD 25 acres of Firewood 4'x4'x8' - $40.00 Delivery Available ROKA LUMBER 1 mile south of Pontypool on Hwy. 35 Established 1963 ,t,, OCTOBER '93 STOCK HARDWOOD FIREWOOD Stored Dry Inside Buildings NO G.S.T. 4' x 8' x 12" - $52.00 (For 12' Dhone for availabilityl 4! x 8' x 16" - $60.00 Pontypool Concrete Products Since 1975 Located 1-1/4 miles south of Pontypool on Hwy. 35 CLOSED SUNDAY (705) 277-2442 Size 3 short sleeved wedding dress, cleaned and boxed, $375.00. Also, pearl headbsud head piece with detachable veil, fmngertip length. $75.00. After 4:00 pam. 983-938 1. Fcb. 16-Mar. 23 cpn LIKE NEW! One large copper cockateil bird cage with floorstand and accessaries' $65.00. Also one white csuary bird cage with accessories $25.00. After 4:00 p.m. 983-9381. Feb. 16-Mar. 9 cpn N Orano, 2 bedroom apartmnent, applisuces and ail utilities included, $625.00 monthly. Well decorated. Phone 983-5301, 5147. Available March 1, 1994. SELF STORAGE UNITS For rent, Newcastle Village from $39 'CHECK OUR RATES' Now Available'10'x20' 10'xl5', l0'xlO', 5'xlO* Phone Lori at Newcastle Storage 987-3211 'fi B uiding Suppliesani SHardware *Barn StéelI - Sikkens Stain *Hemlockç for Fonces - and Staîls Cent, foAiYour BuikiL'uNeed' (705)277-3381 or (905) 4346665 (avenlngs> ONHWW. 35,2 MILES NORTH 0F HWV.Il15 MacOR EGÔR & WEST ,' Auction Service ESTATES, CONSIGNMVENTS'. 1HOUSEHOLDS BANKRUPTCIES, FARMS SoId atyour location or at ours STORAGE & TRUCKING Cali for a Free Confidential Consultation m. MacGregar 905-987-5402 Junior West 9057983-5556 COMMERCIAL SPACE for rent in new modern building, on Main Street, Orono. Suitable for store/office. Approx. 500 sq. ft. $350 per month. Ed VanhaverbekefAssociate Broker, NRS Edvan Realty Ltd. Cail 987-3211. Z,16,23, ac Large 800 sq. ft. bachelor apt., 2nd floor in beautiful country home, minutes from 401, private entrance & parking, fridge & stove, heat & hydro included, 8550/single or $650/couple. Ca11 987-1043. CAMPNEY- Steven and Annette, Ryan and Alex are pleased to announce the arrival of a little girl te their home. Jennifer Jean Caroline arrived on Wednesday, February 2 at Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. Proud grandparents are Joan and Lynn Pearce of Newtonville, Bruce and Sandra Campney of Courtice and Helen Westgarth and Clarence Smockuma of Sutten. Many, many thanks te proud Auntie Regan, we couldn't have' made it thraugh without you. Steven and I would also like to thank -the wonderful maternity staff at Bowmanville Memorial who made a trying event, a wonderful experience. Also thanks te Dr. Westgarth for his care. 116,ap The family of the'late Viola Little wish to express Our thanks to relatives, friends and neighbaurs duming mother's illness sud et the time of her death, for cards, flowers, food sud donations.. The Downes Families i 16,ap Thanks ta my family sud friends for fiowers, cards sud good wishes onthe occasion of my birthday. You made it very special. Leila Wermy The Orana Hockey Parents Association wauld like te thsuk the following businesses Apple Blossom Shop, Orano Village Bake Shop, Siemon Winery, sud Stutt's Pharmacy. for their donations of doar prizes in su pport cf aur Valentines Dance held last Sattrday, February 12. We would also like ta thank al those in attendance who helped ta make a most- enjoyable evening 'for everyone. 6c ESTATE AUCTION Grist Mill Auction Centre Newtonvlle FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10TH 6:30 p>m. Selling the Estate of the late Edward Bridges, Port Hope, 5 pc. walnut bedroom suite, Victorian parlour tables; 3 pc. chesterfield suite; pim chairs;, pressback chairs; blanket boxes; dlocks (Pequegnat); watches; books; linenh; pie table and cupboard;, glassware fine china; oul lamps; bridge lampi; table lamps; Victorian ornate sideboard; drop leaf tables; kitchenware; appliances; fridge; stove; washer; dryer; quantity of aid woodworking tools; and numerous other, interesting articles. TERMS: Cash or Good Choque ith LD. AUCTIXEER Frank Stapleton - 78#&2244 16ea MacGregor West AUCION SALE Antiques, Colilocables & Househoid Effecis -SUNDAY, FEBRUARY WOH 12-.00 (vlewlng 10:30) ORONO TOWN HALL ain St., Orono Auction features a selection of antique furnitume in refinished sud as found condition, plus a large offeing of collectables found in and around the home. Partial list includes Hoosier cupboard (in paint); oak buffet, (ef.); deacons bench; childs desk; pine bonnet chest; Quebec blanket box; misc. chairs sud rockers (pressbacks, early stendiled gun stock, etc.); oak'table & 8 oak chairs; iron sud wood beds; signed decoy from Wolfe Island; collection of costume dails; quilts; glass and china; old tins; toys; bottles etc. This is anly a small ad wi th the larger portion Of this sale still te be unpacked. Cailfor alyou Auction nee&rs (Next Sale March 6th) MacGrogor & West Aucions Mike MacGregor 905-50 Junior Wet 906-4558 16.ac Alison Piestley R.N. SReIxadon Therapy Home Visits by Appointment (905) 983-9607 179 Church St., Orono, ONT. LOB iMo 1 Non-Sports Cards & es Memorabilia MNVASqIOUN 1~ \9</ J%. 'GIS' 44 KIng St. W. Bowmanville, Ont. Li C 1 R3 .(905) 623-9778 Comic Books Nascar Product Impors FOR RENT STAFFORD MONUMENTS 143 King St. E. Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-8150 OUT OF TOWN CALL TOLL FREF 1-800-461-4848 GRANITE MONUMENTS MARKERS and CEMETERY LETTERING PRIVATE HO or SHOWROOm.. APPOINTMENT AVAILABL ÀLL F 1 REFERENCES AVAlLABLEý 0NREQÙFSio ;ýý-e, Ilowe'i jlsAACcý pur S ÀVAIË 1 1 je..%È 0\6 aeo CO\\ec,ý, - -