h - -.h., 45e rn ekz 'Times fric.Servîng Orono, Newcastle, Newtonville, Kendaî, StarkvilIs Vol. 58, No. 7 ORONO, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16,1994 opens new Orono business Provincial Review Tribunal grants 24.4 % rentai increase for Wilmot Creek owner Residents ofWilmot Creek may well be fading rentai hikes of 24.4 percent followlag a ruiing by the provincial review tribunal and handed down on February 4th. The ruling aise opened the option for Fine Ridge Park hIc, te seek retroactive payments of the increase back te January of 1989. 1It bas been stated that in some cases the retroactive payments could be as mucb as $6,000.00. The Wilmet Creek community now bas aimost 600 homes whicb bave been deveieped since 1983. The cemmunity is located just south of the intersection of 401 and 115 higbway. Entrance te the Modular home park is by way of Bennett Road. Residents in the cemmunity own their own homes but lease the land on which their bouse sits. They pay a monthly rentai to Pine Ridge Park Inc. which cevers residential taxes, lease of land, maintenance fees for communal faiities sucb as gold course, cemmunity centre, swimming pool and others. Rentai payments vary from lease to lease but can be as high as $700.00 monthly. The land rental increase of 24.4 percent could add as much as $ 100.00 wo the ewners of homes in the rmtrement community. Pine Ridge Park Inc. first made application for the rent lacrease in 1989. The rent review tribunal passed down a decision in 1992 but the decision was appealed by Pine Ridge Park Imc in April of 1993. The company won its appeal as reported on February 4th of this year. The home owners have 30 days in which te appeal the decision. Already the Homeowners Association at Wilmot Creek have spent thousands of dollars in fighting die application. Mrs. Ruth Hinkiey, vice- president of the Association bas been reperted te, state that the Association will be meeting witb their lawyer withla the next few. days te ascertain if they have grounds te, appeal. The province stili bas te pass judgement on a further application submaitted for a rentai lacrease which Ruth Hinkley said couid add a further fifteen percent in rentais fer the home owners. It is feared that some may bave te seli their homes as a resuit of the rentai increases. Municcipality opens bids/design plans for' new Bowznanvi1lle Fire Station Mrs. Cindy Pound isholding until 3 p.m. and those interested heofficiai opening of ber new are asked to drop ina w ber studio enterprise, Village Ceramios at beused in the garage. ber home, 5015 Main Street, Arrangements can be made Orone. for classes at the time of the Mrs. Pound is offering opening. greenware, supplies, firing and . Mrs. Pound dispiays some of classes for ceramics. i1e greenware now available at The official opening is being the Village ceramic studio. beld this Saturday from 10 a.m. uRegion to retender Newcastle Village sewage treatment plant There bas been good news and to be constructed on lands now bad news for tbe Region of owned by Bramalea at the Durham as to the preposed new lakefront. The new plant would Newcastle' Village sewage replace the existing Graham treatmnent plant. Creek plant that now services The, bad news is that a Newcastle and Wilmot Creek. tendering of the plant came in It's capacity would take into over 26 percent above estimate. consideration the growth pattern The good news is that the set by the 1991 officiai plan for province is offering funding for the Region. the plant tbrougb their cdean It had been estimated by the water agency program. engineers that the proposed plant Late in 1993 thie Region caled would cost $8,539,000. tenders for the construction of the 0f nine tenders received the sewage treatment plant that was (Continued page 2) Happ eniu zngsa,,.s týe causes $60,000 in damages A fire Sunday afternoon reported around 2:00 p.m. bas caused upwards of $60,000 in damages. Damage was done te tbe first and second floor of the two-storey home west on the Fourth LUne of Clarke from IHighway 115 and next to the Wiimot Creek. - According te Fire Chief Creighton it is suspected that the fire started around a wood steve, then burnt througb the ceiling of the first and second floor Înto the attic. There were ne casualties or injuries reported as a result of the fire. Fire departmnents frorm Orono, Newcastle and Bowmanville responsed te the Sunday afternoon cail. The, Municipality of Claringtofn bas epened tender bids and design drawings fer the new fire hall te be built in west Bowmanvile on the nerth side of Highway 2.* The tenders were opened on Wednesday of last week It is expected that Joe Caruana, head of cemmunity services, will be recemmending which construction company should receive the cen tract te design and buiid the firehali within the next couple of weeks., Mr. Caruana bas said that the Municipality hepes te award- the centract by February 28th and then expects architect drawlags to be available to work could start la March. Completion of the preject bas been set for October lSth, 1994., Ontario Hydre is providing a sum of $1.2 million fer the fire hall construction which they want Sampsons, the team behind Morgan mare championship Trillium Pepper Shaker, a five year old purebred Morgan mare owned by the Flying Diamond Ranch Ltd. of Huntsville and curpntly on lease te the Trilhium Morgan Herse Farm eof Oreno, won the hotly contested 1993 Canadian Morgan Force Club's National Reserve Chamnpienship Mare award. Presentatiens wÎil be made at the Canadian Morgan Herse Club's Annual convention te be heid in British Columbia this March. The Sampsons, owners of the Triilium Morgan Herse Farm, pre pared and presented this beautiful young mare, whe was makingber debut in the show ring. They took ber ail the wayte the top, winning several chainpionships. Trillium Pepper Shaker, a daughter of the U.S. national champion, Shaker's Alimen and eut of Chandel Cerise, was sold wo Myke and Gord Fraser of the Flying Diamond Ranch, when she was just ene menth old. The Sarapsens leased the mare back la 1993 for breeding and shewing purposes. What makes this award se special,, is the fact that Pepper began bier show career at the samne time she took on the role of breodmare. In other words, she was pregnant tbroughout the entire, 1993 show season. The Sarapsons are anxiously awaiting the resuits this spring when Pepper delivers- ber first foal by the Trillium Farm's senior stallion, 24 year old Serenity Intrigue. The foal will carry bloodlines from its newly crowned champion dam and champion sire, including an 18 dîmes werld champion. Pepper wiIl return te Huntsville later this fail which should prove te be a glerieus homecoming for Canada's National Reserve Champion Morgan Mar. te have completed before the end oef the year. Ontario Hydro will beciosing eut their fire departinent when the new station is built and manned on a 24-heur basis by the Municipality- of Ciarington. Hydre is aise assisting in the additionai cest of the 324-heur service for the next ten years. The new Bowmanville Station wiil bave six bays compared te the preserit four in Bowmanville. It will aise have greater space for administration and more space for flrefighters. At the present time the Bowmanvilie Station is manned by four permanent firefighters frem 6 a.m. tiIl 6 p.m. Part-time firefighters are on cail for the evenings and night tine. The new station wiil be manned by four fuli-time flrefighters and a dispatcher en a 24 heur basis seven days a week. Fire chief Mike Creighton bas said tbat they willbceable to answer an alarra from the new station withla 6 minutes and te be followed up by cails te part-time fîrefighter. The Municipality bas yet to, clear the way for additionai access to higbway No. 2 from the new fire hall. The entran<ze way will bc close te that of the Bewmanville Arena access. A recent study undertaken by the Ontario Fire Marshals office and provided to the municipality showed that mest of Courtice couid be serviced frein the new Bewmanville station if iecated on Highway 2 just west in Bowmanviiie and providing the station was manned by permanent staff 24-heurs a day.